There is a very ridiculous trend in Chinese society, moral kidnapping and adding insult to injury People like them don't ask the reason clearly, and only rely on other people's words to define whether this person is right or wrong He would even beat and scold someone who has nothing to do with him in a stupid way!

I can't wait for this person to die directly!

But, dare I ask, do you know this guy?

Most people will answer, do not know!

At this moment, Qin Li looked at the person rushing towards him, opened the door directly, and then stood on the steps, staring at everyone coldly Suddenly, the people who were filled with righteous indignation just now stopped, and when they looked at Qin Li, they felt a little guilty for no reason Someone stuck his neck and suddenly shouted: "Stop what you are doing, this kind of person who cheats the common people's money should be beaten to death with a stick!"

Qin Li looked at that person instantly: "Just ask, who did I deceive?"

Everyone pointed at the old lady in an instant: "You cheated the old man, luckily you were discovered by the people of Tang's traditional Chinese medicine!"

Tang Bohuai also stood up at this moment, and looked at Qin Li with sarcasm in his eyes It seems to be saying that Qin Li is beyond his control!

Qin Li sneered: "Okay!" He walked down the steps and looked at the old lady, "Don't be nervous, just tell me, after I just had acupuncture, do you have a headache?"

"This... I, it doesn't hurt anymore." The old man was also taken aback, he didn't know who to trust "Okay." Qin Li nodded, looking at the young man who had just caught the old man, "I don't know how you can tell that my medicine can't be taken?"

"Where did you hear that I absconded in fear of crime and came back?"

"What evidence do you have to prove it!"

Qin Li's continuous angry questions frightened the young man into a fool He just wanted to help Master rectify Qin Li, but he didn't expect Qin Li to be so strong!

Seeing that some were out of control, the surrounding people also had the idea of ​​​​beginning to defect Tang Bohuai walked over immediately: "I'm a student who has just started studying. It's normal not to recognize these medicines. What are you fussing about with a child!"

"You, a doctor who has already graduated from the teacher, don't you even have this bit of guts? At worst, I'll give this old man a new medicine. He's just a child."

Tang Bohuai's words immediately unraveled everything at this moment What the young man said was a speculative lie without any substantive basis But there are still many people who look at Qin Li displeased: "That is, others just raise questions, and you act like you have offended you!"

"There is no medical ethics at all!"

At this moment, the old man picked up the medicine that Tang's traditional Chinese medicine had re-prepared, and turned to leave, but Qin Li grabbed his wrist "May I have a look?"

The old man paused and handed it to Qin Li But just when Qin Li was about to take it, Tang Bohuai blocked Qin Li: "What? Can't you trust my Tang family doctor?"

Qin Li laughed, really laughing out of anger I put up with you once or twice, and you come a third time, do you really think I, Qin Li, have no temper?

Your people fucked me first, but they said it was nothing but a child!

Why, only the state officials are allowed to set fire and the people are not allowed to light lamps?

You Tang's have such a great style!

"It's because you can't trust yourselves, why? Don't you have the confidence to let me check?" Qin Li sneered Tang Bohuai's face darkened instantly, and he withdrew his hand Seeing Qin Li read them one by one, handed the traditional Chinese medicine to the grandmother, and then left, Tang Bohuai sat back with a cold snort And Qin Li turned around and was about to close the door But at this moment, an old man in a tunic suit sat in front of Tang Bohuai, and suddenly took off his hat The dense blister-like bumps on one end appeared in front of everyone in an instant People with trypophobia suddenly closed their eyes!

And Qin Li was stunned for a moment unseen cases At that moment, he didn't close the door again, but sat on the stool and watched from afar Tang Bohuai was also taken aback for a moment, he didn't expect such a special patient to come to his door, so he immediately started diagnosis and treatment There were too many people watching him at the moment, so he pulled all the people from Qiankun Hall over. If something went wrong, the entire Tang family of Chinese medicine would be criticized Most importantly, that Qin Li is also waiting to see his joke now!

If Qin Li knew what Tang Bohuai was thinking, he would definitely laugh out loud. Did he see Tang Bohuai's joke?


Tang Bohuai didn't know that Qin Li didn't treat Chinese medicine as a meal. And now the door is not closed, just curious about this case!

"Old man, how long have you been sick?" Tang Bohuai began to ask one by one About eight minutes later, Tang Bohuai began to diagnose and treat the old man, starting with acupuncture Seeing this scene, Qin Li raised his eyebrows He saw it now and saw that the old man was infected with a virus. If he wanted acupuncture, he needed to use fire-roasted acupuncture for treatment, along with a certain amount of anti-inflammatory drugs But when Qin Li saw that Tang Bohuai used the silver needles he took out from the freezer to start acupuncture, he frowned immediately!

This Tang Bohuai really doesn't know how to cure diseases, he pretends to know what he doesn't know!

Qin Li immediately stood up and was about to walk over!

But at the next moment, he stopped in his tracks The old man chose Tang's Chinese medicine doctor, and he must have believed in Tang Bohuai's level. If he suddenly intervened, the old man would not accept his favor Instead of entanglement, it is better to take the last shot Qin Li estimated that the time would not be wrong, so he didn't move at the moment "Oh, man!"

Suddenly a cold snort sounded, Qin Li turned his head and saw Liang Qing glanced at him walking away Qin Li was stunned at the moment, what happened to me?

As everyone knows, Liang Qing has been trained for a long time and is most sensitive to breath Just now, Qin Li's breath changed so quickly that Liang Qing couldn't help but sneer Qin Li shook his head, and was about to look at Tang again, when he suddenly saw the old man's blue face, and sweat dripping down Tang Bohuai's face The people watching around were dumbfounded What's going on here?

But Qin Li couldn't sit still anymore, no, if this continues, the old man will probably be in great pain!

Although he wanted to watch the play until the end, his conscience told him that he couldn't just watch it like this, he had to stop it!

Qin Li stood up resolutely: "If you don't stop, this old man's body will be destroyed by you!"

Qin Li's words made Tang Bohuai's body tremble, and these words made him stop again!

He doesn't!

Tang Bohuai gritted his teeth: "If you don't understand, get out, I want you to take care of me?"

"This is my patient, you Qiankuntang has no right to intervene!"

Qin Li's face turned livid in an instant: "You also know that this is a patient, not your experimental tool. You haven't seen this case, have you? Acupuncture for this kind of person must be baked with fire, not frozen!"

"You were wrong at the very beginning! If you don't stop now, the virus in the old man's body will multiply rapidly, and the consequences will be disastrous!"

But Qin Li came too late. Just as he finished his sentence, the old man's face turned purple, and the next moment a mouthful of black blood spurted out, and he lay on the ground with a bang!

In an instant, the entire area around Tang's TCM was deadly silent Immediately afterwards, there were screams and calls for help!

Many people who wanted to see a doctor at Tang's changed their complexions and strode back!

Seeing this, Qin Li's heart skipped a beat, and he hurried forward, and touched a few acupuncture points on the old man's body!

In an instant, the old man's face returned to normal, but blood was still spitting out from his mouth!

"What are you doing, you are not qualified to touch my patient! What do you think you are!"

At this time, Tang Bohuai will push Qin Li even if he makes a move!

And Tang Bohuai's disciples around him also wanted to throw Qin Li away!

Qin Li was angry: "Parents of doctors, you people who treat patients as toys are not worthy of being called doctors! Get lost!"


Qin Li raised his foot, turned over suddenly, kicked Tang Bohuai fiercely and flew out!

Another kick, Tang Bohuai's disciple was also kicked to the ground!

No one was in the way, Qin Li hurriedly pierced the old man's Baihui acupoint with the silver needle in his hand, and shouted at the crowd "Who has a lighter for me!"

There happened to be a young man standing next to him, who turned out to be the young man who first went to see a doctor at Qin Li's side, and then came to Tang Bohuai's place "Me again!" The young man handed Qin Li a plastic lighter Qin Li quickly lit the fire, burned it several times on the three silver needles, and then suddenly pierced the silver needles in the old man's Fengchi, Sanzuli, and Tianting He also used ordinary silver needles to pierce eleven of them into the old man's chest!

"Pfft!" Suddenly the old man spat out a mouthful of bright red blood, and the blisters on his head slowly dried up one by one As the blisters dried up, the dozens of silver needles quickly turned black!

Then the old man finally recovered his breath and slowly opened his eyes Qin Li quickly pulled out the silver needle, and circled the old man's Baihui acupoint with spiritual energy, before helping the old man to stand up Let the old man sit on a chair to rest, and then looked at Tang Bohuai: "Huaxia is ashamed to have a Chinese medicine doctor like you!"

After saying that, Qin Li turned around and walked towards the Qiankun Hall. Just as he was about to close the door, he found that all the patients who were at Tang's door just now walked to Qin Li's side The first few patients who were at Qin Li's side at first, and then went to Tang's, looked embarrassed "I'm sorry, Doctor Qin, we'd better see a doctor at your place."

"What kind of bullshit is the number one genius doctor, the number one fake doctor is almost the same."

"It's all about death, who dares to see a doctor over there!"

"Dr. Qin is still reliable. Just now we tied up that Tang family member and scolded Dr. Qin. I really deserve to die!"

Qin Li sighed and was about to speak when Tang Bohuai stood up and shouted at Qin Li across the street "Qin Li, do you dare to compare with me?"

Qin Li frowned: "Compared to what?"

Tang Bohuai's face was sullen: "Look at all the patients here! I just missed it!"

"Now I'm competing with you, whoever makes mistakes first will get out of the Chinese medicine field forever! And cut off a hand!"

"How? Do you dare?"


Cut off a hand?

so ruthless?

Everyone thought Tang Bohuai was crazy!

In an instant, everyone turned their heads to look at Qin Li, holding their breath. Faced with Tang Bohuai's crazy challenge, will Dr. Qin agree?

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