At the moment when Chu Qingyin and Liu Minghao arrived, Qin Li had just got off the car, and Liu Wan received a call "Transferred to the intensive care unit? Wasn't it fine yesterday? What's going on?"

Holding the phone, Liu Wan froze in place as if she had been clicked, her face full of panic "Okay, I'll be there right away."

After Liu Wan finished speaking, she ran directly into the hospital Seeing this, Qin Li quickly followed Liu Wan was stunned when she saw Qin Li's figure, and she apologized a little: "I'm sorry, I don't need you here anymore. My father has already been transferred to the intensive care unit, and maybe he will have surgery today."

Liu Wan intends to let Qin Li see it, maybe there will be a little luck But now the condition is serious, in her opinion, Qin Li does not have the ability to treat a critically ill patient Qin Li smiled slightly: "Mrs. Liu, don't worry, I haven't seen the patient yet, maybe I can save it? If I can't save it, I will take a look outside, so I won't delay you."

He is not the Virgin, nor is he an idle asshole After obtaining those powers, today is the first time to use them. Qin Li wants to see what level this ability is at!

And today is an important opportunity!

Liu Wan pondered for a while. After all, she was the one who called Qin Li, and it was really inappropriate to ask people to leave now, so she nodded in response All the way to the ward, Qin Li saw the old man lying on the hospital bed covered with tubes The two quickly changed into sterile clothes and walked in. There were still two people in the ward at the moment, and Qin Li immediately recognized that one of them was Secretary Liu who had just taken office The other is a foreigner As soon as Liu Wan entered, Secretary Liu turned his head and looked over: "You are here."

As soon as he finished speaking, he frowned and stared at Qin Li: "Who is he?"

Liu Wan said: "It's a Chinese medicine doctor. He cured the acne on my face these few days. I want him to come and see my father's illness."

Secretary Liu looked Qin Li up and down: "Such a young Chinese medicine doctor? Boy, show me your medical qualification certificate."

Qin Li smiled: "I don't have a medical qualification certificate, but I am sure to cure this old man."

As soon as he came in, he looked at the old man on the bed. The old man was suffering from hidden diseases, and the situation at the moment was a bit strange "Hahaha! Don't be ashamed, a brat with no medical qualifications said he could cure my father. Sister, are you out of your wits, and even brought this kind of person!"

"Let him go out, I have someone here. This is a German internal medicine doctor, one of the best doctors, who flew here specially to operate on my father."

Liu Wan frowned, feeling a bit embarrassed at the moment, but she still turned her head: "Little brother, I'm sorry, please go back."

Qin Li pursed his lips. Everyone talked about this, and he was not interested in putting a hot face on a cold ass He turned around and was about to leave the intensive care room But at this moment, the old man who was frowning on the bed suddenly twitched all over, and made a whooping sound with a hideous face, as if he was about to die!

This situation stunned the four people present, and Secretary Liu's face turned pale instantly!

"Dad! What's wrong with you, Dad? Doctor Mickey, take a look, what's wrong with my father?"

Secretary Liu grabbed hold of a life-saving straw and pushed Miki to the hospital bed Qin Li, who was about to go out, also turned his head to look at this moment. Liu Wan stepped forward, not in the mood to care whether Qin Li would go or not For a moment, the whole ward was filled with a sense of panic "It's okay, it's just that the heart is not breathing smoothly, which caused the heart to convulse for a moment. In this case, a tranquilizer will be enough." Mickey said

"Then call quickly." Secretary Liu was anxious Qin Li frowned at this moment, tranquilizer?

He gritted his teeth and stepped forward: "Do you know the old man's condition? Although he has cardiovascular disease, there are hidden diseases in his body, and his constitution is repulsive. This injection is enough to push him into the abyss!"

"You know what a fart! Is it possible that the German doctor I invited is not as good as you, a yellow-haired boy who doesn't even have a medical qualification certificate? Big sister, why isn't this person leaving!"

Secretary Liu was furious immediately, taking Qin Li's words as fart Liu Wan's complexion is also not good at the moment, she has given Qin Li face again and again, and this Qin Li is so ungrateful It seems that this Qin Li just fell in love with the 50 million she said at the beginning, and really blinded her eyes, falling in love with such a rubbish thing!

"If you don't leave, I'll call security!"

Liu Wan's expression was cold Seeing this, Qin Li took a deep breath: "Okay, I'll go. But I can guarantee that you will regret it!"

After saying that, he left the ward directly The moment he closed the ward, something slammed on the door of the ward Qin Li's body paused, and he could imagine that if he had walked slower just now, the thing would have hit his head!

Qin Li's eyes turned cold, and he kindly tried to persuade him, even if he didn't thank him, he actually did it!

A shout came from the ward: "What kind of bastard is that, how dare you curse my father!"

At the same time, two figures approached from the end of the corridor, bumping into Qin Li who had just left the ward and was scolded It was Chu Qingyin and Liu Minghao who came Just now, the two of them clearly saw the door behind Qin Li being smashed, and the sound of cursing coming from inside Liu Minghao's face was full of gloating, while Chu Qingyin's face was full of disgust "Now you know that being able to cure pimples is just luck?" Chu Qingyin sneered, "It's really a shame to be kicked out!"

"Qingyin, I didn't say, what are you doing for this kind of person? But he is no longer dumb, but trash is still trash, this cannot change the fact!"

Liu Minghao sneered: "Let's go, worry about this kind of trash and waste your time."

Chu Qingyin frowned: "You go first."

Liu Minghao was taken aback for a moment: "Qingyin?"

"This is my business and has nothing to do with you."

No matter how good Qin Li was, she was still Chu Qingyin's husband, and she felt uncomfortable hearing others say something about her husband here Liu Minghao's eyes suddenly became gloomy And at this moment, the door of the ward was suddenly opened, and a heart-piercing shout came from inside: "Dad! What's wrong with you, Dad, wake up!"

Qin Li immediately turned his head to look, and saw that the old man on the hospital bed passed out at this moment, and the heart rate monitor kept going downhill!

And the German doctor was stunned, and murmured: "Impossible, the tranquilizer is enough in this case, why did it get worse after the beating?"

But in an instant, the ward was filled with doctors, and all physicians from Yangcheng People's Hospital gathered here!

Cardiac compressions, electric shock therapy, and all kinds of first aid measures have been used, but it still doesn't help!

Mickey sighed: "We did our best, let's prepare for the funeral."

Liu Wan and Secretary Liu were lying in front of the old man's bed, crying hoarsely They didn't understand why their father fell into the abyss at this very moment At this moment, a figure walked up to Liu Wan "I can heal."

It was not loud, but it successfully attracted the attention of the entire ward "Qin Li?" Liu Wan was stunned, and hope rose in her heart: " can really cure it?"

"Get out!"

Secretary Liu suddenly said: "There is no place for you here, but a kid who is greedy for fame and fortune dares to pretend to be a Chinese medicine doctor!"

The whole ward was in chaos, Chu Qingyin was blocked outside, her face was full of disgust This Qin Li is so capable of making troubles, can he solve this situation!

When something really happens, the Chu family can't escape at all!

Secretary Liu's words caused a lot of sighs, and some of the doctors suddenly spoke in surprise "Are you Qin Li?"

Qin Li turned his head to look over, the person who spoke was a young doctor, whom he didn't recognize The young doctor's face was full of sarcasm: "Aren't you Chu Qingyin's dumb husband? A waste who entered Qingyin's house without a job, when will he be cured?"

In a word, everyone looked contemptuous Marriage?

Still a mute?

Combining these words, Qin Li at this moment is directly defined by them as a waste who wants to disregard human life!

Secretary Liu trembled even more when he heard this sentence: "Get lost! Don't make me say it a third time!"

Qin Li's face was cold: "Secretary Liu, this is your father. At this moment, the doctors in the entire ward are helpless. Let it go, you know the consequences!"

Secretary Liu was only a little clearer now, but he still gritted his teeth: "That has nothing to do with you!"

"Brother..." Liu Wan said tremblingly, "Since no one can treat it, why not let him see it."

"Hmph, you also know that so many doctors can't do anything. Mickey said that he has to prepare for his funeral. What can this kid do? It's just to attract my attention!"

At this moment, Secretary Liu looked at Qin Li with disgust "Secretary Liu, you dare to bet with me." Qin Li smiled. If he didn't see it today, he didn't have to treat it However, the doctor's parental heart, after inheriting the old man's medical skills and abilities, he knew that with greater ability comes greater responsibility If he sees it today, he won't turn his back on him!

"Bet?" Secretary Liu sneered, "What can you give me?"

"If I cured your father, you have to apologize to me. If I can't cure your father, you will directly arrest me and put me in jail! Even shoot me!"


so ruthless?

The male doctor who just mocked Qin Li was also stunned, and Chu Qingyin at the door gritted his teeth This fool must be sick!

Secretary Liu narrowed his eyes slightly. He didn't expect Qin Li to bet his life, and it was for his father Thinking of this, Secretary Liu's face softened a little, and he stepped back "Okay, I'll bet with you!"

Hearing this, Qin Li heaved a sigh of relief, stepped forward immediately, and quickly touched the old man's body with his hand He was determining the extent of the old man's bodily functions "It's dangerous, if it's later, it will be hopeless."

Qin Li said, looking at Secretary Liu: "I need a pair of silver needles!"

Secretary Liu immediately looked at the other doctors, and someone in the doctor immediately turned around to get it, and within a few tens of seconds, the silver needle was handed over to Qin Li Qin Li took the silver needle, and resolutely pierced the old man's acupuncture points with lightning speed!

And as he pierced every acupuncture point, a trace of spiritual power entered into this acupuncture point!

"What's the use of western medicine if you can get better by sticking a few acupuncture points?"

Mickey shook his head and sneered. He had already announced that he could arrange the funeral, which was equivalent to announcing the old man's death sentence In Germany, no one dared to question his authority If this kid hadn't risked his life, he would never allow anyone to tear down his signboard!

But the second after Mickey finished speaking, the old man on the bed suddenly trembled, and a mouthful of black blood spurted out!

Then his complexion quickly turned rosy, and his heart rate suddenly recovered!

For a moment, there was a dead silence all around!

"Okay." Qin Li put away all the silver needles, "Fortunately, the treatment was timely, and there is nothing I can do if it is delayed."

These words exploded in everyone's ears like thunder from the sky. The corner of Secretary Liu's mouth twitched, and he suddenly knelt down towards Qin Li with a bang!

"I'm confused!"

He hit his head hard on the ground, bleeding instantly: "Little brother, I, Liu, am sorry for you and my father!"

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