"What does Ling Shao mean by this?" Tang Bohuai looked at the visitor and didn't understand what he meant The appearance of this person surprised him, he didn't expect Ling Zhenyu and Qin Li to have a grudge!

Not to mention that Qin Li was so courageous that he dared to provoke Ling Zhenyu!

"Prescription, as you can see. However, this prescription is the secret recipe of Qiankuntang, so far, it has not started to flow out. Even the products from this prescription have not flowed out."

"Do you understand it?"

Tang Bohuai's eyes turned cold: "You mean, let me counterfeit this medicine and sell it under the name of Qiankuntang?"

"You don't need to sell it in large quantities. You just need to make it. I've already found someone. At that time, you just need to put some allergens into the medicine."

After finishing the words, Ling Zhenyu walked towards the door: "If you finish this matter, I will have a way for you to re-enter the Chinese medicine field."

After leaving these words, Ling Zhenyu turned and went out Tang Bohuai's eyes suddenly flashed a gleam of light. He held the prescription firmly in his hand, as if he had already seen the scene of Qin Li being imprisoned!

Qin Li didn't open the door today, but received the news from Jiang Jun that the original stone was coming Immediately, Qin Li planned to go out to visit the nearby villa area and buy a villa Otherwise, when the rough stone comes, there will be no place to put it It can't be placed in the backyard of the hospital, right?

The yard itself is not big, and there are Liang Qing's clothes in it, which is too messy "If you don't open the door today, will you go out with me?"

Qin Li asked Liang Qing Liang Qing was taken aback, then looked at Qin Li in astonishment: "Me?"

"Yeah." Qin Li nodded and said with a smile, "I haven't taken you out yet, I'm going to buy a villa, and you can live in the villa later."

Liang Qing's eyes lit up: "Is it possible?"

Qin Li nodded again. Liang Qing hadn't taken her out since she came here, and this woman might be too suffocated Otherwise, I used to be respectful to him, but lately I've always been huh, man, huh, man Liang Qing immediately locked the door, put on the sportswear Qin Li bought for her, and followed Qin Li to the outside of the street This street is connected to the Antique Street, and vehicles are not allowed to enter. Generally, taxis have to go to the street The two walked towards the end of the Antique Street, and when they saw the calligraphy and painting antiques on the Antique Street, Qin Li remembered that he said that he wanted to give the old man a blue and white Yuan Dynasty Later, because I was busy with various things, I forgot Now that we're here, there's nothing to do today, so let's choose an antique to take away I just bought a few more pieces and put them in my new home to add a touch of scenery Thinking of this, Qin Li pointed to these antiques: "Can you tell if they are real or not?"

Liang Qing shook her head: "I used to do missions and followed the team to protect the antiques from abroad, but I couldn't tell if they were real or not."

Qin Li glanced at Liang Qing. As soon as he walked to the street, Liang Qing, who had a human touch in the medical hall, immediately looked mechanical "How old were you when you started training? No parents?"

Liang Qing paused: "I grew up in the training camp at the age of three, and I don't have any parents in my impression."

Qin Li sighed, and suddenly reached out to touch Liang Qing's head Liang Qing reflexively wanted to dodge, but she held back, secretly thinking that this is her boss, her savior, not an enemy!

But Qin Li still noticed Liang Qing's tightly clenched fists, he sighed, and said suddenly: "Go to sleep in the future, sleep on the bed."

Qin Li didn't pay much attention to Liang Qing. Last night, when he got up and passed the room in the backyard, he saw Liang Qing sitting on the floor, sleeping against the wall!

He had seen Liang Qing's posture on TV before. When some special forces were exhausted from performing missions, they would sit and rest in the most hidden place in the room where they could spot the enemy immediately And it will also place the two legs well, so that it is convenient to jump up the first moment when the enemy is found!

He didn't expect Liang Qing to still maintain this habit!

Liang Qing pursed her lips, "Yes."

Qin Li narrowed his eyes and didn't say anything else. It's hard to change a person's habits. He didn't force it, but just reminded him in good faith "I don't want it, you are sick!"

Suddenly a voice came, Qin Li turned his head to look, and saw a roadside vendor who was holding a dagger and stuffing it into the arms of a rich young master "I dug this up from the countryside myself. It must be real. I don't want more, just 10,000 yuan! My wife has a difficult labor and I need money to treat her. Please, please!"

The vendor was a middle-aged man, one of his legs was lame, and he was staggering when he walked With a muddy face, holding the dagger in his hand, tears kept pouring out "Get out of here, I said no!" The young man raised his hand and pushed the middle-aged man aside, and walked straight away Seeing this, the middle-aged man sat on the ground decadently, and wept uncontrollably Qin Li frowned when he saw this scene. He had seen this kind of forced buying and selling before, so he didn't have much emotion When he was about to leave, his eyes were attracted by the dagger There was a scabbard on the dagger, but to Qin Li's astonishment, he could see a thick golden mist surrounding the dagger!


This is the first time he saw it The most authentic ones I have seen in the past are Baiwu. Could it be that this dagger is really a genuine one?

Qin Li raised his foot and walked towards the vendor "You bought it?" Liang Qing was puzzled, "have pity on him?"

"No." Qin Li smiled, "It's just that some people don't know the goods."

Liang Qing blinked her eyes, Qin Li was a mystery to her Her old-fashioned personality couldn't help but slowly change in front of Qin Li "I want this dagger." Qin Li said suddenly The man saw Qin Li approaching, but he knew that he must be another person who didn't like his things From morning to now, he has begged more than a dozen people who seem to be rich, and even said that he can borrow 10,000 from them and pay them back later But no one helped He is a cripple, there is no place to take him, the wife is still lying in the hospital, the doctor asked him to collect 100,000 yuan within a week, otherwise the adults will definitely not be able to keep it He borrowed money from east to west, and he only managed to raise 30,000 yuan so far. In the end, he had nowhere to go, so he followed a group of grave robbers to dig the grave He knew that it was unlucky to have something from a dead person, but he really had no choice!

But suddenly, the person who came said that he wanted it!

The middle-aged man was stunned for a moment, and then he was ecstatic: "You, are you serious? Are you really willing to have this dagger from me?"

Qin Li nodded and took out his wallet: "I'll give you 20,000."

Originally, when he planned to buy a house, he usually had to pay some deposit, so Qin Li brought 100,000 yuan in cash "No, ten thousand is enough." The man was flattered, he felt that today must be his lucky day, and his dead father must be blessing him in heaven!

"I'll take it for you." Qin Li wanted to help the man a little bit, but more because he knew that this dagger was absolutely priceless!

Ten thousand yuan is too much to treat this man The man immediately handed it to Qin Li: "A good man is rewarded, you are a good man, you will live a long life!"

Qin Li took the dagger with a smile: "Take the money and go for medical treatment."

The man let out a cry, with tears in his eyes, rode on the electric tricycle, and drove towards the distance "Is this thing a treasure?" Liang Qing didn't know why Qin Li smiled: "Let's go, I'll show you its true face."

Liang Qing followed Qin Li curiously, and the two stopped in a hidden alley If the wealth is not exposed, even if Qin Li is not afraid of trouble, he doesn't want to cause too much trouble As soon as he stopped, Qin Li took out a lighter from his pocket, lit the flame, and lighted the scabbard of the dagger for a while Then he pulled out the dagger and roasted it on the side of the dagger In this way, Qin Li put away the lighter, then exerted his strength slightly, and made a slight move Click click click!

In an instant, the black scabbard fell off like broken glass All the rust on the blade also fell off What reappeared in front of the two of them was a silver smooth shape, which seemed to be carved with scales, which was actually somewhat similar to the ancient dragon scales "This...couldn't be the dragon scale?" Liang Qing asked in a daze Qin Li's eyes were also full of brilliance Hey guys, this is a jackpot hit!

Dragon scale, but it is the first dagger in thousands of years!

Although not sure, Qin Li can at least be sure that this dagger is absolutely extraordinary!

Qin Li smiled and was about to put it down when he looked up and saw Liang Qing's bright and scary eyes Qin Li snorted and smiled: "Do you like it?"

Liang Qing froze for a moment, then quickly shook her head: "No."

Qin Li pondered for a while, then handed the dagger to Liang Qing: "I gave it to you."

After thinking about it, holding it is also a collection. After all, with his strength, no one can get close to him. This dagger may be useful for opening a beer bottle or something, so it is better to give it to Liang Qing Liang Qing's eyes suddenly straightened: "Give it, give it to me?"

She stammered, and suddenly her cheeks flushed: "Thank you boss!"

Qin Li looked helplessly at Liang Qing's excited expression Liang Qing took the dagger, and gently hugged it with the tissue in his pocket as if he were his own son, then put it in his close pocket, and then looked at Qin Li "Well, it's getting late, let's go and look at the house first, and then look at other antiques when we come back."

It's already noon Jiang Jun said that the rough stone will come tomorrow morning, and the villa must be bought today The two of them had just walked to the villa area and planned to go to the sales office when Qin Li's phone rang The caller ID turned out to be Chu Qingyin, and Qin Li connected: "What's wrong?"

The next moment, Chu Qingyin's voice came, crying and flustered: "Qin Li, you, come back quickly, something happened to Zitan!"

Qin Li's eyes froze suddenly, and he exchanged a glance with Liang Qing: "Alright, I'll go back now!"

Immediately, Qin Li handed the bank card in his pocket to Liang Qing: "I leave the matter of the house to you. I'll come and take a look tomorrow. Make sure to buy the villa today. I trust your vision!"

Patting Liang Qing on the shoulder, Qin Li turned around and left quickly Something happened to Chu Zitan?

Suddenly Qin Li thought of something, and his heart skipped a beat, the secret path was broken!

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