"Let's go!" Mo Yao kicked again, "You are a miracle doctor, take him to find a place to fall immediately, there may be a glimmer of hope, if so, he will die!"

"Uncle Zhang is going to die too!"

Mo Yao really wanted to slap Qin Li, but she has no strength now!

"I know, I know!" Qin Li roared suddenly, his eyes staring at the island in the distance, the pseudo-god realm was still standing there, spurting out mouthfuls of blood But he didn't have the extra strength to fly, so he looked at Qin Li with a smile and bared his bloody teeth Standing here, Qin Li seemed to be able to hear that man's triumphant laughter!

"Let's go!" Qin Li gritted his teeth, anger rushed into his mind Turning around, the figure rushed towards the sea again!

At this moment, the sky had already dawned, and in this place where the sea and the sky meet, everyone in Qin Li seemed to have rushed out of blood, their clothes were torn, and their bodies were covered with cuts and bruises Uncle Zhang and Xu Yinran were tightly held by Qin Li, and Qin Li himself was also flying up and down unsteadily This was a journey of killing one thousand enemies and harming eight hundred. Qin Li's eyes were filled with the color of blood He swears that from today on, he and this foreign organization will never die!

The sea is extremely vast. It took a cruise ship three hours to get to the closest place to the shore yesterday. If they flew directly across the sea today, something would happen!

"Qin Li, don't you have any support?" Mo Yao couldn't hold on anymore, she was still holding a man by her hand The nine masters following behind were also pale at the moment, flying with their eyes closed, as if they would fall directly to the bottom of the sea the next moment Xia Yufei and Wang Tianci took turns carrying the old man on their backs, if they hadn't carried it all at once, they would have fallen down long ago Xu Yinran's complexion has turned blue, his skin has started to turn cold, and Uncle Zhang is not much better!

Qin Li gritted his teeth: "Yeah, it should be here soon."

His voice was hoarse, and he returned weakly As soon as his words fell, there was a rumbling sound from the sky. Qin Li and the others looked up and saw a huge helicopter coming from a distance, stopped not far from Qin Li and the others, and opened the hatch "Excuse me, is this Mr. Qin? The Countess is waiting to pick you up!"

Qin Li raised his head and looked at a man in a tuxedo standing at the cabin door Then he gritted his teeth and raised his speed, approached quickly, and directly put Xu Yinran and Uncle Zhang on the seats, and looked at the man: "It's me."

The man was taken aback by the outfits of Qin Li and the others, his body was bloody, especially the hostility in Qin Li's eyes had not subsided The man was directly suppressed by Qin Li's coercion, and he was so oppressed that he couldn't speak. His teeth chattered for a long time before he uttered a word: "Okay."

Qin Li turned around and waved: "Get on the helicopter!"

Seeing this, Mo Yao gritted her teeth immediately, resisting the man with her small body, quickly came up, put the grandmaster with a broken leg aside, and collapsed on the ground Xia Yufei and the others also came in immediately This big helicopter can accommodate about thirty people After Qin Li and others came up, it was not crowded "You can go." Qin Li said lightly, "Remember, find a secret place."

The man in the tuxedo was frightened out of his wits. He didn't know, when did the countess have such a friend?

Can fly?

Still covered in blood?

Is it Chinese?

Is this world fantasy?

Not to mention him, even the pilot sitting in front of him was stupefied, closing the automatic hatch in fear, and then he posed as a helicopter and headed for the distance!

"Don't worry, Mr. Qin, Madam will make arrangements immediately after receiving your message."

"The location is in a private manor owned by Madam, which is heavily guarded and guarded by soldiers under Madam's brother."

Qin Li nodded, placed Uncle Zhang and Xu Yinran flat on the ground of the plane, and then took out the needle bag from the ring and spread it out He took out two large bottles of iodophor and crazily poured iodophor towards the injured places "Debridement." He said lightly, looking at Concubine Xia Yu, "Help me."

Concubine Xia Yu hurriedly put the old man away, put on the seat belt, and helped Qin Li pour iodine and clean the wound Qin Li took out a few needles and directly sewed up the wounds of the two Seeing this, the face of the tuxedo was so frightened that it almost turned pale.. This, this is directly stitched, this is on a plane!

He felt that what he saw today was more terrifying than what he saw in the first half of his life!

What kind of shit warship, compared to an aircraft carrier, this man is flying in the sky, covered in blood, terrible Wia Nothing at all!

Qin Li's eyes were bloodshot and his face was extremely pale, but his hands were fast and extremely steady Concubine Xia Yu glanced at Qin Li and found that Qin Li's lips were extremely chapped: "Mr. Qin, are you okay?"

Qin Li didn't hear the voice at all, only Xu Yinran and Xu Yinran existed in front of him Xu Yinran was wounded by a sword, but it contained spiritual energy, a sword pierced through his chest, even though the sword failed to hurt the lungs, but the spiritual energy directly destroyed the internal organs!

In such a situation, if Qin Li had not possessed the sky-reaching spell, there would be no other way "I can only hang on to Xu Yinran. If I can't find the medicine to save him within a month, Xu Yinran will definitely die."

Qin Li pierced the silver needle into Xu Yinran's body, and Fuxi's nine needles used both sides He murmured, his face a little stiff "It's my fault...my intelligence was wrong!"

Qin Li gritted his teeth and his eyes were red: "If, at that time, I could have reacted more quickly, I would have had a trace of aura."

"I won't let Xu Yinran block this sword for me!"

"If he didn't, didn't... didn't block the sword for me!"

Qin Li swallowed and spit However, there is no if at all!

Concubine Xia Yu burst into tears when she heard this, she couldn't bear to turn her head away, but saw Uncle Zhang's appearance at this moment A large piece of flesh had been dug out of his chest, and the inside had turned white, without blood. Qin Li couldn't suture it up, so he had to debride and acupuncture He even read the elixir into powder and sprinkled it on it Uncle Zhang snorted and still breathed a little bit, but it was almost none This state is probably not much better than Xu Yinran's Concubine Xia Yu burst into tears immediately, took a deep breath, and turned her head to see Mo Yao, who also had red eyes For a moment, the malice towards this woman in my heart was much less "Mr. Qin." Xia Yufei said, "Don't worry, you have such a wide network of contacts, and I also know a lot of people in the Taoist sect. If there is no way, there is Miss Mo."

"Her hidden forces must also know a lot of people."

"There is always a solution!"

Wang Tianci also nodded when he heard the words, and said weakly: "Mr. Qin, don't worry, the Wang family will definitely help!"

Mo Yao frowned and hummed: "I'll ask about the situation when I get back."

Qin Li smiled wryly, he is a doctor, how could he not know the situation of Xu Yinran and Uncle Zhang at the moment?

Zhang Shuben had already passed on his own life to Concubine Xia Yu in the form of Qi It took Qin Li a lot of effort to rescue him But this time, with such a serious injury, even if Qin Li could make Uncle Zhang's missing flesh grow back I'm afraid Uncle Zhang won't be able to survive With no luck, coupled with serious injuries, he was hit hard by the pseudo-god realm Qin Li closed his eyes and suffered a heavy loss!

The helicopter turned around suddenly, and then began to land slowly Qin Li got up and lowered his head, and saw a white manor in front of him And at the door, stood a gorgeously dressed woman, it was Isabella, the Countess Qin Li carried Xu Yinran on his back, and then brought Uncle Zhang to Wang Tianci Everyone got off the helicopter step by step with difficulty Isabella originally stepped forward to greet them with a smile on her face, but when she saw Qin Li and the others, she froze immediately A look of shock appeared on his face, and he reacted like lightning and said, "Medical team!"

Immediately, a group of clattering people came from a distance carrying a stretcher Xu Yinran, Uncle Zhang, the old man, and the grand master who had a broken leg were carried to the medical room Qin Li and the others followed closely "Mr. Qin, don't worry, I have already arranged everything, and the plane you said must return today is also ready." Isabella didn't ask much But she knew that after today's incident, she had captured the big man Qin Li!

On the same day, Qin Li was here to quickly deal with the situation of Xu Yinran and Uncle Zhang, the master The old man was already in a coma, and Qin Li couldn't find out what happened, so he had to wait until he returned to the capital to talk about anything else In the evening, the rescuer He Lao said arrived from above Take Qin Li and others to take the private plane specially arranged by the above, and fly to Huaxia Capital overnight!

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