A few people quickly entered the top floor of the Sutra Pavilion, where things were actually piled up However, it may be because no one came up here for a long time, and few people came to clean it, so the shelves were covered with a lot of dust "In it, there are basically some books that your parents brought out from the ancient ruins back then. There are a lot of ancient books in it, but they didn't get any exercises."

"Over there, there are the corpses of some monsters brought out after being killed from inside. The meat has been eaten, and they are all skeletons."

"Of course, there are a lot of monsters inside. Back then, your parents' cultivation was not very high. Although they entered, they could only kill some ordinary monsters!"

"Besides, your father said that the more you go in there, the higher the cultivation level of the monsters inside, and the more powerful they are, they dare not go too deep into it."

Having said that, Qin Badao paused for a moment, and then continued: "However, your father said that there is definitely a way to break through to the heavenly cultivation level, because they once saw a terrifying beast from a distance. Monster beast, that monster beast is scary even at a glance, its body is as big as a mountain peak!"

"No way, it's that big?"

After hearing this, Concubine Xia Yu was also shocked. The power that erupted from such a tall monster must be extremely terrifying. Maybe its cultivation is already at the sky level After all, in the forest on the side of the Qin family's branch, they have seen monsters that are almost as good as gods, but they are not so huge "Well, such a monster is probably a sky-level monster!"

Qin Badao nodded, and then said again: "Since the monsters are inside, they can break through to the heavenly level, why can't humans? Sure enough, we have seen some records about the heavenly level cultivation base from the ancient books inside. , It shows that there must be a way to break through to the heaven level and increase the lifespan. However, we haven't found a specific way."


Qin Li smiled wryly, and casually picked up a book and read it He found that some of them were written about medical treatment, which made him very happy, so he looked carefully However, he found that some of the medical skills were taught to him by Qin Badao, and there was no content about how to restore a person's heart that was about to fail "We have read most of the books here, but there are not many useful things. Some of them record some good spiritual herbs, but there are no such spiritual herbs outside."

Qin Badao continued from the side: "However, I believe that there must be something in the ancient ruins. Since there are records of this thing, there must be something."

Qin Li nodded, thought for a while and then asked Qin Badao: "By the way, how big is the ancient ruins? Did my parents tell me?"

Qin Badao smiled wryly, then walked directly to the other side, took out a map, and handed it to Qin Li: "This is a rough map drawn by your father and others when they were there, but the place they went to is not bad. , may be regarded as the periphery, the dark place inside, the blank place, they have never been there, they are all unknown. They don’t know how big it is inside. But, your dad said, there must be a breakthrough to the sky inside. The method of super cultivation!"

Qin Li nodded: "When my dad and the others went, their cultivation was not very high. If we go again now, we will definitely be able to go deeper into the ruins, and we should be able to find a way!"

Qin Li carefully memorized some of the things on the map, and looked at it again Concubine Xia Yu also walked to the side, took some books and began to flip through them casually Flipping through the pages, she frowned, and said, "Hey, this book is a bit strange!"

When Qin Li and Qin Badao heard this, they immediately looked at each other, and then walked over: "What's so strange?"

Concubine Xia Yu smiled, and then said: "This book obviously looks heavier and thicker than other books, but it doesn't have many sheets!"

Qin Li went over to take a closer look, compared it with another book, and exclaimed: "There is a layer hidden inside this book, it must be like this, otherwise, it wouldn't be so thick!

Qin Badao and others gasped after hearing this "Quickly tear it open and have a look!"

Qin Badao couldn't wait any longer. They had seen these people many times, but they didn't find anything special Unexpectedly, there are still hidden books in this book Qin Li carefully opened the first page, and then gently tore it open from the outside Sure enough, after tearing it open, there was still a piece of paper inside After he looked at it carefully, his heart beat faster: "My God, this is actually a book about the refining of elixir, and this article records the refining of a second-grade elixir." method of control."

"Second product!"

Qin Badao took a deep breath. All along, they knew the refining methods of some pills, but they were basically the refining methods of some common pills. Later, they got some high-grade pills with great difficulty. The method of refining medicine It's a pity that these are some first-grade pill refining methods, but it is really not easy to find materials for such a high-grade pill and refine it However, once the refining is successful, after refining it, it will be extremely scary in terms of the effect of improving the cultivation base For a long time, they have been thinking about whether there are higher-grade pills. Since there are first-grade pills, will there be second-grade or even third-grade pills But for a long time, such things have never been found in this world Now, from the book that was brought out from the ancient ruins back then, Qin Li actually discovered the prescriptions of first and second grade elixir In this way, doesn't it mean that it is really possible to have this second-grade elixir This is simply the biggest discovery in so many years In this way, if the second-grade elixir can be refined, I am afraid that the Qin family will soon have several more god-level powerhouses, and even if this thing is spread, the whole world may change Of course, such a discovery, the Qin family will naturally not spread it "This discovery, do you want to tell the Patriarch, there are other elders?"

After thinking about it for a while, the eighth elder asked "Can't tell him!"

Qin Li immediately said: "It's enough for the few of us to know about it now. The traitor who appeared back then was Qin Xiaotian. You have to keep this matter a secret first. When you are not sure about killing him, you can't say a word." Speak out!"

"Impossible? He is the head of the Qin family, how could he be a traitor back then?"

The current Eighth Elder obviously couldn't believe this fact After all, as the Eighth Elder, he was promoted to be the Eighth Elder after Qin Xiaotian appreciated him In other words, Qin Xiaotian even has the grace of knowing him "Eighth Elder, don't worry, I, Qin Li, will naturally not go after this matter indiscriminately. As for the crimes committed by the First Elder and Qin Xiaotian, I will naturally tell everyone when the time comes, but now is not the time!"

Qin Li looked at the other party seriously: "Didn't the Great Elder go out too? This guy just wanted to kill me, and even secretly went to the Huang family and the Long family to surround and kill me on the road. But , They didn't even know my strength at first, and they didn't even know that I was actually a mid-stage god-level cultivation, so now the Great Elder has been beheaded by me, as well as the people from the Huang family and the Long family. I also beheaded several strong men, including four elders with god-level cultivation..."

Qin Li roughly told everyone about the matter, and Qin Badao and others were completely shocked when they heard this Qin Li's cultivation has actually reached the middle stage of the god level, and he also beheaded the great elder, and even killed four god level powerhouses from the Huang family and the Long family, and five people from the late stage of the false god level , This combat power is too heaven-defying "Tear up all these and take a look. In addition, take a look, if there are any books like this, and if there are, find them all!"

Qin Li was extremely excited. After thinking for a while, he said, "Don't say anything about it, or there might be chaos in the world. This kind of thing is a treasure that the three hidden world sects all desire!"

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