Qin Li also looked at Liu Hongqiang without any weakness Liu Hongqiang didn't say anything, but turned to the door: "Take the patient to the intensive care unit!"

Several nurses nodded, and the rest of the doctors also walked outside. When they left, the way they looked at Qin Li changed!

The patient who had been abandoned by them, this person was actually saved!

It must be too legendary!

"How did you do it?" The little nurse who just wiped Qin Li's sweat asked curiously Qin Li also recovered some strength at this moment, stood up and walked out: "As long as you think about saving her, there will be many ways!"

The little nurse was stunned, looking at Qin Li with admiration This is the mentality that a real doctor should have!

Unlike today's People's Hospital, which is full of utilitarianism!

When treating a patient, the first reaction is not which drug to use, but which drug is more expensive!

Even the expensive ones are not as good as the cheap ones!

The little nurse pursed her lips, she suddenly didn't want to continue working here If you do too many things that destroy your conscience, you will definitely have to pay it back in the rest of your life!

When Qin Li went out, Zhou Ping had already followed his daughter Zhou Xuanyi to the intensive care unit Qin Li didn't go to Zhou Ping to say anything, but planned to take a taxi home alone But just as he went downstairs to the inpatient area, there was a sudden roar!


Like the sound of a bomb exploding, it suddenly came from upstairs!

Then, thick smoke billowed from one of the windows on the fifth floor of the inpatient department!

Immediately afterwards, a raging flame spread towards the surrounding rooms overwhelmingly!

In an instant, there were screams everywhere!

Qin Li was stunned for a moment, then looked upstairs!

It's winter now, the wind is strong, and the fire that was exposed in the window was blown by the wind and spread wildly upstairs and downstairs!

"Call an ambulance!"

"The heater in the ward on the fifth floor blew up, and sparks ignited the sheets and quilts in the room!"

"Quickly clear the escape route and escape with the patient!"

With this huge movement, the whole hospital erupted in an instant!

Hearing this sound, Zhou Ping rushed out of the floor, and saw the inpatient department on the opposite side full of fire, his eyes showed consternation this……

what happened?

All the doctors from the People's Hospital have been mobilized, but the patients in the inpatient department are all bedridden. They can carry one at most, and then go up again!

Seeing this, Qin Li hastened to join the rescue army!

"The ambulance is here!"

At this moment, someone shouted outside, and then, three or four pressure water guns sprayed towards the fifth floor!

But at this moment, the flames had already spread throughout the inpatient department!

Qin Li put down the tenth person he had rescued, and looked in the direction of the ambulance with a disheveled face The fire fighters quickly raised the ladder outside, and followed the people who came down from it Fortunately, the inpatient department has seven floors, and the fire truck's ladder can reach the twelfth floor!

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, the sudden fire was discovered early, and it was almost fatal!

But despite this, there were still several severe burns, and they were sent to the emergency department immediately!

Qin Li heaved a sigh of relief, and was about to leave when he suddenly heard the cry of a child in the inpatient department!

Qin Li's strength has reached the ears to hear all directions. Others can't hear it, but Qin Li can hear it!

It's broken, there are still people in this building!

At this moment, the firefighters who rescued people above also exclaimed: "There are still people on the fifth floor!"


Everyone immediately looked up!

Fifth floor?

Isn't that the floor where the fire started?

"There is another child in the private bathroom, the door is blocked and he can't get out!" The firefighter gritted his teeth and shouted, "Give me the axe, I'll go in and split the door!"

As soon as he finished speaking, there was a sudden bang!

In the room where the child was locked, suddenly an explosion sounded!

"The temperature in the room is too high, the heating is on, and this room is also blown up!"

The firefighter said that the people below were already tense At this moment, a woman who was slowly waking up from a coma stood up and suddenly turned pale with shock: "Where is my child? Where is my child!"

Everyone froze for a moment, and someone swallowed and looked at the lady: "Are you from the fifth floor?"

"Yes!" The woman was going crazy "Is your child in the bathroom?"

The woman was stunned for a moment, and she suddenly remembered that she was lying on the hospital bed, and her son said to go to the bathroom to wash her an apple to eat She is a divorced person, and the child was raised by her. As a result, when the winter just started, she was slipped by the icicle downstairs in the morning, fell and broke her leg No one sent her son to school, so she brought her to the hospital Her son is only seven and a half years old!

The woman collapsed instantly when she heard the explanations from the people around her: "That is my son, please save my son!"

She ran out crying and shouting, tearing at the firefighter's clothes!

The person standing on the ladder also had a hideous face at the moment, not because he didn't want to enter, but because he couldn't enter!

The whole room is filled with smoke at the moment, and the most important thing is that explosions are constantly ringing. If you go in, you will die, and you will not be able to bring the child back!

"Liu Hui, come down, I'll go!" The firefighter who was dragged by the woman suddenly gritted his teeth!

Everyone looked over, and everyone couldn't bear it!

This is life for life!

Zhou Ping walked over: "I am the secretary of Yangcheng. If anything happens to you, I, Zhou Ping, promise that I will treat your parents well! Thank you for your dedication to the people of Yangcheng!"

The firefighter instantly became jealous, he knew that this trip would never come back!

However, he couldn't just watch the child die inside!

But just when he was about to move, a figure suddenly pushed aside the crowd, pushed Liu Hui away, and rushed up the straight ladder in three or two steps!

"Qin Li!" Zhou Ping was stunned when he saw this person clearly, "What are you doing!"

This person is Qin Li, and he decided to do it himself after repeated construction in his heart!

Letting these soldiers go up is really looking for death, but he is different, he has spiritual energy to protect the body, and he can definitely save people!

There is no reason, as a doctor, he watched these soldiers die "Comrade, what are you doing? This is not where you should come, get down!" The firefighters standing on the ladder blocked Qin Li's way "I am a member of the former MI19. If I go in, I have a better chance of getting out alive than you!" Qin Li gritted his teeth and revealed the name of Liang Qing's original organization!


For a moment, these people were also stunned!

Even Zhou Ping was confused, Qin Li is from MI19?

how come?

This... Could it be that Zhou Ping really misjudged the good guy?

The next moment, Qin Li took advantage of the moment when the firefighters were stunned, and under the shocked eyes of everyone, he rushed into the room filled with smoke!

However, the place where the child was locked was in the opposite room!

Qin Li had to rush through this room, kick over the door, and then go into another room!

"This man is crazy!"

"Don't die!"

"What military intelligence did he say?"

Everyone was discussing, but when their hearts were full of shock, they felt that Qin Li was not worth it!

And the child's mother had already fainted from crying on the ground, and dozens of firefighters were staring at the window where Qin Li just entered!

Must come out!

Zhou Ping's mood was the most complicated. This Qin Li, whom he regarded as a lawbreaker at the beginning and a villain by himself, rushed in to save people without hesitation at this moment!

Zhou Ping thought to himself, when Qin Li came out, he had to ask if this Qin Li was from MI19!

Next, he had to have someone check Qin Li's information carefully. Now he seriously suspected that the information Mao Jianfeng gave him was fake!

How can a person who is willing to rush into an exploded building to save a child be a stained criminal?

Suddenly, a shout sounded, and everyone suddenly raised their heads!

The firefighter also opened his eyes wide!

Qin Li held a child in his hand, jumped out of the window, jumped onto the straight ladder, put the child down, and immediately gave the child artificial respiration!

When the child started to pant, Qin Licai heaved a sigh of relief and stood up to look at the crowd!

The firefighter stood by, watching what Qin Li had done, his eyes were red!

Suddenly, all the firefighters saluted Qin Li!

Qin Li smiled when he saw this, and the ladder descended, and the child was taken away by the medical staff "Qin Li." Zhou Ping's eyes were also red, and he walked towards Qin Ligang to speak Qin Li's eyes went dark, and he passed out immediately!

He had already expended all his energy in order to save Zhou Xuanyi, and he had been protecting his body with spiritual energy just after he entered to prevent being burned!

Later, it was discovered that the child was about to go into shock, and the spirit energy was sent to the child again, and at this moment there was no extra strength!

Zhou Ping's expression changed, and he hurried forward The firefighters on the side had already supported Qin Li first, and then laid it flat on the ground, waiting for the medical staff to bring a stretcher and carry Qin Li into the emergency room "It's just that I passed out from exhaustion, just take a rest."

At this moment, the fire has been brought under control, and the inpatient department is completely scrapped All inpatients were transferred to branch hospitals and other hospitals in a unified manner Qin Li was lying in the consultation room at the moment, and Zhou Ping nodded while listening to Wang Honggang's words with a complicated expression "Doctor Qin is really a good person." Wang Honggang pursed his lips and said Zhou Ping didn't speak, and Wang Honggang closed the door wisely and went out At this moment, Zhou Ping stood up and walked out of the ward, and a call was broadcast: "I asked you to send Qin Li's information just now, have you found it?"

There was a moment of silence on the phone, and he said, "Secretary Zhou, it has been found out. You are right. The information Mao Jianfeng gave before is fake!"

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