"Don't worry, it's a big deal, it's definitely a big deal!"

Qin Li chuckled and looked at Qin Xiaotian with playfulness in his eyes "Qin Li, what's the matter? Why don't I know?"

Qin Xiaotian's heart skipped a beat, and he was already worried "Don't worry, you'll find out soon!"

Qin Li smiled, still so meaningful "call out!"

And at this time, from another direction, people from the Luo family also came over, a total of ten people came over These ten people are also some high-level people. Besides the head of the Luo family, there are nine other elders of the Luo family "Liu Kai, why are you here?"

After the head of the Luo family came over, he looked at Liu Kai, the head of the Liu family, and asked with a frown "Hehe, didn't you come too? Why can't I come?"

Liu Kai chuckled, and cupped his hands at the other party: "Humppot, if I'm not mistaken, you must have been called by Qin Li, right?"

"Of course!"

Luo Guo said with a smile, looked at the situation here, and said to Qin Li: "You are Qin Li, I heard that you are very powerful, and you helped our Luo family, thank you very much!"

"Hehe, everyone is a family, so be polite!"

Qin Li smiled indifferently: "Wait for the Patriarch of the Li family to come over in a while, and we can talk about this matter!"

"Hey, you kid, what's the matter? You still have to play tricks. I, an old man, hate other people's tricks the most!"

Luo Guo slapped his thigh, crying blindly, and he was about to die of anxiety. When they were on the road, the members of the Luo family made various guesses, but they didn't know that Qin Li, the heir of the Qin family's head, would find them. what's the matter "hold on!"

Qin Li was still smiling, making Luo Guo and the others really want to strangle this kid to death After a while, the members of the Li family, led by Qin Weilang, flew over one by one "Young man, are you Qin Li? Thank you so much. I heard that you saved many geniuses in our Li family in the desert. You are truly a hero!"

The Patriarch of the Li family, after coming up to see Qin Li, bowed his hands in an extremely polite manner. The four families have really been twisted into a rope these days, otherwise, they might not be as powerful as they are now Although the current situation of the four families should not be as good as that of the four families of Huangbailongma, they are not too far behind. At least these days, everyone can take a breath and secretly improve the overall strength But for some reason, Qin Lihui suddenly asked them all to come to Qin's house, saying that there was something important to discuss, and it was a big deal Seeing that everyone who was supposed to come had come, Qin Li and Xia Yufei exchanged glances, and Xia Yufei took out her mobile phone and handed it to Qin Li "Qin Li, do you still want to make a phone call? We don't even have a signal here!"

Seeing Qin Li holding the phone, Zhou Lin smiled coldly. He wanted to see what kind of mess this Qin Li was trying to do "What are you calling? I just want the three Patriarchs to watch a video!"

Qin Li smiled, opened a video on his phone, and handed it to the three of them The three Patriarchs and several elders immediately surrounded them "This was admitted by the fourth and fifth elders of the Huang family. It should be clear who the traitor was back then!"

Qin Li stood aside, sneered, and looked at Qin Xiaotian Qin Xiaotian's face became extremely gloomy in an instant, and he clenched his fists tightly. Could it be that what happened ten years ago was exposed? Moreover, this kid Qin Li actually found evidence?

"Qin Xiaotian, so it's you? You bastard!"

After the several patriarchs watched the video, they all looked at Qin Xiaotian with hatred, their eyes flushed with anger. The traitor back then, no one can find him out even now. Unexpectedly, it was the current Qin family Patriarch "The two elders of the Huang family have already been killed by me, and the old tortoise Qin Canglong has also been killed by me, and even the two elders of the Long family have also been killed by me. Now, the only one who wants to Those who killed were Qin Xiaotian and his lackey, the Great Protector Zhou Lin!"

Qin Li turned around and looked at the two standing there with hatred "Father, what about this?"

When Qin Zhan saw that the matter was exposed, his scalp was numb with fright. No matter how powerful his father was, he couldn't possibly be the opponent of so many strong men?

Especially those three Patriarchs, they all have the same cultivation as his father, the late God level powerhouses, together with those elders, besieging his father together, is that okay?

As for him and Zhou Lin, their cultivation bases were simply not enough for those god-level powerhouses "The two idiots of the Huang family actually said such a thing!"

The flesh on Qin Xiao's face was trembling slightly because of the weather. Seeing that the matter had been revealed, he could only admit what happened back then "Asshole, you are from the Qin family. Why did you do such a thing?"

The Second Elder and the Third Elder were also very angry, feeling that the Qin family's face had been completely lost Moreover, it was precisely because Qin Xiaotian told the other four families about the incident that the fighting broke out among the eight major families, and their relatives died one by one "Haha, why? Why? Back then, if I hadn't done this, would I have had the chance to become the Patriarch?"

However, Qin Xiaotian laughed frantically: "No matter how hard I worked back then, Qin Yuanbo's talent, his cultivation, and his various aspects would always overwhelm me. If I didn't do this, or do something big Come on, do I have a chance to be the head of the family?"

Speaking of this, he gritted his teeth and said, "I have no choice but to be the head of the family. I might as well tell you that in the next few battles, I asked people from the Huang family and the Long family to cooperate with me in acting, and I gained a lot of money." This victory has saved many of our people. Only in this way, you can see my excellence, and I can become the Patriarch."

"That's right, Qin Jiuxiao was so domineering back then. If my father didn't want to find a way, the patriarch must belong to Qin Yuanbo, and my father was also forced!"

Qin Zhan also followed the strong words to reason, as if Qin Xiaotian was so innocent "Haha, Qin Xiaotian, I didn't expect you to be such a selfish person. Just for the position of patriarch, the Qin family and the four major families have paid such a high price. Today, I will kill you !"

Qin Li laughed out loud, with a look of madness in his eyes This guy is the culprit If it weren't for this guy, that big war wouldn't have happened, and if it hadn't happened, he wouldn't have been separated from his family, and he wouldn't have been a door-to-door son-in-law All of this is because of this Qin Xiaotian "Ahem, Qin Li, this time is really thanks to you. If it weren't for you, we would have been kept in the dark by this bastard!"

The hunchback coughed slightly, then flew to the other side in a flash, apparently not intending to give Qin Xiaotian a chance to escape "That's right, Qin Li, this traitor has finally been caught. However, let us do the killing of Qin Xiaotian, his son, and the Great Guardian."

Liu Kai also felt that Qin Li was talking too much. Although Qin Li was the heir of the Qin family, he heard that he had already reached the god level But this Qin Xiaotian, he is a strong man in the late stage of the god level, and he has not stayed in this realm for a year or two, so they don't think that Qin Li has such strength to kill this Qin Xiaotian "What should I do? Father, what should I do?"

Qin Zhan has lost his master, and so many god-level powerhouses have gathered together. Now, if he really has wings, it will be difficult to fly "Haha, the big deal is death!"

Qin Xiaotian knew that today was doomed, but he still looked at Qin Li with hatred: "However, even if I die today, I will drag this bastard to my back. If it weren't for his appearance, what happened back then , would not be exposed at all, if not for his appearance, my son would definitely become the head of the family. All of this is because of him!"

"Qin Xiaotian, do you really want to kill me? If that's the case, I'll give you a chance!"

Qin Li flashed, and flew to the front, and then said to the other three Patriarchs: "Three Patriarchs, Zhou Lin and Qin Zhan will be handed over to you, this Qin Xiaotian, let me come. I want to serve the Qin family, Personally get rid of this scourge and express my apology back then!"

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