The one with the ugliest expression was naturally the third elder of the Huang family. He rushed out aggressively and said that he was going to kill Qin Li. Unexpectedly, the fighting power of the other party was so terrifying Now, he didn't dare to say that he was going to kill Qin Li anymore However, if you go back directly, it seems that you are too embarrassing After gritting his teeth, he actually said: "Hmph, boy, I won't just forget about my grandson's affairs, but I'm here to negotiate things today, so I won't bother with you for the time being."

The corner of the Patriarch of the Long family's mouth also twitched slightly. He looked at Qin Li and said, "You are quite courageous. You dare to come over to negotiate with us. Are you not afraid that we will kill you?"

After finishing speaking, he took a step forward and released his god-level peak aura directly An extremely terrifying aura made many people's faces change immediately. This is a strong man at the peak of the god level, and the aura made the surrounding fallen leaves dance non-stop "Haha, since we dare to come, do you think we will be afraid of your failure?"

Qin Li looked at Li Dakui behind him, and Li Dakui nodded, took a step forward, and immediately released his aura, which was almost the same as that of the Patriarch of the Long Family. many "How is it possible? This old man has actually broken through to the peak of the god level?"

The Patriarch of the Long family has a gloomy face. The peak god level and the late god level are two different things. The combat effectiveness of one peak god level may be comparable to two or three late god level peaks The strength of these four families is mainly because he and the head of the Huang family are all at the peak of the god level Unexpectedly, now Li Dakui has also reached the peak of the god level "How about it? Patriarch Long, is it possible that you are only allowed to break through to the peak of the god level, and we are not allowed to break through to the peak of the god level?"

Luo Guo smiled coldly, and said again: "Your cultivation base can't break through to the heavenly level, so it's useless to cultivate, so it's a stop here. Haha, as for us, as long as we work hard, we can reach the god level. In the later stage of cultivation, there is every chance to break through to the peak of the god level and catch up with you."

Liu Kai also said with a smile: "Then I have to thank Patriarch Long and Patriarch Huang for waiting for us in place!"

The Patriarch of the Long family was so angry that his face turned blue. He wanted to see if he could directly destroy these four families Now it seems that since the other party dares to negotiate with them, they really have some confidence. Since the other party has a god-level peak powerhouse among them, and Qin Li's fighting power is astonishing, even stronger than Qin Xiaotian, then it is obviously not wise to confront them head-on this time, even if he survives the battle, If they can win, I am afraid that they will also make a lot of sacrifices "Tell me, what's the matter with us?"

He put away his aura, and then asked impatiently "I'm looking for you guys, I really have something important to discuss, otherwise, according to the previous hatred, I wouldn't settle down here to negotiate with you!"

Qin Li smiled lightly, and then said: "The four keys of yours should still be in your hands, right?"

"Hehe, nonsense, the key is not in our hands, is it still in your hands?"

The Patriarch of the Bai family smiled coldly, and said again: "Boy, we have four, and you only have three, are you envious? You might as well tell you, I brought mine here, come and grab it if you have the ability ah!"

Qin Li didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and continued to follow the other party: "So, how long are you going to spend? You want to destroy us. In the past, there were still some opportunities, but our side has become stronger than before. , You want to snatch it, it is impossible."

"What exactly are you trying to say?"

The Patriarch of the Long family also didn't expect Qin Li to come to them to discuss this matter, so he became interested Although he was younger than Li Dakui and others, he was still in his fifties. If he continued like this, he would not live for many years. Naturally, he still hoped to open the gate of the ancient ruins It's a pity that the members of the Qin family and the Liu family have been unwilling to hand over the keys, and insisted that they discovered it first, and they didn't want to reveal any information about the ancient ruins "I think that if this goes on, there will be no results. It's better that our eight families work together for a while, each holding the key. A month later, we will gather again at this place, and then we will go to the ancient ruins together, and each will get the key. Get the keys. How about seven keys gathering together to open the door?"

Qin Li expressed his thoughts: "The four families on our side, we have reached a consensus. After all, only by entering there can we have the opportunity to become a heavenly powerhouse and gain more longevity. !"

After hearing this, the eyes of the Long family, the Ma family, and the Huang family all lit up. They wanted to go in a long time ago. If this drags on for another ten or twenty years, Who knows if they will die of old age?

But now, the opportunity of heaven-level cultivation is in front of them Qin Li thought for a while, fearing that the other party would disagree, he smiled again: "Besides, we have already discovered a secret, that is, in the ancient ruins, there is definitely such a terrible second-grade elixir, and even, I Everyone guesses that there may be three grades of elixir in it, and the sky-level cultivation base can increase the lifespan of two or three hundred years, who dares to say that there will be no cultivation base that will increase the lifespan in the future?"

"Hehe, boy, what you said is a little too sure, right? That day-level cultivation is just a guess. We don't know if there is such a cultivation. You actually said that there might be some A higher level of cultivation?"

The head of the Bai family chuckled, with a mocking look on his face "Don't worry, I'm still seven or eight percent sure about this matter!"

Qin Li smiled again and said, "Besides, we may not know the situation until we go, but if we don't, will we know?"

After finishing speaking, Qin Li directly threw another bombshell: "May I tell you one more thing, after entering there, it was a huge forest at the beginning. It's not high, so they only dared to be in some peripheral places, but even so, they all saw a monster as huge as a mountain peak. Such a monster, but there is no such monster outside. I guess, the cultivation of that monster is as high as Comparable to the human level."

"Heavenly level! If monsters can reach it, doesn't it mean that there is a real chance to break through to the heavenly level?"

There was an elder of the Bai family whose voice was trembling with excitement They know too little about the things in the ancient ruins, and the Qin family and the four families of the Liu family have never been willing to disclose half of it to them. Obviously, the four families have always wanted to monopolize the things inside. However, today, the people of these four families seem to have figured it out and plan to enter it together However, what he didn't understand was why the heads of the other three families didn't speak much, instead they asked Qin Li to preside over this negotiation, and they didn't have the slightest objection to what Qin Li said?

You know, they are also Patriarchs, and it has only been a few days since Qin Li became Patriarch!

When the Patriarch of the Long family heard this, his eyes sparkled even more. He had stayed at the peak of the god level for too long, and he longed for a breakthrough He immediately expressed his opinion: "I think this suggestion of the Qin family is very good, and I agree with this decision on behalf of the Qin family!"

The head of the Huang family also immediately said: "On behalf of the Huang family, I agree to cooperate with you!"

"So are we!"

"So are we!"

The Patriarchs of the Bai family and the Ma family also agreed without too much hesitation "You don't know the place of the ancient ruins, but the people on our side know. We will arrive here in a month. After we gather, we will go together!"

Qin Li nodded in satisfaction, and said again: "However, people from our eight major families know about this matter, and I hope that everyone will not reveal it. If some forces in Gu know about it, it will be troublesome."

"Haha, don't worry, we are not fools, how can we tell such a good thing?"

The Patriarch of the Long Family laughed loudly, already full of anticipation for the ancient ruins "That's it!"

Qin Li smiled slightly, and finally said "Wait!"

Unexpectedly, at this time, the Patriarch of the Huang family said directly: "We have no objection to cooperating with you, but we have four families and four keys, it's okay to go in together. And you? You only have three keys. Why do you want four families to go in together?"

"Yeah, your Li family, they don't have a key now, so they can't go in!"

The Patriarch of the Long family also reacted and said immediately

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