"Hey, big brother, there is actually a cave here, that's great, this cave is quite hidden, hehe, I just spent the night here tonight!"

One of the guys seemed to have discovered the cave, and said to the other with a smile "Haha, good luck, I didn't expect that there is a cave here, let's go!"

The man before laughed loudly, and a group of three people walked in Hearing the footsteps of the other party, Qin Li's face darkened, he didn't expect it to be such a coincidence After the other party came in, he couldn't help being taken aback One of the guys said to the man in the middle: "Brother, there is actually someone in here!"

"Well, it looks like this woman is still injured!"

The man in the middle has a scar on his forehead, which gives people a very sinister and vicious feeling After he saw some blood stains on Concubine Xia Yu's clothes, he couldn't help but sneered: "Beauty, it seems that the cultivation base of the two of you should not be high? Otherwise, how could you get hurt? Look, this meeting It's fate, how about we spend the night here together tonight?"

Another chubby guy also smiled and said: "Yes, yes, the beauty looks injured. Brother, I can also massage. If you rub it for you, your injury will heal faster!"

When the fat man spoke, he was very wretched, with a piggy-like look on his face, so that his saliva barely came out The skinny man on the other side also understood when he heard this, and said with a smile: "Beauty, I can do it too, hehe, my technique is more proficient, let me try it?"

The middle-aged man glared at the two of them angrily, and then pointed at Qin Li: "Boy, get out of here, there is no room for you here, and as for this woman, I don't care who she belongs to." , now, she is ours. We want to help her heal, you just need to get out, we don't bother to kill you!"

"Which snobbery are you? It's strange, why do I seem to have never seen you?"

Qin Li looked at each other with doubts on his face. These people did not wear the costumes of the three major sects, nor were they men in black, nor did they wear masks, nor did they have the token of the Medicine King Valley. They were dressed very casually, which made Qin Li A little confused?

Is it a casual cultivator? However, are there so many powerful casual cultivators in this world?

"Hehe, what power are we? You are not qualified to know this!"

The man with the scar on his face smiled coldly, and said to Qin Li: "You just need to know that we are a mysterious force that you can't afford to mess with."

"That's right, kid, if you don't go out again, we won't be polite!"

The fat man looked at Concubine Xia Yu who was sitting there again, feeling a little impatient "It's fine if you don't say anything, no matter what kind of power you are, it doesn't pose much threat to me!"

Qin Li smiled coldly, then took a step forward, with his hands behind his back: "Get out by yourself, I don't want to kill you, after all, there was nothing wrong before."

"Fuck, you bastard, are you still pretending to be a fucking fool? Want to pretend to be a strong man in front of me? Scare the three of us away? Do you think brother, I was scared?"

The man with the scar couldn't help cursing, and rubbed his fists directly: "Since you don't eat and drink fines for toasting, then don't blame me for being rude!"

"That is, do you think the three of us are masters?"

The fat man also said coldly, and after he finished speaking, he released his mental strength, and a burst of aura was also released from his body: "Boy, let's see what kind of cultivation I am, you fat man?"

"That's right, kid, it's too late for you to leave now! How dare you offend us."

The thin man also released his spiritual power, which is a little weaker than the fat man. The fat man is in the middle stage of the pseudo-god realm, while he is in the early stage of the pseudo-god realm At such an age of around 30 years old, to be able to have such a cultivation base is indeed a rare genius. No wonder the other party saw Qin Li when he was younger than them, he didn't even think about it, just dared to do so arrogance "If that's the case, don't blame me!"

Qin Li said something coldly, and his mind moved immediately. From his body to the surroundings, a wave spread out, enveloping the few people in front of him at once Those three people instantly felt that the space in front of them had become different. When they felt it carefully, they were even more shocked. A strong pressure made them feel a little difficult to breathe. In this space, they were like the man in front of them. , is the master of this space, he seems to be able to do everything "This is, is this a god-level cultivation? Domain?"

The fat man finally came to his senses, his voice trembling slightly in fright "No way? At such a young age, he has a god-level cultivation?"

The man with the scar is also standing on his head. His cultivation base is higher than that of the fat man. The cultivation base of the late stage of the pseudo-god realm is enough for him to walk sideways outside. After all, the god-level powerhouse who is stronger than him, no matter Among the big forces, there are very few of them As for the kid in front of him, seeing that he was young, and there were three of them, he naturally thought that he was destined for each other However, the person in front of him was so terrifying "Now I know, it's too late!"

Qin Li was too lazy to talk nonsense with the other party, so he waved his hand directly, and the blade with concentrated spiritual power flew out When the three of them saw Qin Li's attack, they immediately wanted to avoid it, but in this space, their movements became a little slow, and the speed was too slow "Bang bang bang!"

The knees of the three people were all hit at the same time, and those three people also knelt straight down "Boy, you'd better let us go, otherwise, my boss won't let you go!"

After the fat man thought about it, he looked at Qin Li with hatred and threatened Qin Li And Qin Li also immediately put away the domain, the other party had already knelt down, the injury was serious, even if he didn't use the domain, he could easily kill him The reason why he used the domain just now is to let the other party know that his cultivation is not comparable to them "You still dare to threaten me?"

With a wave of Qin Li's hand, a terrifying spiritual force rushed towards the fat man "boom!"

Fatty's soul was shattered in an instant, bleeding from the corner of his mouth, and he fell down The two people next to them saw that the kid in front of them didn't hesitate, and swallowed hard in fright The thin man knelt down immediately: "Master, can you let us go? Me, I was wrong!"

However, the next moment, Qin Li rushed out with a burst of spiritual force, and the skinny man also died Seeing that his two companions were dead, the remaining man with the scar was so frightened that his legs became weak: "Senior, it's because we don't know Mount Tai, please give me a chance!"

Seeing the other party's frightened state, Qin Li sneered and said, "It's free to let you go, but..."

When the other party heard this, he was overjoyed: "Senior, but what? If you have any request, just say it, as long as I can do it, I will definitely listen to you, as long as you don't kill me."

Qin Li thought for a while, walked to Xia Yufei's side and sat down, then said slowly: "It's not a big deal, didn't you say that you are a secret snobbery, quite powerful? Then your power, What is your name?"

In order to protect himself, the man immediately said, "It's called the Blood Soul Palace. Few people in our power know about it."

"Well, Blood Soul Hall? How many people have you entered this time?"

After Qin Li thought about it, he asked again. After all, if you want to come here, you must at least be at the level of a master. Otherwise, it would not be so easy to come here "There are more than a hundred people in our Blood Soul Palace, basically all the masters have come. Although we are not as powerful as your eight big families, we are not a small force outside, and we can compete with Medicine King Valley! "

Dao Scar's face was afraid that Qin Li would kill him, so he told the situation without saying a word "Well, I probably know it, get out!"

Qin Li waved his hand. Since he had promised the other party before, as long as the other party told him the news, he would let the other party go "Really, really?"

In the heart of the scarred face, he didn't have too much hope, and he told Qin Li with the mentality of trying. Unexpectedly, Qin Li was really willing to let him go "If you don't want it to be true, I can kill you too!"

Qin Li said something impatiently "Thank you senior!"

The other party didn't dare to stay longer, he stood up enduring the pain, and flew out quickly in a flash, as if he was afraid that he would be killed by Qin Li if he was too slow "Blood Soul Palace, what kind of power is this? That casual cultivator named Hong Ming is really capable, and he can contact so many powers!"

After the other party left, Qin Li couldn't help but muttered to himself: "Why did the other party muddy this muddy water? His cultivation base is so high, shouldn't he also follow in? There are too many people, it's messed up, It is easier for him to sneak in and find treasures!"

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