"Hahaha! It's really nice to hear and see." Zhou Wei stood in the hall, looking at Jiang Jun like he was looking at a monkey Jiang Jun gritted his teeth, his temper immediately raised his eyebrows, stepped into the hall, and walked towards Zhou Wei aggressively!

"How dare you say it again!"

Zhou Wei narrowed his eyes: "Do you think I'm afraid of you?"

Jiang Jun snorted coldly: "Don't forget, how did you get into the hospital a year ago!"

The corners of Qin Li's eyes twitched when he heard this, so Jiang Jun and Zhou Wei had been beaten once a year ago, and Zhou Wei was sent to the hospital?

Is Jiang Jun so powerful?

"Hmph! Jiang Jun, do you think I'm still the same as I was back then?" Zhou Wei didn't retreat but advanced, and when Jiang Jun was suddenly stunned, he rushed up!

With one kick, he kicked Jiang Jun's chest fiercely!


Jiang Jun reacted immediately and slammed his hand to block it, but Zhou Wei kicked him back four or five steps before stopping Seeing that Zhou Wei missed the kick once, a cold look flashed in his eyes, and he shot again!

This kick directly hit Jiang Jun's foot!

Seeing the momentum, Jiang Jun suddenly jumped up, his body flipped to the ground, he quickly adjusted, jumped up, and kicked Zhou Wei's abdomen fiercely with his whirlwind leg!

Zhou Wei also reacted quickly, jumped up at the same time, the soles of the two of them intersected, there was a muffled bang, and the two of them reached the bottom at the same time!

But at this time, Zhou Wei got up two or three seconds faster than Jiang Jun, and kicked Jiang Jun's head straight at Jiang Jun who hadn't got up yet!

If this kick hits, Jiang Jun will be seriously injured if he does not die!

"I didn't expect that I, Zhou Wei, would get rid of a great scourge of the Jiang family for the Zhou family today! Jiang Jun, if you want to blame it, blame your rival in love! I, Zhou Wei, have already been reborn, and you can't afford it!"

Jiang Jun's face suddenly turned aside, his heart sank suddenly, and he secretly thought that he had slipped before his horse!

But at this moment, a figure approached like a gust of wind, and immediately kicked out. This kick looked ordinary, but it hit the surrounding lower abdomen!

What's even more frightening is that Zhou Wei's body flew upside down like a cannonball!

It hit the ground with a bang, then slid another four or five meters, and hit the service desk in the lobby before stopping!

Zhou Wei didn't realize what happened at all, he didn't even know how he was kicked away!

Obviously Jiang Jun didn't stand up just now, so he must have a 100% hit rate!

Jiang Jun was also stunned for a moment, and suddenly looked at the figure who had just appeared beside him!

Just when he thought that some expert passed by and just saved him, Jiang Jun's eyes widened immediately when he saw the face beside him!

Qin Li!

He only knew that Qin Li was a doctor and could bet on stones. When did Qin Li become so good at betting?

At this moment, Zhou Wei also struggled to open his eyes from the dizziness. When he saw Qin Li standing beside Jiang Jun, he almost spat out a mouthful of blood!

The one who kicked me away just now turned out to be this guy who I said was a low-level animal?

Zhou Wei was shocked, and Jiang Jun was also shocked Because the two of them didn't see anyone approaching just now, they only felt a gust of wind blowing, and then this situation came into being Jiang Jun suddenly showed joy, and squeezed Qin Li's shoulder: "Good brother!"

Qin Li smiled and didn't say anything. He couldn't have watched Jiang Jun get hurt, could he?

At first, he really thought that the two of them were sparring, but at the end, he realized that Zhou Wei wanted to play hard!

That's how he came to the rescue Zhou Wei's face was ugly, and he stared at Qin Li, his eyes narrowed It is definitely not easy for this guy to be able to kick himself such a long distance, maybe... just like his cousin who came back from the army, he is a guy with inner strength!

What kind of shit luck did the Jiang family have to meet such a person, and so young!

Zhou Wei pursed the corners of his lips: "Hmph, you're lucky today! But I hope that next time, it will be you and me fighting openly without anyone's help!"

Jiang Jun suddenly raised his face: "Next time, I will kill you on the spot!"

He knew that if Qin Li hadn't been here today, he might have lost his head just now!

The two of them did not please each other, so Zhou Wei turned around and left Jiang Jun squinted his eyes: "Zhou Wei came to Jiang City suddenly, and treated an important person so grandly, who is it?"

Qin Li didn't understand these things, so he didn't ask Jiang Jun sent Jiang Limin a message directly, telling him to pay attention Zhou Wei is here, is the Zhou family also here?

The two didn't stay here, they found a four-star hotel nearby, ordered a table of dishes and sat down Who knows that just as Qin Li sat down, Jiang Jun suddenly took out an envelope from his pocket and handed it to Qin Li: "The news I just got today was originally given to you just now, who knew that such a thing would happen."

Qin Li took it and slowly opened it "It's some gossip about your parents. I'm not sure if it's accurate or not, but I think it's necessary to show it to you. Just don't take it to heart."

Qin Li's hand trembled when he opened the envelope, and his heart beat wildly several times No one knew the importance of his parents to him. Everyone thought that ten years had passed, and he had gotten used to it, or even forgotten it I think she is doing well now, and I don't see him missing his parents or anything But only he himself knows that every day he sleeps, he almost dreams of that morning After waking up, the living room was covered in blood, but the parents were gone!

He called the police, and the police came to make sure it was his parents' blood, but they didn't find any sharp objects, and he didn't know what happened From that day on, he was the only one left in that family Not a week later, an old man came up. After he was taken away, he lived in the deep mountains for two years, and when he came out, he became dumb He took the property left by his parents and went to junior high school, high school and college alone After graduating from university, she was named by Chu Qingyin to marry her Qin Li closed his eyes. It's not that he doesn't miss his parents, but that his thoughts have penetrated deep into his bones. Whenever he thinks about them, it's like a stabbing pain Seeing Qin Li's fingers trembling suddenly after hearing the news that it was his parents, a strange color flashed in Jiang Jun's eyes Who would have known that the parents of this young man who rushed into the scene of the fire to rescue the boy in order to prevent other people's families from being destroyed had been missing for more than ten years The envelope is not thick, there are only two pages of information inside, 4K paper, printed fonts and printed pictures The picture above is the deepest in Qin Li's memory, the bloody bright red The above were just rumors, but Qin Li also read them carefully In the end, Qin Li put the paper into an envelope: "It's all unrealistic rumors."

Jiang Jun nodded: "Except for the one in Yangcheng, which is true, the others are said to have died or were hunted down by the killer organization."

Jiang Jun shook his head while talking, but suddenly looked at Qin Li: "However, I got a piece of news that seems to be true."

"This news was told by the eyeliner we planted in the Zhou family. Your parents have appeared in the capital once in the past two years!"

Qin Li raised his head impressively: "Really?"

Jiang Jun pursed his lips: "There is no evidence for what that person said."

Qin Li sighed, but he still took the news to heart "Let's eat first, eat." Seeing that Qin Li was unhappy, Jiang Jun immediately greeted Qin Li to eat and poured wine "Don't forget that you have to leave in the afternoon. The Jiang family will definitely help you find a solution for your parents' matter." Jiang Jun paused suddenly as he spoke "Oh, by the way, Jiang Ran said she was going to Yangcheng too, so I booked her the same flight as you, and you can take care of her a little bit then."

Qin Li immediately twitched his eyes: "Your sister!"

"It's my sister." Jiang Jun looked up, "It's okay, she is an old classmate who used to see a serious illness, and she will be back soon."

Qin Li didn't speak anymore, he didn't want to pay attention to the brother who pushed himself into the fire pit That afternoon, after Jiang Jun sent Qin Li to the airport for a while, Jiang Ran also entered the airport Just as Qin Li got on the plane, the next step, Jiang Ran's figure appeared in front of him Petite and slender but with a bumpy body, a small face with a pair of pink sunglasses, familiar black long straight, and a pair of familiar eyes Qin Li and Jiang Ran looked at each other "It's you!" Jiang Ran frowned suddenly, but she didn't know why, her face turned red, but the next moment she became angry from embarrassment, and stepped on Qin Li's feet without saying a word!

Qin Li didn't understand what was going on, so Qin Li groaned in pain Immediately, everyone around looked over "What are you doing!" Qin Li frowned "I'm sitting in it and you're in front of me!" Jiang Ran was confident Qin Li rolled his eyes angrily, and immediately stood up to get out of his seat But at this moment, a figure walked past Jiang Ran, and before Jiang Ran could enter, the man suddenly stretched out a hand and touched Jiang Ran's ass

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