The woman spoke very aggressively, Qin Liben blamed himself for closing the door too early when he saw the girl's appearance In fact, it is already midnight, Qin Li can come out and open the door so quickly, it is already very good!

In most private clinics, there is no one at all in the middle of the night!

Today Qin Li happened to live in the hospital, if he went back to the villa, no one would come if this woman shouted loudly!

Liang Qing's complexion was a little bad: "Hello, come in first. We were planning to rest, and we ran from the backyard when we heard the knock on the door."

It was rare for Liang Qing to talk so much, Qin Li felt warm in his heart Liang Qing is fighting for him The woman's face remained unchanged when she heard the words, but the man said: "I'm sorry, she is also anxious when the child is sick, please show my child."

Qin Li nodded: "Come in and put the child on the hospital bed."

The girl looked to be about eight years old, wearing a small pink padded jacket, her eyes were closed, her face was pale, and her hands were tightly clenched into small fists Qin Li took a serious look and was about to take a pulse The woman frowned: "Can you see it? The child has a fever of 40 degrees, can't you see it?"

"What are you yelling about!" The man stared, "He's a doctor, can't he tell?"

Qin Li glanced at the woman: "The child has a fever, I can see it, but she is not caused by a common cold, so you can't use the usual antipyretics. If you don't trust me so much, you can take the child to a big hospital for examination. "

Unexpectedly, Qin Li's explanation instantly angered the woman "What? Go to a big hospital? Why didn't you say it when you knocked on your door just now, and you asked me to go to a big hospital at this time? If you don't see it well, why open a medical clinic?"

"If I go to a big hospital, what do I need you for?"

Qin Li was angry, but the patient was a girl, and it was normal for her mother to be anxious The man also frowned at this moment: "Will you watch it?"

"You two, you've been pointing fingers since you came in. Who is the doctor? If you want my boss to take good care of the doctor, please don't talk nonsense!" Liang Qing was furious As soon as he entered the door, he began to chatter non-stop, and laymen are still pointing fingers here!

She is in a bad mood today, and she can't hold back her temper!

After being yelled at by Liang Qing, the man calmed down a little, but the woman became even more irritable "What are you? I'm your customer! Don't you make money? Huh? Be careful and I'll sue you!"

Qin Li took a deep breath: "Ma'am, please be quiet. If you are here today not to see a doctor for your child, but to trouble me, then please invite Gao Ming to sue casually!"

"I, Qiankuntang, will not be afraid of any court summons."

Qin Li's words successfully made the woman shut up Immediately, Qin Li put away his hand and pointed to the child: "Did you take her to some funeral recently?"

The man and the woman were stunned at the same time: "How do you know, the child's grandfather passed away, and he took the child to the crematorium yesterday."

Qin Li nodded: "After returning from the crematorium, did you start not eating well and throwing things angrily?"

The eyes of the man and the woman widened immediately: "That's right! Doctor, how did you see that?"

Qin Li smiled wryly: "The child is weak and young. It is best not to take him to that kind of place. This child is contaminated with corpse aura. The corpse aura has invaded the divine realm, produced hallucinations, and damaged the health of the body."

"Fever is a kind of virus elimination performed by the body to reject the corpse."


"Corpse gas?" The couple were stunned, "What is corpse gas?"

Qin Li's eyes flickered: "To be precise, it's the upper body of a ghost."

"Ah?" The man suddenly exclaimed, "A ghost is on the body? Isn't this a superstition?"

"My child only has a fever, and you said that a ghost is on his body? Are you sick? Are you a doctor? Do you have a medical license?"

Qin Li frowned: "I have all the documents. If you don't believe me, you can send them to a big hospital as I told you!"

The man lowered his head and pondered for a moment: "Then how to treat it?"

"I'll just give her acupuncture." Qin Li said, and started acupuncture Unexpectedly, at this moment, the woman suddenly grabbed Qin Li: "Doctor shit, acupuncture? I've never seen someone with a fever requiring acupuncture! What the hell are you doing, who are you lying to?"

"I think you are a big liar, you want to take action on my daughter!"

After the words fell, the woman picked up the girl on the bed: "Go, husband, let's go to the big hospital! There is no trust in this Chinese medicine clinic!"

"A child is sick and has a fever, and he even said that a corpse ghost is on his body. Have you heard this kind of saying?"

The man also hesitated, it was indeed the first time he had heard of it, and he immediately looked at Qin Li: "Sorry for the trouble."

After saying that, he pulled the woman out of the door and drove towards the big hospital "Too much deceit!" Liang Qing snorted Qin Li turned his head: "Why are you so angry today?"

Liang Qing's face turned cold immediately, she stopped talking, turned around and went to the bedroom and closed the door Why?

Of the ten people she searched, six of them confirmed the death Four are missing!

All thanks to those two people!

I wanted to take a break and wake up tomorrow as usual But now Qin Li is the most important person to her, and the couples who came in are all targeting Qin Li She will suddenly get angry Qin Li closed the door and sighed There are everyone these days, and since they have gone to the hospital, he doesn't want to take care of them Anyway, if you get antipyretic injections in a big hospital, you can stay in the hospital for a maximum of two days, and you will be fine, but the child will have the root cause of the disease later on Originally, Qin Li intended to cure the child, but it was a pity that the couple repeatedly belittled him and targeted him with irony Qin Li doesn't like sticking a hot face to someone's cold butt, you don't want to treat me here, okay, then please leave In Yangcheng, there are as many hospitals as there are dogs, you can find a place where you want to be treated!

Qin Li turned around and went back to the backyard, and sent a message to Chu Qingyin saying that he would not return tonight, and we will talk about it tomorrow Then he opened a small warehouse in the backyard This small warehouse was built by him later, and it can be regarded as a large safe Inside are the jade stones he cut out The reason why he hasn't sent these jade stones to Tan Chenghui is mainly because he wants to extract the aura of heaven and earth inside Cao Xiaoqi's illness today made Qin Li worry that acupuncture and moxibustion would not be able to treat him in the future. What should he do?

Therefore, it is necessary to quickly cultivate medicinal herbs, and then make the elixir that the old man gave him At that time, there will be no need for acupuncture at all, and a pill will solve everything!

Thinking about it, Qin Li took out a large jadeite that was as tall as a child, and saw that there was a cloud of white air lingering around the jadeite, which circulated continuously Ordinary people can't see this cloud of white gas, only those who know how to cultivate can perceive it Qin Li immediately moved the things to the room, and tried to extract them with internal force!

bang bang bang!

Suddenly, just as Qin Ligang was about to make a move, someone knocked on the door again!

This time the voice was even more urgent!

Qin Li immediately got up and went over, and Liang Qing hurriedly opened the door Opening the door, the two froze It was none other than the lucky couple who left just now Seeing Qin Li, the man burst into tears and burst into tears: "Doctor, doctor, please go over and have a look. The doctor in the hospital didn't know what to give my daughter. She... her heart stopped, and the hospital said there was nothing I could do! I just remembered you!"

The woman's face was pale, trembling uncontrollably Only then did Qin Li realize that the girl was not brought by them "Let's go!" Qin Li immediately grabbed his phone and rushed outside, his Lamborghini was parked outside the door "Get in the car!" Qin Li shouted The couple froze for a moment, glanced at their Corolla, then at Qin Li's sports car, and hurried over to get in Qin Li immediately kicked the accelerator to the end. This is the first time that this sports car has played its role!

The sound of the engine caused a sensation in the whole street, and the whole car rushed towards the People's Hospital like lightning!

The couple looked at Qin Li's side face with complicated expressions. They all said that to Qin Li just now, and the doctor was still willing to go to the hospital Even more anxious than them "'re not angry with us?" The woman pursed her lips, and all her arrogance disappeared Her body was still shaking Qin Li glanced at her: "The patient is very serious. If you ask for help, I will definitely lend a helping hand. If you don't want to believe me, I won't meddle in my own business."

The couple felt guilty for a moment The car soon arrived at the People's Hospital, and the three rushed to the emergency room in the same way!

When the doctor in the emergency room saw the couple, his face paled instantly The child didn't know what was going on. She just had a fever at the time, so she took a fever-reducing medicine. After a while, the child started to convulse and died!

The couple was yelling like crazy at that time, rushed out suddenly, and now they are back?

Could it be that the police are here?

But the next moment, when the doctor saw clearly the man rushing in with the couple, he was stunned for an instant!

Doctor Qin?

"Where is the person?" Qin Li asked while grabbing the doctor's arm The doctor quickly pointed inside Qin Li hurried over and saw that the girl lying on the hospital bed had passed away!

Immediately, Qin Li changed his mind a bit, no, could it be that he was mistaken at first?

This girl is not a ghost, but..

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