“Leader, I just received a call, a teenager under the age of eighteen said that he had just awakened the power of plant control, and wanted to report to our side and do an assessment, I felt a little suspicious, so I specially came to ask you for instructions.”

In the Xia Guo Qingye City Abnormal Energy Management Bureau, a staff member just hung up the phone and immediately reported the situation to his superiors.

Director Yun Haichao’s expression moved, and he understood what he meant by suspicious.

Just a few hours ago, a breakthrough-level awakening celestial phenomenon appeared in the sky over several nearby cities, including Aoba City, and the leaders of Xia Guo attached great importance to it, demanding that the relevant work departments of these cities must find the unqualified awakened person as soon as possible at all costs.

Their Aoba City Abnormal Energy Management Bureau was naturally no exception, and immediately fell into a busy state of work.

At this time, a teenager who claimed to have just awakened suddenly appeared, which of course attracted the attention of 120,000 people.

In particular, the other party awakens the power of plant manipulation, which is more in line with the conditions.

You know, in the awakening celestial phenomenon just now, there was a shadow of a towering giant tree!

The awakening celestial phenomenon is directly linked to the power, and this young man is the one who breaks the rules!

“You did a great job! Give me the address and contact information of the other party, and I will personally pick him up. ”

“Yes, leader.”

Aoba City said that big is not big, say small is not small, tens of millions of people, hundreds of awakened people can appear every year, he can’t personally deal with each of them, but this teenager is worth his personal appearance! It must also be him himself to be at ease!


Fang Ran didn’t know that there was already a strong man who could be called a big man and rushed out because of one of his calls.

He had just awakened, his body had undergone essential changes, and his special energy had strengthened his physical fitness, resulting in a direct breakthrough in his physical skills, and the foundation of martial arts had been completed, and he could continue to cultivate and become stronger in the future.

But it also made him hungry, and now he just wants to eat.

After rummaging through the boxes and cabinets, he filled his stomach with all the food in the house, but even so, it was not enough, and Fang Ran could only run outside to the restaurant.

According to his current situation, the little savings he had accumulated through odd jobs in his hands may not be able to be preserved today.


Fang Ran’s community is a cheap community specially designated by the Aoba City Government to accommodate poor families, orphans, the disabled, widows and the elderly and other people at the bottom of society, and the government has housing subsidies, so the rent is very cheap, almost nothing.

In the eyes of outsiders, this is a full-fledged slum, and the level of consumption is naturally not high.

Fang Ran soon sat down at a noodle restaurant near the entrance of the community, ordered dozens of beef noodles, and ate them happily.

He ate too fast, and the noodle shop owner couldn’t keep up with the speed of his eating, so he could only turn on several stoves at the same time to cook together, and he could barely maintain the supply.

However, this also caused Fang Ran’s table to soon fold high noodle bowls, which looked particularly eye-catching.

There is no shortage of big stomach kings in this world, and the amount of food for the physically strong and awakened is not within the reach of ordinary people, but neither of them will fall into the slums to eat Haisei, so this kind of scene is still quite rare here, and soon attracted the attention of passers-by and guests.

“What’s going on with this man, starving ghosts reincarnated?”

“Isn’t this that orphan Fang Ran from the Seventh Building? Why is the amount of food suddenly so large? ”

“He seems to be a physical apprentice, right?”

“The difference between a physical apprentice and an ordinary person is not so big, and it is impossible to have such a large amount of food, unless he breaks through.”

“Didn’t he survive then? It’s really enviable. ”

“It’s good to be young!”


Fang Ran didn’t care about the surrounding discussions, at the moment he only had beef noodles in his eyes – although there were only two thin slices of beef in each bowl of noodles, not much thicker than paper, they were delicious that he was usually reluctant to eat.

In the past, he mainly thought it was not cost-effective, but from now on, he can not care about this.

The mood is refreshing, and the appetite is naturally a little bigger.

“Boss, ten more bowls of beef noodles!”


Just as Fang Ran was eating the noodles to his heart’s content, a man in a black cloak suddenly walked into the noodle restaurant, came directly to Fang Ran’s table and sat down, looked at him and asked:

“Is this noodle so delicious?”

Fang Ran didn’t care, continued to eat without raising his head, and replied casually: “If it’s good or not, you can order a bowl and taste it yourself.” ”

The man shook his head and said softly: “Forget it, I can’t eat things in this kind of place, but I can take you to eat a delicacy that is ten thousand times more delicious than this, as long as you come with me.” ”

Fang Ran still didn’t look up, but the action of eating noodles slowed down a lot: “Follow you?” Are you official of Xia Country? ”

“Why should you care about this, the awakened do not need to be bound by the state.”

This phrase of the cloaked man already makes his position.

Fang Ran drank the dry soup base at this time, smashed his mouth and refused: “Isn’t it? Then please, I will wait for the comrades of the Unified Management Bureau to come.” ”

The cloaked man’s eyes narrowed suddenly, and he asked, “Have you already contacted the official person?” ”

“Isn’t that how it should be?”

“Oh, this way.”

The man nodded slightly, and then suddenly stretched out a hideous iron claw towards Fang Ran.

“Then I’ll have to hurry.”

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immediately preemptive (Event Period: October 1st to October 7th)

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