After eating the food in the cafeteria, Fang Ran only felt that his life in the previous half of his life was simply inferior to that of a dog.

He had never eaten such a delicious meal, with a wide variety of dishes, meat and vegetarian pairings, balanced nutrition, and even the rice was sticky and delicious.

These are just free ordinary dishes, after hearing that they are freshmen, the beautiful aunt in the cafeteria also recommended them to try high-grade meals that cost points, which are extremely nutritious and even obviously helpful for cultivation.

Zhenxue rice, a primary extraordinary crop, needs to be prepared with the blood of low-grade exotic beasts as fertilizer to grow, containing pure qi and blood nutrition, after eating, it can greatly supplement the human body’s qi and blood, so that the effect of the qi and blood handling method is increased by several percent, and the preferential price is 5 points a bowl;

Caiyu Lingyu Roast Chicken, roasted with captive domesticated low-grade exotic beast Caiyu Lingheasant, has an extremely delicious taste, full of spiritual fragrance, long-term consumption can light physique, appropriately speed up the speed of qi and blood transportation, preferential price of 30 points.

Yanjia Mountain Pig Stir-fried Meat, cooked with the lean meat on the low-grade exotic beast Yanjia Mountain Pig, the meat is mellow, long-term consumption can strengthen the body, increase strength, preferential price 25 points a plate.


There are all kinds of things, no less than a thousand kinds of extraordinary food, the most expensive even have thousands of points, Fang Ran only felt that the door to a new world was opened after reading it.

After ordering a few dishes and eating with Lu Yufei, he silently made up his mind:

Extraordinary ingredients, I will eat every meal in the future! Otherwise, I’m sorry for my imperial powers!”


After lunch, the two went to the No. 1 martial arts hall where the exercises were taught, and the introductory course of the True Dragon Technique was in the No. 7 venue on the third floor.

As soon as I entered the door, I saw that there were already many students waiting in the spacious and tidy dojo.

Among them was the daughter of the Dragon King, and at the moment the female companion she came with was surrounded by the children of those families, and the unfathomable Heavenly Frost Dragon Venerable was not around.

Ao Xueyun has a cold temperament and doesn’t seem to talk very much, so it’s all the black-haired girl Yun Zhilan next to her who is dealing with everyone.

Fang Ran didn’t have the idea of getting close, just found a futon in the corner and sat down cross-kneeled.

The qi and blood handling method naturally has to maintain a sitting posture, so the dojo is neatly placed with futons, and everyone wants to be closer to Ao Xueyun to have the opportunity to express themselves, so there are no people in the corner position.

This made a lot of space for Fang Ran, and he immediately found a position in the back row against the wall, next to the window sill.

The back row is by the window, the home of the king.

After sitting down, I looked around, but I didn’t see the figure of the arrogant young man Yan Yueguan, seeing that the class time was coming, it seemed that this guy was not ready to come to this class, and he was really a maverick.

Not long after, the martial arts instructor in charge of teaching walked in, and it turned out to be a capable woman with a straight posture and a beautiful face, who looked to be in her early thirties, with short hair, wearing a white training uniform, and her figure was very good, but not the kind of big heart.

At first glance, it doesn’t seem so stunning and beautiful, but it is very attractive, the more you look at it, the more beautiful it is, plus it has its own grandmaster temperament, it looks extremely heroic.

“Okay, stop chatting around the female students, start the class now, everyone find a place to sit.”

“I am your basic martial arts instructor Wang Wuaya, and I am not allowed to exchange heads and ears in my class, so raise your hand to speak if there is any problem.”

“I know that many of you have already practiced the exercises, and I don’t need to teach the basic things, but since you choose to come to my class, you must abide by my classroom discipline, and if you don’t want to listen, don’t disturb other students who really come to learn, otherwise I will never be polite.”

“I can make it clear, since the Academy Palace has arranged for me to give you this lesson, then you don’t have to doubt whether I can calm the scene.”

As soon as the female instructor finished speaking, the disciples of the family below couldn’t help but frown.

These words were clearly addressed to them, which made them very uncomfortable.

The teaching staff of a youth training base dared to talk to them like this, it was simply unfathomable… Well!!!

Everyone just showed an unhappy expression, and before the thoughts in their hearts were finished, the female instructor suddenly erupted with a substantial terrifying momentum, instantly coercing the audience.

Vaguely, a black and white-skinned tiger phantom condensed behind the instructor, and a pair of tiger eyes stared at them deadly, and the murderous aura was close to their hearts.

All the trainees only felt that their hearts were being grabbed by a large hand and it was difficult to breathe.

The children of the family were shocked, and only fear and pain remained in their hearts, where did they dare to have the slightest contempt.

“Martial arts sincerity! This woman has actually comprehended the true meaning of martial arts! He also frantically used the true intention of martial arts to oppress us trainees! ”

“A martial artist who comprehends the true meaning of martial arts is already equivalent to a supernatural who awakens the second time in the fifth realm! A strong man second only to Wu Zun actually used it to teach basic courses? ”

“It must be because of Miss Ao Xueyun, so the Xuegong attaches great importance to it, so much so that it sends a strong person to teach!” It must be so! ”


The children of the family instantly understood the reason, and their hearts were bitter, and they could only support it under the momentum released by the other party.

Only Ao Xueyun, who was sitting in the middle, still straightened her back, and an eternal ice dragon phantom surrounded her body, quietly dissolving the coercion of the instructor.

Instructor Wang Wuaya just glanced at the vision on Ao Xueyun’s body, and just shouted sharply to the trainees:

“Now, what should you shout?!”

“Good instructor!”

“Inaudible! Louder! ”

“Good instructor !!!”

After seeing that everyone was soft, she put away her martial arts true meaning with satisfaction.

Although even one-tenth of the martial arts coercion has not been released, it is still an unbearable weight for these freshmen, and it should not be forced for too long.

As a veteran elite faculty member of the Academy Palace, she still has this measure.

“Okay, now start class!”

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