Fang Ran is quickly mastering footwork knowledge in an unknown way and quickly becoming stronger, but in the eyes of outsiders, he with sunglasses is not serious no matter how he looks at it.

He knows his progress, but others don’t.

Yun Zhilan and Ao Xueyun had already learned to swim dragon steps, so they didn’t listen to the lecture much, but saw Fang Ran’s appearance with sunglasses, and they were a little curious, so they frequently cast their eyes.

Their small actions attracted the attention of other family disciples who had been paying attention to them, and they soon thought that Fang Ran was deliberately grandstanding, but it really aroused the curiosity of the two women, and their hearts were immediately unhappy.

Even you, a clown-like guy, dare to fight with us? It’s ridiculous!

The teaching atmosphere in the dojo changed imperceptibly.

After the instructor finished demonstrating, he looked back, keenly sensed that something was wrong, and quickly set his eyes on Fang Ran.

Good guy, everyone in the audience is taking the class seriously, for fear that if you don’t carefully miss the details, just you are alone with sunglasses, what do you mean by you?

“This classmate, can you see clearly with sunglasses? It’s hard to learn the basic lessons, do you want to learn footwork well in the future? Bring it to me! ”

The instructor raised his face and lectured, and at the same time, his footsteps moved, and his figure had instantly pulled out a dragon-like winding afterimage trajectory, easily bypassing the barriers of the previous rows of trainees, and reaching out to grab him in the face.

Fang Ran still maintained the state of the three-hook jade writing wheel eye, although the instructor’s movements were as fast as the polar shadow, but in his eyes they were just slow motion, he not only did not panic, but also copied his movements by the way.

The next moment, Fang Ran tilted his head and cleverly avoided the clutches of the instructor.

“Huh? Can you actually dodge? ”

A flash of surprise flashed in the eyes of the Xi Feng instructor, but the movements on his hand did not stop, and the backhand swept towards his face.

However, Fang Ran moved under his feet, and his posture spread out leisurely, making his hand fall short again.

“Good boy! Kind of interesting! I’ll see how long you can hide! ”

Seeing this, the instructor was not angry and rejoiced, his footsteps were mysterious, and he caught up in an instant, his figure was like a dragon swimming in shallow water, and he chased straight away.

Fang Ran also felt that this was a good opportunity to copy, and immediately calmed down, and the three-hook jade chakra eye quickly captured his movement figure, and at the same time carried a dragon step under his feet, constantly dodging with very similar movements.

Two phantom dragons suddenly appeared in the spacious dojo, chasing and fleeing, their movements were extremely similar, but they always kept a distance.

For a while, the dragon shadow shone, and the whole audience was stunned!

This pretend criminal in sunglasses was actually able to hide for so long under the pursuit of the instructor! And the same use of dragon steps, the way to move is so similar to the instructor, it is almost like a mold carved.

This is not only strong, but also looks visually striking!

The more the instructor chased, the more he felt wrong, obviously he was chasing the student, but his movements and footsteps looked unusually familiar, just like looking in a mirror, he quickly reacted: This kid is actually imitating my footwork habits, using my habitual changes to deal with my chase!

Nima is also too arrogant! Can I endure this?

The warrior’s competitive spirit suddenly rose, and he did not care about the identity of the instructor, and directly used the exclusive advanced footwork technique he created.

Step up, the footsteps directly stepped on the air, stepped on a series of air explosions, and the figure flashed instantly, coming across the space.

Dragon Walk, Walking in the Void!

He actually stepped on the powerless air and accelerated and flashed from the air, instantly catching up with Fang Ran!

The sudden change occurred, just when everyone thought that he was going to be caught, the gouyu in Fang Ran’s eyes instantly accelerated, replicating his movements, and subconsciously simulating the other party’s special skills.

Just as the instructor’s hand caught his eyes, the sound of the air explosion suddenly sounded, and Fang Ran’s figure disappeared again in a matter of seconds!

Copy the simulation, swim the dragon step, and step on the wind!

The picture of dragon shadows flashing suddenly appeared in the mid-air of the dojo, and the figures of the instructor and Fang Ran flashed in the air one after another, the same chasing, but the speed was several times faster than before, and the flickering chase in the air was much cooler and handsome than just now!

Now the instructor was completely shocked!

How can it be? This is an exclusive advanced technique developed by yourself!

Of course, other footwork masters also have the ability to step into the air, but the other party obviously uses their own skills, with their own movement imprint!

Theoretically, even if he personally teaches and teaches by hand, it can’t be similar to this extent!

This kid, there are quirks!

The instructor, who realized that something was wrong, sank in his heart and once again used another footwork technique of his own.

Dragon Walk Shock!

The figure of the instructor disappeared instantly, leaving only a slowly dissipating afterimage in place.

Almost at the same time, the instructor appeared in front of Fang Ran, so close that the bodies of the two people were almost close together.

A flash of surprise flashed in Fang Ran’s eyes, and the first thought in his mind was: Navy Six Style, shaving?!

Although he caught up with Fang Ran in an instant, the instructor deliberately paused for a moment at this time.

It was this moment that allowed Fang Ran to react.

In the next second, he subconsciously used the teleportation technique he had just copied, and his figure instantly flashed to the edge of the dojo, leaving an afterimage in place and slowly dissipating.

Copy the simulation, swim the dragon step and be amazed!

After dodging it, Fang Ran reacted, just now the instructor deliberately left his hand, just to see if he could replicate this trick.

Seeing the shocked and inexplicable look in the instructor’s eyes, Fang Ran couldn’t help but smile bitterly:

Not good, just too greedy, the performance is a little too outrageous!

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