The Dragon’s Back Wasteland, a vast field, a barren mountain connected in a line, spreading all the way to the distant Dragon’s Back Mountain Range, like the backbone of an earth dragon, which is the origin of the name of this wasteland.

When Fang Ran came here, it was already night, and the bright moon was shining, casting a clear glow on the earth, adding a poignant beauty to the desolate scenery.

Fang Ran did not immediately look for prey, but just displayed the dragon step technique he had just learned, stepped on the air, dashingly climbed to the top of a barren mountain like a dragon, and sat down cross-kneeled against the bright moon in the air.

The Hack Beast flew out of his watch and stayed by his side, protecting him.

Fang Ran didn’t say anything, immediately closed his eyes, began to feel the energy of heaven and earth, and tried to absorb it into his body.

The strength of the Hak Beast is unfathomable, I am afraid that even if it is a Venerable-level powerhouse in this world, it can compete with one or two, with its protection, Fang Ran does not need to worry at all, rest assured that bold cultivation is enough.

In the original work, the practice of fairy art is not only difficult, but also full of risks, it will turn into stone if you are not careful, and there are few strong people who can practice fairy chakra.

But Fang Ran had already obtained the physique characteristics between the Thousand Hand Pillars, and his body could already perfectly accommodate natural energy without any risk.

Even the difficulty of cultivation was almost nothing, and soon the natural energy was sensed by Fang Ran and slowly absorbed into the body.

After absorbing it for a while, Fang Ran opened his eyes and frowned slightly.

“Although it can be sucked, the speed is too slow, and it has to be like a method to improve efficiency.”

He thought about it, clasped his hands together, and used Naruto’s method.

Mu Dun Wood Doppelgänger Art!

A large amount of wood was separated from the body, and in the process of detachment, it became a doppelganger that looked exactly like Fang Ran.

Ten wooden doppelgangers were separated in one breath, and Wu Wei ordered, “Sit down and practice immortal arts together.” ”

The ten wooden doppelgangers immediately sat down in a circle, closing their eyes and absorbing the energy of heaven and earth.

After a long time, Fang Ran’s body opened his eyes and stood up.

The ten doppelgangers stretched out a hand with their eyes closed, transformed into a wooden rhizome, and fell on Fang Ran’s body one after another, transmitting the natural energy they had just absorbed to him.

A large amount of immortal energy entered the body, and Fang Ran nodded with satisfaction, pinched a handprint, and entered the immortal mode.

A circle of golden-green eyeshadow appeared near the eyes, extending from the corners of the eyes to veins of golden veins, from the temples to the sideburns, and even dyed a strand of hair on the sides of the sides gold.

This doesn’t change much, but it adds a touch of wonder to his image.

This is the immortal mode that belongs to Fang Ran!

The feeling in this state is wonderful and powerful, feeling the strong immortal energy in his body, giving him the illusion of omnipotence.

“Let’s try it!”

Fang Ran, who had obtained the new power, couldn’t wait to try it, so he walked to the edge of the mountain, clapped his hands, and shouted in a deep voice:

“Reiki Shigeru Nine Songs, the Art of Soyanagi!”

The power of supernatural energy and immortal energy in the body flowed wildly, mixing with the earth poured into the ground under his feet.

In an instant, the mountain shook, and a large number of dark green vines thicker than a house pierced the earth at the foot of the mountain, frantically emerged, and in a blink of an eye, it grew into a behemoth hundreds of meters tall, as high as the barren mountain under its feet, and its size was even larger than this mountain.

The heads of nine huge vine snakes rose high, opened their mouths, and revealed jagged wooden teeth, silently releasing vigorous vitality and terrifying momentum.

This is a barbaric beast composed of vines!

Fang Ran looked at the terrifying monster in front of him that he had created with all his strength, and suddenly showed a smug smile.

Xiangliu’s technique is a trick created by Fang Ran on the basis of transforming Buddha on top of thousands of hands after he obtained Mu Duan, combined with plant manipulation powers.

It is also a plant-type giant mimicry creation, and the Buddha Lord attacks on top, and this Xiangliu Master control is mainly to control those large-sized monsters.

These huge vines are extremely strong and covered with stingers, and their regeneration ability can be called perverted, even if the snake’s head is cut off, they can quickly grow back.

It can also summon endless vines to increase control.

Once entangled by such a giant, he wants to break free again, and the poison and strong acid in the snake’s mouth are biological nemesis.

In short, it is very atrocious.

However, the consumption of creating such a behemoth is really not small, and he basically uses his special abilities and immortal energy in one move.

“Although it has barely reached the level of Mu Dun between the Thousand Hand Pillars, it is far inferior in terms of energy volume, and the time to get Mu Dun is too short, far from the level of Cha Tonla.”

“The alien ability is okay, it will gradually improve in the future, but this immortal energy is too indisable.”

In fact, it is not useless, but Fang Ran has to use it on such a large-sized trick, the consumption is naturally outrageous, if it is only a blessing on a normal-scale attack, it can still fight for a long time.

But Fang Ran was a greedy person, which obviously could not be an excuse, and the source and limitation of his own immortal energy also made him very dissatisfied.

The natural energy absorbed by ten wooden doppelgangers is just that, he can’t make a hundred or a thousand, right?

This is the wooden avatar of the strongest doppelganger, not those fragile shadow doppelgangers! At this stage, creating ten is already the limit.

I have to think of a way to improve the immortal art, maybe you can simulate the martial arts system and create an immortal system like in Xiu Zhen’s novel?

Fang Ran’s spirit flashed and he was ready to try it.

But before that, the big guy in front of him can’t let it be idle, and he has spent a lot of effort to make it.

Fang Ran dropped his gaze on the body of this vine Xiangliu, and his mind moved, the kaleidoscope writing wheel eye appeared, and the windmill pattern slowly rotated.

Exclusive kaleidoscope pupil technique, right eye, God Emperor gives birth to spiritual life!

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