Green Emperor?

Which title of the great power of the day is this? Never heard of it?

Dare to call himself an emperor, is it a hidden powerhouse at the level of the Hidden Twelve Kings?

What is Immortal Palace? Hidden paranormal organization?

There are so many supernatural organizations in this world, and there are not many that are really well-known, why haven’t you heard of this name at all?

But to be able to cultivate such a young and excellent young powerhouse, the forces behind him are definitely not simple!

Could it be some hidden organization?

Li Yingtong’s thoughts turned sharply in her heart, and she quickly came to a conclusion, but she didn’t know that this was just a name that Fang Ran casually came up with, and there was no hidden force at all.

The so-called Immortal Palace sounds very awesome, but its realization is a total of two people, a boss and a younger brother, I am afraid that I will be laughed to death.

As a junior brother, Liu Feng didn’t even know anything, and after saying this, he violently rushed to kill, wantonly attacked these hideous-looking ghosts, squandered the powerful power he had just obtained, and also vented his anger!

His posture was extremely violent, the air flow blade flew all over the sky, and the air explosion was repeated, and even the spirit body of the powerful ghost could cause huge damage, and the ghosts were chopped, blown up, and completely died before they even had time to dodge.

Even if there were more powerful ghosts squeezed out of the Mingshen Gate, they were still wrapped up by Liu Feng’s fierce wind knife, constantly consumed and killed, and the results were outstanding for a while!

Li Yingtong was so shocked that he didn’t know how to intervene to help, so he simply didn’t get close, and only released a special energy auxiliary attack in the rear.

With her help, Liu Feng’s pressure eased somewhat, and the slashing knife inadvertently cut through the crystal spear she shot, and suddenly exploded a stronger explosion, and the crystal chips that splashed out were like scattershots, beating the two powerful ghosts into a hornet’s nest on the spot, tearing and killing.

This immediately made his eyes light up, and he greeted loudly: “More more!” ”

Li Yingtong also saw the possibility of the combined attack of the two sides, and quickly created more gray crystals and shot into the space around him.

Liu Feng slashed them one by one, setting off a deadly storm of stars for a while, and the speed of killing ghosts skyrocketed!

The two worked together, and they were stunned to strangle the powerful ghosts that kept running out.

When the people of the Transcendent Search Bureau and the Extraordinary Energy Management Bureau arrived in a hurry, they saw that Li Yingtong and a teenager who had never seen him were cooperating, killing ghosts and killing ghosts.

“What is the situation?”


Just when the crisis in the ghost domain was temporarily resolved, in the ghost domain at this moment, Gong Yixin also sensed something.

Originally, he and his ghost mother wife were driving more than a dozen fierce ghosts in the four realms, and with the help of the suppression of the power of the ghost domain, launched a fierce siege against Fang Ran.

Each murderous ghost has its own special abilities, burning, flooding, poison gas, severed head, blinding, stiffness, etc. are very ordinary abilities, and a few can even shuttle through the mirror surface and petrify substances out of thin air, and there are many of them, which is really overwhelmed.

Gong Yixin and the Ghost Mother combined forces, which is equivalent to two five-realm combat powers, or home battle.

Under the siege of the other party, even Fang Ran in immortal mode was suppressed, and for a while he could only constantly defuse the attack, evade the defense, and the moves that took a little time to perform were too late to release.

However, after a while of this situation, the momentum on the ghost mother’s body suddenly began to weaken, so that the offensive gradually slowed down.

Although the speed of weakening was very slow, Fang Ran, who had a keen perception, could see that Gong Yixin, as the founder of the ghost mother, could also see it.

“What’s going on? The devil is constantly leaving the Hundred Sons Ghost Domain? How is this possible? ”

Fang Ran took advantage of his surprise, the long knife raised high and released the golden-red sun fire, rotated in a circle, and slashed out a huge sun wheel, with himself as the center, bursting out endless great sun brilliance in all directions!

The nearest few fierce ghosts were dispersed and killed on the spot by the sun’s light, and the other dozen or so murderous ghosts were also scared away by the endless light and heat, wailing and fleeing far away.

Immortal breath, two nine type modification——

Shintrau Riri Zhongten!

This is the twenty-ninth type of divine light in the breath of heaven, which simulates the light and heat of the sun under the effect of slashing the sword Da Luo Tianyan, and after the blessing and sublimation of immortal energy, its power has skyrocketed, and it is the most restrained yin and evil ghosts.

Now that he has to use this trick, he has immediately seen the divine effect, not only dispersing and seriously injuring the ghosts that besieged him, but even the ghost domain has been affected and weakened a lot.

After seeing that the strength of the ghost mother began to weaken, he thought of his arrangements in the outside world and immediately understood the details of the other party.

From just now to now, the ghost mother has not used his special ability, he still feels strange, now that he thinks about it, the ability to absorb a large number of ghost things to generate the ghost domain is itself the special ability of the ghost mother.

The effect of the Mingshen Gate forcibly luring away the ghosts can be regarded as a crooked beating and destroying the structure of the ghost domain, which is also the reason why the strength of the ghost mother began to decrease.

The strength of the ghost mother is related to the number of ghosts stored!

After coming to this conclusion, Fang Ran felt that he had a long vision today, and the ghost abilities in this world were really strange, and they had everything.

However, now that the other party’s weaknesses are known, the method of cracking the ghost domain can already be determined.

This is the end of the battle.

Eyes widen, kaleidoscope of change!

A half-body giant figure with a golden luster in the pitch black emerged from Fang Ran’s body, and its shape gradually became clear, turning into a martial god possessed by armor.

I saw a gear-shaped dark gold divine ring behind him, an eight-foot mirror on his chest, an eight-foot qionggou jade on each of his left and right shoulders, a wine gourd hanging from his waist, and two tai knives on his back.

The Martial God holds a spiral sword in his left hand and an empty hand in his right hand, but there are bow arms on both sides of his wrists, and a sharp arrow attached to his forearm!

This dark gold martial god armed to the teeth is exactly the necessary divine skill of the kaleidoscope chakra eye – Susano!

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