“Academy Palace?”

Also three realm powers, Dacheng warriors? Are you blind to me?

The general defending the city, the deputy commander of the Baishan City garrison, and Major General Wu Weimin could see that where this young man’s strength was in the three realms, it was clear that he had reached the four realms!

And it’s not an ordinary four realms, but a martial arts great consummation plus a special energy four realm consummation period, double material four realms!

It is simply unbelievable that a trainee in a youth training base actually has this kind of strength!

Such a talent has never been heard of even in the body of the Zhenguo General, and it can be imagined that it will not be long before a rising star will be born in Daxia!

“I have to take advantage of the fact that he has not yet graduated, and quickly draw him to the military!” Such a talent will be moved even by Lord Sikong Ming, if the twelve kings make a move, then there will be nothing for us! ”

Realizing this, Wu Weimin’s heart moved, and he approached Fang Ran while killing the enemy.

Fang Ran’s sight was not weak, and he naturally felt his gaze, and he knew that the other party saw his “true strength” because he had just not hidden his martial arts realm and the strength of his magical foundation.

With his current strength, it is just right to expose the power of the two realms and four realms, of course, it must be beyond the level in the eyes of outsiders, but Fang Ran does not care.

Not being jealous is a mediocre talent, and if he doesn’t shine a little now, he is afraid that he will not be able to explain his.

Thinking of this, he decided to show another wave.

I saw him stepping on the pier of the city wall, putting away the knife, standing at the head of the city condescendingly with his hands clapped, and shouting in a deep voice:

“Reimu Muren Art!”

The earth under the city immediately shook endlessly, and a burly wooden man tens of meters tall rose up, wrapped around a wooden dragon, and his face was solemn!

Everyone was attracted by this big fellow, but Fang Ran had already jumped on top of the wooden man’s head and commanded the wooden man to charge back against the beasts!

Even the body size of the alien beasts of the four realms is no more than that, the wooden people rush and collide, the giant fists storm, and the beasts attacking the city suddenly turn on their backs, and the offensive is chaotic.

Fang Ran stood above the wooden man’s head and was not idle, like a fixed artillery battery, stretched out his hands, and constantly shot out dense wooden guns and seeds.

The art of building multiple cuttings! Vitex devil parasitic species!

The surrounding beasts suddenly poured blood mold, either killed by wooden people, trampled to death and beaten to death, or destroyed by wooden guns to destroy internal organs, or were sucked into beast stems by parasitic devil seeds.

Not only did he die a lot, but he also died an extremely miserable death.

Not to be outdone, Ye Yu Qingluan in the sky chased the flying beasts in the sky and stormed, dominating the sky field, causing countless flying exotic beasts to fall down, unable to get close to the city wall for a single bit.

For a while, the pressure of this gap was cleared.

The soldiers cheered one after another, and directly regarded Fang Ran as a hero:

“So strong! Turn the tide of the war on your own! This is a real hero! ”

“Obviously so strong, the posture is still so calm! This is the real guy! ”

“That’s awesome! Where did such a fierce man come out? ”

“This strength must be at least the four realms, right? Why does it look so young? ”

“When did Baishan City produce such a fierce man? Such a strong person cannot be nameless! But why haven’t I seen it? ”

“It looks so young, but with this kind of strength, the age should not be too young, it should be because of the relationship of power.”

“Brothers, there is a strong man to block the positive pressure, let’s not live up to his efforts, kill with me!”


Because Fang Ran left the city wall, Major General Wu Weimin was unable to contact this demon-like genius young man as he wished, and while regretting in his heart, watching his further displayed strength, his heart became more and more fiery.

“With this kind of strength, it’s a pity not to come to the military!”

“It’s not too late to make friends after repelling this wave of beast tides.”


Even if Fang Ran made a move, this siege battle lasted until the afternoon, and it took 9 hours to finally push back the beast tide.

Fang Ran kept killing until the beast tide receded, and the special energy and martial arts were used alternately, and even he didn’t know how many exotic beasts he killed.

He himself didn’t care, but the soldiers on the city wall looked numb, from shock to numbness, that god-killing figure, firmly imprinted in their hearts, thinking that this life is difficult to erase.

The beast tide receded, leaving corpses all over the ground, these are all wealth, there will be special troops to clean the battlefield, Fang Ran does not need to care, anyway, the exotic beasts killed by him are very distinctive, the materials have his share, and the points of the reward will never be given to him.

Fang Ran stepped back to the city in a few steps, casually put his knife into its sheath, and was about to leave, but was stopped by a general at the level of a major general:

“This little brother, please stay!”

Fang Ran turned around, there was no surprise on his face, he knew from the beginning that he had found himself.

The military strength of the Great Xia Dynasty is respected, and at the beginning of the general level, only strong people above the five realms can hold the position, the admiral is at least the Venerable level, and the nine Zhenguo generals are the top powerhouses among the Venerable.

A major general can already know a lot of things, he sent it to the door himself, and Fang Ran didn’t have to ask around anymore.

“General, is there something wrong?”

“Little brother, I see that you have such strength at a young age, today you can repel the impact of this wave of beast tides, you are even more meritorious, can’t help but feel friendship, just think of inviting you to drink, befriend a young man like you Tianjiao, I wonder if the little brother has time to appreciate the face?”

Fang Ran smiled slightly, and replied without humility: “I don’t dare to ask for it!” ”

“Good! Then let’s have a drink! I’ll arrange the place, let’s go! ”

Wu Weimin laughed twice, and he already felt stable in his heart!.

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