“At the beginning, Yulong City introduced criminals and outlaws in the territory of the Xia Kingdom, which was equivalent to a place of exile, and for them, the elders were not soft, and they were ready to use them as experimental products to raise the evil god family.”

“However, this kind of research is strictly forbidden in any country, and there is no backdoor, especially in the Xia Kingdom, for this reason, the object of research is preferably a monster that is good at hiding and disguising, and among the evil gods, such a group is not uncommon.”

“Hermaus Skinners are the dependents of the evil gods who the leader of the organization specially went overseas to find, and they are good at hiding them to hide from the official censorship of the Xia Kingdom, but for the sake of secrecy, in fact, only a very few people in the organization know the specific research objects and project information.”

“Our parents are not the core group of people, just participants in a certain link, but they also know what the organization is doing.”

“As the scale of the research continues to expand, the guild president is no longer satisfied with criminals and begins to introduce ordinary people to Xia Guo to join the experiment, and differences finally begin to appear.”

“Many people in the organization thought that this was contrary to the original intention, and there was a gap between the core members, but the strongest president suppressed the dissatisfaction of the members with strong measures, but in the end, the organization fell apart.”

“When the contradictions in the organization became more and more obvious, several core members suddenly disappeared mysteriously, other members realized that something was wrong and fled one after another, and many of them were caught by the chairman and their whereabouts were unknown, and our elders were the group of members who had successfully escaped.”

“They know that they are guilty, and the guild leader completely controls Yulong City, so no one dares to expose the truth, but they hide incognito in the people of various countries, as if it has never happened.”

“Since then, many people have deliberately not paid attention to the situation in Yulong City, so even the news that the chairman died unexpectedly and that Yulong City fell under the official control of the Xia Kingdom is not clear to everyone.”

“It wasn’t until recently, when I returned to Yulong City to check the situation by the will of my elders, I found that the Evil God’s dependents may still be active in the city, so I summoned the descendants of the Linyuan Association I knew to act together.”

“Originally, we thought that even if we couldn’t eradicate these monsters, we would expose them and attract the attention of the Xia Guo official, but we didn’t expect that the more we investigated, the more frightened we were, and now we are also trapped in this city, and we can’t run if we want to, because under their control, this city can only enter, not out, once someone wants to leave, even ordinary people will be secretly disposed of.”

The proprietress said, looking at Fang Ran and the three: “We know that the power in our hands will not fight them, so we think of looking for foreign aid, but it is difficult for us to distinguish the disguise of the skin researcher, so we opened this inn to attract the strong.”

Baili Dengfeng thought of something, and suddenly realized and asked: “Is the signboard at the door?” So they can’t feel the artistic conception of martial arts, right? ”

“That’s right, the true meaning of the martial arts of the five realm grandmasters is the only power they can’t inherit perfectly, and they can’t even sense the existence of the artistic conception, but the alien energy quality of the five realm powerhouses can, so although there are no five realm martial artists among them, there are five realm powers, and there is more than one.”

Fang Ran and Wang Wuaya looked at each other, and they both saw a headache in each other’s eyes.

Wang Wuaya thought for a while, and said in a deep voice: “The severity of this matter has exceeded the limit of our ability, we will not help you hide it, I will truthfully report this information to the Xia Kingdom official, and let them send someone to deal with it.”

As soon as she finished speaking, the middle-aged swordsman by the window reminded: “If you want to break through and leave here and go back to report the message in person, then it’s no problem, but if you use communication equipment to transmit messages remotely, I advise you not to do it.”


“There are pretenders who inherit the knowledge of electronic communication experts, and electronic signals can be easily intercepted, and then you will be exposed, and we were almost exposed because of this before, and they were aware of our existence, and have been looking for us recently.”

The proprietress also dissuaded: “In fact, even if you can really break through and successfully spread the news, it may not be a good thing for Xia Guo and the ordinary people in this city.”

Fang Ran asked rhetorically: “What do you say?” Could there be anything worse than now? ”

“Why do you think it’s the worst now? If you were them, knowing that your existence had been exposed, what would you do? ”

Fang Ran stopped talking because he had already thought of that possibility.

Now they are still hiding in the shadows, slowly encroaching on the humans in the city and strengthening the race, but if they are exposed and no longer concealed, so many monsters are unscrupulously attacking the people in the city, that scene…

And now they are just a city of shrinkage, but if these guys run away and blend into other cities in the Xia Kingdom, it will be a disaster!

Well? Wait a minute……

Fang Ran suddenly realized something: “Wait, if they want to breed groups, why have they been cowering here for so many years and haven’t invaded other cities?” Could it be…”

“You’re finally aware of the problem.”

The proprietress smiled slightly and explained: “There is only one explanation, that is, there is something very important to them in this city, and this thing is far more important than the reproduction of their group.”

“We always believed that finding that thing must be the key to breaking the game!”

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