Extraordinary – Ordinary – Soap!

Lucia, they're taking you to Ceres' room.

Mr. Ceres took me to the men's room, and I walked around in front of the open door. If you were born, you'd be a little hesitant because you've never been in a man's room... No, it's not just Mr. Ceres's room, and there's Mr. Gaius and Mr. Erik dragging the four examples behind you, so I'm not nervous.

"Lady, don't go in there too fast."

"Ah, Yes."

When Mr. Gaius stroked me in the head and returned me to sanity, I never moved on into the room with my will. Mr. Ceres will gently attach his hand to his back so that he can labor.

I grabbed Ms Ceres' cape, covering her shoulders. I've been torn through the sleeve of my dress, so I'm now borrowing a cape from Mr. Ceres to hide it. It's kind of exciting on the other hand to be relieved when you're wrapped in Mr. Ceres' scent.

When I went in with one face red, the room addressed to the men was bigger than I thought. The three rooms are followed by a room, and the living room just after opening the door is the one used by the three of us here now, and the room behind it is the one used by the Commander and Mr. Lennart, and the master bedroom in the deepest part, His Royal Highness says. At first, they planned to have separate rooms addressed to them, but Mr. Gaius explains that this is the kind of room split that his Highness wanted them to be put together.

"Well, I'll run alone and call Prince Dono or the captain Dono. Captain Sun, Chick, nice to see you again."

"What, I'm coming!

"When something happens, if you drop even one of the thunder, you'll be quiet, but I have more than one opponent. So good to see you. Captain Sun will follow Lucia."

"Lucia doesn't leave me alone without being told. Say hello, Gaius."

"Oops, looks like it was extra. See you later."

Turning his back and waving his hand over his head, Mr. Gaius returns to the path he also came to call His Highness. Erik, who had missed that appearance, threw a dangerous glance at the four kidnappers when he dropped one sigh.

"Uncles, come on, you better be ready. I think I'm scared of the rest if I don't throw up my client or not."

My uncles, and the kidnappers who were put together, turned down to Erik's words. Now they are being held in hindsight, but they don't seem to be willing to rumble or escape, and their actions earlier seem terribly quiet as lies.

"You guys tried to kill Lucia, didn't you? You got your hands on her knowing she wasn't a person in this country, she was a follower of the Virgin Sama, right? You can't do that for free, can you? I don't know why I thought about it and asked you to do it, but I don't know if I'm going to give you the name of the person above me or not, so I might have to deal with it differently. Just think about it."

Mr. Serres, who was next to me, exhaled at Erik, who told him with a grumpy, irritating, thorny voice.

"Lucia, we need to talk to these guys, so why don't you take your time in your Royal Highness's room or in the Captains' room? Are you tired?

With a smile and a gentle smile, Mr. Ceres works hard... but you can go into another man's room on your own, right? No, I'm already in there, but I can't get into that room without my highness or the captains using the back room I was advised to.

So when I tell you that I'm going back to the room assigned to me, Mr. Ceres shakes his head sideways with a difficult face. They can't keep me and Maria out of sight without knowing who the enemy is.


Don't go to the back room. Maria rushed in with a screaming voice. After Mr Maria there are the sights of His Highness and the captain of the regiment, Mr Lennart and Mr Gaius.

"Lucia, Lucia is okay!? No injuries??"

Embracing Maria, who appeared as she jumped in, she was checked all over her body. It hurts, Maria!

"It's okay, it's nothing"

"You guys! Guy told me everything! How dare you!


After checking my safety, Maria turned around and showed the kidnappers amazing. Siro on Maria's shoulder also spreads his wings to raise his voice of intimidation. I'm usually poor Maria, but when I get angry, it's powerful and scary.


Her Royal Highness took control of Maria, who was trying to twist their collar in motionlessness.


Her Highness giggles when she hands on Maria's shoulder in such a way that she is not convinced. I'm definitely laughing, but the air wrapped around me. This feels... like Mr. Ceres a while ago.

"Maria? You're a good girl, so go to my room. Hey? With Lucia. Like?"



"……… Okay."


I'm scared even though I'm smiling. Such a person is assembling both of us on this occasion. That's an amazing chance. I feel more scared of His Highness and Serres smiling than I do of Maria, who is visibly angry... am I tired?

"Celestino, take Maria and Lucia to my room. Erik, you wait in Fernando's room. Fernando, Renate, Gaius, you listen to them."

His Royal Highness gave you a smile and a full smile as you waved your role.

"Come on, you guys, you're gonna let me hear it, right?

The kidnappers, who were shown a beautiful His Highness's smile, all trembled together, like frogs stared at by snakes.

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