Extraordinary – Ordinary – Soap!

Lucia, accomplish the purpose of your journey

The seven-colored light that appeared swallowed everything, me, the demons and the heavenly crystal trees, and shook heaven, dyeing the world into its colour. I feel it glowing, but it's not eyelid. I'm just blinded by that sparkling light.

When I noticed all the time, the outline of the black dragon that was looming in front of me melted out into the light blurry. Loose, and melted, it quickly loses its shape and the dragon returns to light without a trace.

"The demon…………"

Does the demon disappear mean that this is the light of purification? Is it the power of Mr. Maria? Yeah, but this color is the same as “chavon”. I mean, me and Mr. Maria's magic fused?

I saw the hand connected to Maria. Because you held hands? Or because we chanted it together? For an unprecedented effect, confusion cannot be hidden.

That's when I thought so. The opposite of the hand connected to Mr. Maria. The weight disappeared all the way out of my hand holding the silo. Usually I think you flew to Maria, but after seeing the dragon disappear in front of you. As I turned to be bounced, I saw Ciro slowly losing his contour.


Maria's screams overlap in my voice.

"No! Shiro!!"


"Hey do it! Wait...............!

As soon as Maria's thin fingers touched her, Shiro made a small squeal, which quickly stopped and then dissolved into the light. Of course, and leave a small round stone in my hand.

"No, ahhh!

Was the scream raised mine? Was it Maria's? The light will blink strongly as it responds to that voice, and you won't even be able to keep your eyes open.


When I opened my eyes again, there was only a sparkling heavenly crystal tree there. The black, elaborate rice noodles have already disappeared, and some of the egg fruits that lived there are no longer visible.

As I looked for the shadow of the two dragons that had vanished as if they were illusions, I looked at the stones of my palms. That stone, very similar to the demonic stone, has a colour of silo scales. And in the middle, I saw a golden light that reminded me of those eyes.

"Uh... Shiro, where have you been...? Shilo? Where?

I have no voice to respond to Maria's little whine that I can't rely on. Looking around, there's nowhere to look like a little adorable little dragon.


Next to me kneeling at the navel and on the ground, Maria banged furiously on the trunk of the heavenly crystal tree in front of her.

"Give it back! Give it back! Why are you turning it off? That kid, he's not a bad demon!? You can see it's not like the black one just now! She's important! Give it back!

Hearing Maria cry, I grabbed the crystal left in my palm. Why? Why did it disappear? As Maria says, Shiro is not a demon who attacks people. He's been with us ever since we hatched.



"Now, get down to something... What is this?

Maria, picking up something that fell to the roots of the Tenjing tree, seriously observes it as she rubs the top of her head.

"Something... metal? Stone?"

In tears, Maria pinched it with her fingers and turned it towards us. That Shizuku-shaped stone is golden like Maria's light magic.

"Let me see!

So that we may be drawn to the voice of Erik, we shall gather at the root of the vanished heavenly crystal tree. When Erik borrows Shizuku-shaped stones from Maria's hand, he observes them without any extra effort to correct them.


When I felt a warm hand on my back and raised my face, I was Mr. Ceres with a serious face.

"Are you okay?"

"Yes, but Shiro…………………"

As soon as I called Shilo's name, I started crying.

"Wow, was it bad that I helped? Shiro... disappeared..."

"That's not true."

You can hug me to attract my head, but I won't stop crying. Don't get Mr. Ceres' clothes wet, while I think in the corner of my head, I'll keep it up.

Shiro, I'm sorry, Shiro. I'm sorry. I didn't think you'd disappear, and I'm sorry I helped you so cheaply.

Regret it or apologize, Shiro won't go back to being a demon stone. I couldn't help myself, and Maria and I wept a little.

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