Then we followed the land of Maynard with few words. Though the mood is exalted after purifying the Tenjing tree, at the same time the words were definitely part of the journey companion. Having lost Shiro, we had a heavy and painful feeling, we had lost the words that interacted with nature.

She was originally planning to take a trip to the royal palace in Dal Kant for a report and have another party to celebrate, but she decided to give it to the gatekeeper and hurry ahead as it was, whether it had become awkward in the case of Fatna Castle. Her Royal Highness would not stop at Fatna properly, but after writing to her that she had finished purifying the Tenjing Tree.

"Are you even stopping by Batis?

"No, I entrusted Her Majesty Herbert with contacting me, so let's keep going back to Banfield. I was supposed to stop by the last Maynard, Dal Kant, but I was supposed to ask him to get in touch with me there. It's quicker to get the horses out of here than we can stop by. There will be no more demons, and it will soon spread to the whole territory."

To Maria's question, Her Highness shook her head. Somehow there will be some hospitable air between you, knowing you won't have to stop by Fatna. That's about it, it was a bad aftertaste case.

"Then you're going straight home."

"Yeah. When I get back, I'll ask the Academia to create a demon stone to return you."

"That's it, but maybe, um... we could use Shiro's demon stone"

Erik will break into the conversation between His Highness and Maria. Maria crawled a thin finger on her chest for the word "Shiro's Demon Stone”. There, the stone of Silo, knitted to envelop it with strings, is rocking.

The “Shizuku of the Tenjing Tree" that Maria needs to return to, His Highness, and the Devil's Stone that Shiro left behind, was held by Maria, whom Maria begged to decorate, is with Maria all the time when she sleeps, as before.

Nevertheless, the stone of Siro becomes the stone that can be used for the return of Mr. Maria?

"Yeah, I can't look it up properly because I don't have the equipment, but I can feel some pretty strong magic. So maybe this alone can cover the magic needed to get back home."

When I heard Erik explain, Maria grabbed the stone all the time. With Ciro's power, Maria can return to her world without shifting time. The time to say goodbye to Maria is right there. If you think so, your chest is full. I just broke up with Shiro, but I'm going to say goodbye to my loved one again soon. I want to laugh at Maria and drop her off, but I'm not sure it's funny.

Listening to Erik, I guess I wasn't able to make a good look. Maria, who noticed it, left her side and came this way.

"Lucia! You know, could you do me a favor and“ chavon ”me?

"" Chavon "…?

"That's right. I feel good already! I want to feel that. I haven't asked you here in a while. Isn't that nice?

Mr. Gaius laughs at Maria, who snaps one eye closed.

"I don't know, I was a lot obsessed with you! Was it shabby here for a while?

"I don't like the way you put it, Guy! Isn't that nice? Hey, Lucia. Isn't that good?"

"Ah...... yes. Bye, Chavon!

Nor was it to say no, so I used the magic that would be my first since I left Maynard.


Everyone, including me, gives a clear voice to the fact that nothing happens when you cast a spell. Is that it? You said it right, didn't you? Out of magic? No, I don't have any physical problems for that. It's energy itself.

"Shh," Chavon "..."

Whilst confused, even if you chant it back carefully, nothing remains to happen. It's as if magic is no longer available.

"Hey, Lucia, this!

Erik rushes to remove the measuring instrument and magic restoration medicine from the bag. The memory won't move like it used to, and I won't even say yes. If you turn your anxious gaze straight to Erik-kun, you will be silently handed a bottle of magic restorative medicine.

If you whisper it all at once without worrying about the taste, you mouth the meter again...... after all, the memory remains pointing to zero. I didn't even move Pickle.


Mr. Ceres holds me in silence, upset me.

Why? Why is it suddenly unavailable? This power, which had already been used when I felt at heart, was in me at all times. I never thought there would be a day when I wouldn't be able to use it.

"─ Is it because the celestial tree has been purified?"


My favorite blue stares at me as I raise my face to that word that fell over my head with a pompous sleigh.

"Your power was for purification. If you think so."

"You did your part, so you disappeared?

Erik will take over Mr. Ceres' words.

"So, my powers too?

Maria, who shifted her gaze from me to her own hands, frowned faintly and speaks to herself.

"The Sphere of Light!

A small sphere of blurry light appeared along with its soaring voice.


"The power of the Virgin is still available..."

"Is the Virgin's help still available because she hasn't fulfilled her role in that world yet?

Erik-kun and Mr. Renate will speak at the same time, staring at the sphere of light that has appeared.

My power that disappeared and the power of Mr. Maria that did not disappear. I took my breath to that difference, which was clearly shown before my eyes.

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