"Gaius, capture Astorga! Don't make me see your father!

Gaius moves in the shape of a ghost to the life of His Highness Edoardo. With Gaius, who has the strength, and a deputy captain who has retreated from the front line, even though he is working out somewhat, the win was decided.


In the chestnut colour offered from His Highness's hand, I removed my sword. Gotton, the dull sound strangely strikes me.

Her shard, handed in place of the sword, lost all body power.


The gentle touch remained when touched several times during the journey. It smells faintly cool.

Reddened face. Adorable smile. Angry face. Crying face.

Her face in memory circles.

─ ─ I like Mr. Ceres, too. I'm nobody else, and I like Mr. Ceres. If you want me to, can I stay on your side? ─ ─

Yeah, I like you, too. I'm glad you're not anyone else. [M]

-I don't like it when you're gone.

Even I hate it when you're gone.

- I'm scared you're gone.


I didn't know you were so scared of losing someone you cared about.

I can't believe how pathetic it is to be left alone.

I didn't think it would be so hard to lose the world.


"............ Uhhhhhhhhhhhh!!"

Grip her hair left behind.

I swore to protect you.

I promised I wouldn't leave you alone.

I wanted to make you happy.

I wanted to be happy with you.

─ ─ I can't match her.

Shira, I heard a noise on my chest. The Shaking Knights Chapter was enlisted with frustration.

"What a hero... what a knight! That's not what I wanted!

If I wasn't a knight, I wouldn't have met you.

If I hadn't been treated like a hero, I'm sure you wouldn't have died.

It's my fault you lost everything.

Relax and throw the Knights Chapter on the floor.

"Astruga, where did you do Lucia's remains"

"... I can't tell you. I don't feel the need to tell His Highness. It is the king I serve. You are not yet king."

"Are you saying that if I reign?

"I'm not interested in talking about assumptions. It is the king I serve. Let's get you through to Your Majesty."

"- I see."

His Highness Edoardo's voice went low. It was a frozen voice.

"I wish I were the king.... Gaius, take him. Don't let your father see you."

Copy that.

"Fernando, follow me. Renate, Maria, please."

When Gaius, who tries to pull it together and takes the Vice Commander, and His Highness Edoardo, who leads the Commander out as the angry figure, were gone, only the whimpering voice of the Virgin and Lord Erik echoed in the room.

Listening to them cry, I couldn't think of anything.

Where are you going?

When Lord Erik asked me, I finally realized that I had risen. Wherever they ask me, I don't know. I thought about where I wanted to go with my blunt head, but there was only one way to think about it.

"Find Lucia."

"Looking for Lucia, she's gone."

Lord Erik looked at Lucia's hair in my hand and told her he couldn't tell.

"You can't die. Captain, you can't! Lucia doesn't want that!

"You won't die until you find Lucia."

"You're willing to die! No, you can't!

"What do you think this world is worth without her?


When I was depressed at Lord Erik, the Virgin rose loosely.

"Is Lucia gone? Are you sure about that?


"Eli, tell me. All he brought was Lucia's hair. You said you were dead, but you're lying, right? Tell me you're lying, hey."

The Virgin walked up to me like she was flustered and angry. When I touch Lucia's hair, I cry again with polarity.

"Tell me you're lying. 'Cause I haven't seen it. I don't believe in what I haven't seen. I don't want to believe that. I have not heard that Lucia's protected world was such a filthy thing. What did that kid do? That kid, he protected everything he could reach, and he worked hard, but he's such a liar. This dream, hey, tell me!

"Holy Virgin, don't make me say it again and again! In this world, cutting a woman's hair is when she dies or becomes a widow! I mean, I have Lucia's hair... already."

"Just your hair! Cut your hair doesn't kill you! My world cuts about as much hair!

"This place... eh"

Turning to the sobbing Virgin, Lord Erik shouted badly.

"This place is not like your world! I'm sorry, Virgin. But for a woman in this world, getting her hair cut is a big deal.... Don't make me say this many times!

Lord Erik says in tears and tears, but the Virgin denies it with all her hard work. Shaking her messy hair further, the Virgin shook her head in disgust.

"Even if it's heavy, it won't die! Cutting your hair won't kill you! I don't believe he's dead! Lucia's alive! I promised you I'd drop you off!

Cut your hair, it won't kill you.

I saw the hair in my hand. I thought there was a direct link between a woman cutting her hair and her death. Whether that is real death or social death, they become "dead" by cutting their hair. That was common sense in this world.

But as one of us, I haven't seen her remains.

─ ─ What if the deputy captain was lying?

I didn't think that man would disobey his royal life until he lied, but still the doubts that sprouted in his chest once did not disappear.

Because that was the bud of hope, I didn't want to erase it.

Suppose that man wanted to defend Lucia to the point of defying His Majesty's, clan orders.

There must be a chance that she's alive.

It seemed like a glimmer of light shone in despair.

I hold her hair in my chest.

I can't give up. I can't give up.

I swore to Lucia that I would protect her.

When I picked up the sword that fell on the floor and delivered it to my sheath, I now headed to the door with a clear will.


Whether it's going to go around the world or not, I'm going to find you.

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