
Though he came before the house he was renting, Mr. Ceres opened the door with one hand without lowering me. Inside a deserted house, the sound of doors closing.

"Can't you put it down anymore?

When I asked if you could put me down because we were alone, I was finally able to stand on the ground. But I don't have time to breathe, and I can hold you tight as I am.

"…… It's not a dream, is it?"

A pompous, anxious voice fell into my ear.

It was a word that was also in me.

That the person, who was more thirsty than anything else, is there now. It's like you're dreaming, it's unrealistic. I'm scared that no matter how much we touch or hug each other, if we wake our eyes, they'll disappear.

And I caged my strength in my trembling hand, and seized Mr. Ceres' clothes.

"It's not a dream. So I want you to tell me it's not a dream either."

I want you to tell me you're here.

I want you to believe that I'm here.

I don't need nightmares anymore. If I wake up with my eyes, I don't want Mr. Ceres here in the morning.

Unlike the shabbon balls that break when I touch them, I hope they don't disappear from my sight when I touch them.

"It's not a dream, Lucia. I'm here. Touching you."


"It's not a dream..."

Trying to nod his face at my shortened hair, Mr. Ceres shouted like he had killed him. To that bitter voice, I also wept.

"Finally, I see you. Sorry I'm late. I'm really, really sorry."

"Please don't apologize anymore. I'm really glad you picked me up. Thank you. I'm so glad you're looking."

When I raised my head gently, my eyes stared at me like they reflected Mr. Ceres' blue sky. That color, wet in tears, was brighter than any blue I had ever seen.


I was called by name and I felt my heart raise its voice of joy.

How much would you have liked to have been called this name?

I can't believe I was so happy to be properly called my own name in the voice of this person I love.


A gentle kiss descends on your hair, forehead, eyelid, along with a voice you call Lucia.

"I finally found it. I'm not letting you go anymore, and I can't let you go, okay? This time, I want you to stay on my side, because I will always protect you. I want you on my side."

Yes, the nodding words disappeared to Mr. Ceres' lips without shaking the air.

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