Extraordinary – Ordinary – Soap!

Lucia, talk about each future (3)

"The truth is, I thought you might want to quit the Knights."

To His Majesty's quiet voice we listened silently and accidentally.

"While you guys were looking for Lucia, we talked a lot about it. Maria tells me that this country is too focused on the King (me) and that there is no mechanism to stop me when I do something wrong. So I talked to her and Fernando and the others, and I decided to make a council."

Smile softly, Your Majesty continues his words. I'm laughing, but the light in its eyes was something strong.

"Even in Maria and Lucia, there were many people in a position to stop the king (Chichi). Prince Wang (me), Commander of the Knights (Fernando), Director of the Academia...... But I couldn't stand to be alone. Because I thought you wouldn't listen, because it's for protection, because it's an act of transcendence, and if that's enough to cause tragedy later on, I thought maybe stopping would create a working existence. However, when there are people powerful enough to stop the king, it will cause unwanted strife. So it was about empowering institutions, not people."

"Well, building an institution like that also corrupts by those who take its seat. But isn't it better than not? This country."

To His Majesty's story, Mr. Maria hammers. We, on the other hand, were rounding our eyes on the plans for fluctuations in the centres of a country that we had no idea of. Unlike us, where the King was the most honorable and whose words were absolute, Maria, who lived in different worlds, seemed to have a different perspective.

"I am not willing to consist solely of royalty and nobility. The person who knows people's lives best is the person in the city well who lives there. At first, kings (me), knights, academia, various unions (alti) to each lord, and representatives of the city. I want to make up these people and make up my mind about different things."

"From Dal Kant's" Tower of Learning, "the scholars are here, and you have a lot to learn."

His Majesty, who spoke of his vision for the future, accidentally looked straight at Mr. Ceres and my face.

"Celestino, after you quit the Knights, have you already decided what to do? He said he was going far, but have you decided where to go yet?

"No...... only roughly. First, I want to say hello to Lucia's parents for Hathaway, and then I want to go back to Mist."

"Right. So I'm here to talk to you, but I have a couple of Kings Prince Territories that I had. One of these days, I'll give you what I think is best, so why don't you just take your time there? So is the reward for you, but more importantly, I want to reward Lucia. I don't think the territory will match Lucia's dedication, but I'm sorry, I can't think of anything else."

To His Majesty's offer, we meet face to face. What shall I do, no matter what you tell such an amazing story, you have too much!

"Should I get it?

"Right, isn't Lucia's accomplishment enough to make you sorry? Same goes for the Virgin."

"Yes, Maria is better than I am……"

Maria opened her mouth so as to hold me back in confusion, and Erik held her remarks back even further. But as Erik says, I think Maria deserves better than I do.

Maria stopped pushing me with a soft grin.

"I don't mind. I got a lot from Lucia."


"I'm glad I'm here in this world. At first it was a throw, but now I'm glad I'm with you. Because even I could work hard for someone, because it seemed like someone would care for me in return. If I am the Virgin of all, Lucia is the Virgin of the Virgin. You saved me because I'm Lucia."

When Maria laid her hand on the demon stone in her chest, she let the words cut off a little.

"... I told you I was going home. This is how you got home safely, so I'm going home once. So, I'm gonna do what I have to do right over there, and I'm gonna come back over here. Ed said he'd wait for you, too, and when you get back here, you'll come after you've studied to be of any help. I thought it would be troublesome for the queen, but don't run away, because I'll do more than I can and then I'll be sure to come back."

"……… you're waiting. I'm waiting for Maria to come back."

"Right. I'll be back in a few years or so, so just wait!

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