With the spare blessings from all of you, my wedding with Mr. Ceres is over. Dropping off all of you leaving the hall, there will be only me and Mr. Ceres who plan to stay in the royal castle.

It also seems that around the same time the reception over there ended, and in the hall where it was deserted, a gloriously dressed Maria and Her Majesty came.

"Lucia! I'm tired, work hard!"

"I'm tired. It must have been tough, huh?

"I'm tired of the old men's opponents ~. My face is going to be cramped!

"I'm sorry, Maria"

"It's not Ed's fault, is it? First of all, I need to get used to this, and I'll be in trouble when I get back. That's what queens are for. If you're a queen, you have to hold on! I'm good at making things better on the outside, me."

"…… Ah, Maria!

Your Grace is thrilled to hear Mr. Maria's words. I don't know, Maria, it's so cool.

"And... well, I'll be home tomorrow, right? I want to make things right."

To the toned down voice of Maria, we also become naturally silent.

Yes, Maria is finally returning to her former world tomorrow. Pleasant, but equally as dreary. So much so that the presence of Mr. Maria had become irreplaceable among us.

"I'm sorry I let you go."

"I've been waiting for you because I want to. Hey, don't cry! Send me out tomorrow with a smile on your face!

Along with the word smile, Maria pinched my cheek and stretched it to the side. It hurts plain, but it's patient.

"Laugh! Laugh, Lucia! Women are adorable!

"... Um, maybe Maria, are you drunk?

I asked His Majesty to faint alcohol. "A little… a lot," His Majesty nodded, but Maria, blushing, was beginning to tangle with Mr. Ceres in the meantime.

"Ceres! You! Take care of Lucia! If I make you cry, even at the end of the earth, I'll chase you, catch you up, and I'll burn you down!

"I won't make you cry."

"All the lies! Lucia cries when I'm with you! Why do I only cry in front of you? You're so sloppy!

Somehow Mr. Ceres today just gets stuffed with sloppiness.

"Lucia, give it back! It's just me, Tomodachi! Give it back! I'll bring it back!"

"That's not all you can do! I can't stand it if he takes me!

"I'm taking Lucia and Shiro home!"

At last Maria, who cried out, jumped into me when she pushed Mr. Ceres away.

"Lucia! Don't forget about me! Never forget it!

"You can't forget. I remember exactly what Maria did to us and what we talked about together. Because it's an important treasure."

As I embraced Maria, who cried wondrously, I was speaking to Maria in a rough way.

"I'm glad you believed I was alive, didn't you?


"Hair, do you know how touched I was when I saw you cut for me?

"I don't know ~"

"You've talked a lot since you came back to Artad."

"I wanted to talk more ~"

"I love it. Wherever you are, forever, I love Maria. I love your straightness, you can cry and be angry for people. For those of us in this world who don't even know what to look at, I've worked so hard to be afraid. It's very tedious to have so little to give you back."

I laughed at Maria through tears spilling out of her obsidian eyes.

"I'll be sure to come back, believe me. I'll wait. As Maria believed in me and waited for me, so am I, waiting for Maria to return. I'll be waiting for you no matter how long it takes."

Behind us joining hands, Mr. Ceres and His Majesty are laughing. To that appearance, Maria finally smiled, too.

"I'll wait for you."

"I'll be waiting, forever"

That's how my last night with Maria went by.

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