Extraordinary – Ordinary – Soap!

EX) Maria Nishimine prays

In the end, the story of the other world could not be believed except by the family. Even my family didn't believe me from the beginning.

Well, I don't think I have a choice. Me, too, what I think is a story if people tell me that, don't think it's real.

Like that, when I got back......... well, I guess a lot happened. But there was a lot going on when they took me over there, so that's okay.

I put what I got over there to my roots, and I was fine with whatever they said.

Because even though they told me it was a lie that went to another world, it was true in me.

As long as there's someone important who believes in me, I don't care what anyone tells me.

I didn't care what anyone else's ratings were from the beginning, so I left them to say whatever I wanted, and the rumors about my disappearance were quenched when I realized it.

I really feel like I would notice this. You didn't care at all because you were studying law and management and history to help you when you got back over there. I also say I had to get myself into studying because I broke up with Karesi I was dating (see, I'm my wife), but as soon as I was conscious of trying to learn, studying got interesting, didn't it? When I get interested, my understanding goes on, and then my grades go up, so that kind of makes me interesting... and as a result, the rumors that I don't care about didn't come to my ears.

What I couldn't help but care less about than that is the difference in time between the other side and this one.

'Cause, right? A year and a half over there, only two days over here. I mean, if you think it's been a year and a half over there every two days... that's not just every other time.

I don't like it, when I get back over there, Ed's being a grandpa, that's impossible! I want to live with my loved ones over there.

Of course, I was able to get back here safely, so there was a way to live this way as before... no matter how much I thought about it, how many times I thought about it, it was the other world I wanted to live in. I want to live with Ed, Lucia and everyone. It's hard to break up with your father or mother, but I chose the other world myself.

Yet! Yet? I'm not going to tell you about the magic team Eli gave me, or about Shiro's magic stone!

The "Shizukuishi of the Tenjing Tree" was gone when I came back here. I'm sure the cost of going home was that stone. Because Shiro's demon stone didn't make any difference.

"Hey, Eli, what are you talking about? You said you had verified it many times. You pompous little fellow!

I complained to a wizard who was not here right now about the magic formation on my notebook that I had spread to my desk. However, the strange text depicted in scarlet ink on cream-colored paper does not return any reaction.

As a matter of fact, it's been months since I left.

If the difference in time from the other world is a year and a half in two days... no, it's been so long I don't want to think about it. On the contrary, Grandpa, he may not even be alive.

I stopped calculating aggressively, but the error between the two worlds fills up as I circle my head.

"I don't know if I'll ever see you again"

Shizuku falls at the edge of the notebook and the magic formation. Looking away from the ink on the smudging pen, what was badly in between were commemorative photographs with important people.

I want to see you.

I want to see my loved ones.

When Lucia disappeared from my sight, I believed in the raw. If I gave up, I was really going to be gone, and when I was desperate to live, I felt faint hope.

I fell into a river with increased water, but Ceres went to help me, so I'm fine.

They told me he was dead, but I don't believe him because he only has physical evidence of his hair.

In both cases, a miracle happened.

So... I want to believe that it's going to happen again.

If the meaning of my choosing as the Virgin of another world is anywhere, God, please let me go to that world again.

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