"So." Zhang Mingyue's pretty little face was full of disappointment“ I also want to be able to fly around after learning. "

"It's impossible to fly around in this world." Ling Feiyu shook his head“ I'll see if you have spiritual roots to cultivate later. "

Ling Feiyu has three levels of Qi training. I can see if other people have the talent to practice.

Standing on the top of the hill, looking at the situation in the valley. Here are all miscellaneous trees. There is also a 300 mu lake.

"In the past, someone contracted to raise fish. But they all lose money. That's all we can do here. " Zhang Mingyue said to Ling Feiyu“ On the edge of the lake, you can find some fish and shrimps. If you're lucky, you can catch big head fish. "

Ling Feiyu heard from his grandfather. It seems very strange in this lake. We can't catch much fish in the end. I felt all over the bottom of the lake, which was only three meters deep, but I couldn't find the reason.

"Why do you come to fish, too?" Tang Laobian was wearing short briefs. Stand on the knee. Smile Yingying looking at the shore, in see Zhang Mingyue charming face, and that hot figure. There has been a change somewhere in Tang Laobian. Obviously inflated!

"Go back first, moon." Ling Feiyu felt uncomfortable. This old Tang Bian did it on purpose. This is to take advantage of it. He can't get angry.

"Brother Yu, the lake is more than ten feet offshore. It's more than three meters deep. " Of course, Zhang Mingyue is not at ease“ Let's grab some fish and shrimp on the side. Although it's not big. But it's fresh. There's no pollution

There is no pollution. That's for sure. On a small hillside, there is a stream formed by a spring, constantly replenishing water for the small lake. The spring is on the hillside, about the size of a bucket.

"Then you don't have to go into the water on the shore. I'll go down and catch the fish. Don't worry. You know who I am Ling Feiyu raised his eyebrows. Zhang Mingyue, who is confident, has tender eyes.

Zhang Mingyue remembers that Ling Feiyu is a true cultivator. It seems to have great ability. It's not a small thing to catch fish in the water. All practitioners can go down to the sea to kill dragons.

As for the evil looking Tang Laobian, just don't go to see him. The more such people avoid him, the more energetic he is!

"Brother Yu, be careful." Zhang Mingyue gave an advice.

Ling Feiyu had already prepared to take off his trousers, which was a big beach pants. He went into the water naked. Go to the lake.

Tang Laobian looked at his fat. I'm looking at Ling Feiyu's flesh. Suddenly, I felt that God gave this boy too much face.

Ling Feiyu walked more than one meter deep and dived into the water. Zhang Mingyue watched anxiously and rolled up her trouser legs. Use small push net to catch small fish and shrimp at the root of reed beside water and grass on the lake.

Ling Feiyu just wanted to come down and see what was happening in the lake. Let the fish farmers lose everything.

If you put it in the time when there were no practitioners before. Although Ling Feiyu is good at water, he won't come down to take risks. Now it's different. He already has this ability.

Ling Feiyu has such a plan. That is to contract the valley. This is the starting point for him to get rich and return to Quancheng.

Make sure of the lake. Fish culture is also a good project.

Ling Feiyu can barely see clearly at the bottom of the lake. There are many big basketball stones at the bottom of the lake. Half buried in the shallow mud at the bottom of the lake. Turn around and see some big fish. It's more than one meter long. It's flexible to avoid Ling Feiyu. Very leisurely swim away.

But Ling Feiyu saw a strange situation. There is a big gap on the back of a fish. You can see what it escaped from. This may be the reason why fish farming loses money.

The fish kept in the small lake have been eaten by it since childhood. It's probably this big. And be chased by something else.

"NIMA, I need to be careful. Don't bite on your back. " Ling Feiyu was wary in his heart.

Just at this time, he saw a thing with arms from two meters long. She was shining with gold. A flash of lightning came out from the bottom of the lake. One bite on the belly of a big fish. Quickly dragged the big fish into the cave.

Ling Feiyu had a good idea and quickly swam around the center of the lake. It's only one mu in the center of the lake, seven or eight meters deep.

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