Sending spirit is really to call the air. The magic she has figured out can connect the mind with the cell phone signal through divine consciousness. As for how she did it, she can't tell.

No one can use this magic except her. Anyway, Ling Feiyu didn't understand it because he wanted to break his head.

The most powerful thing is that there is no blacklist and power off in Jiling. As long as the other person has a mobile phone, she can get through.

Ling Feiyu put down his cell phone and coughed, "Beth, you've done a good job. The speed of integrating the conservative camp is faster than I thought. Our plan can be advanced to the next step."

Elizabeth showed a strong Queen's demeanor. She walked in the room with nine centimeter heels, and her eyebrows were full of uneasy worries. "But the Vatican has not started against the rebels, because we have stepped back step by step. The rebels have pushed from the west of the Maoxiong kingdom to the nearby Hanshu. All the conservative families on the way have been uprooted, and we can't retreat any more, The Holy See has no intention of fighting at all. "

"Because the tail of the Holy See has not been stepped on, I have arranged for eve to do it. I believe it will come to an end soon." Under the arrangement of Ling Feiyu, Elizabeth and Eve are both in gallic chicken country, but they haven't met each other.

Elizabeth stops pacing. She walks to Ling Feiyu's back. She feels that her little wife is waiting for her husband to come home. She rubs Ling Feiyu's shoulders lightly. "When the internal strife of the blood clan is over, my husband will leave me in gallic chicken kingdom. Are you still living in China?"

"Yes, you used to be my follower. Now you have your own followers. One person controls the whole blood clan. You will be the most powerful one among the Europa practitioners except the Pope." Ling Feiyu's tone is a little proud. If that is the case, he will control the two camps of Europa practitioners in his hands. He is the real boss.

Elizabeth said leisurely, "Sir, you have no idea what I want, power? Status? A life of luxury? "

"That's all I can give you." Ling Feiyu a word to her words, can't give her, has given Zhang Mingyue them.

At this time, someone knocked on the door and heard Heinrich's voice, "Mrs. Bartoli, Mr. Ling, the Vatican has moved..."

The reason for the Vatican's action is very simple. Some rebels sneaked into Gallic chicken Kingdom and set fire to Notre Dame, which has a history of seven or eight hundred years. Then they broke through the siege and fled to the border of Hans Tigris after killing several clergy.

As soon as this happened, the secular world was sad because of the damage of human treasures, and the Holy See was furious. The Pope immediately sent the strongest group of people from the Holy See to hang the blood clan near Hans Tigris.

It's the blood clan, not a certain camp, which means that as long as the blood clan appears in front of them, it's a death!

Five of the twelve swordsmen, four of the ten Dharma gods, and three bishops are gone. No matter where they are put, they can't be underestimated. It's a bit overqualified to deal with a group of blood people.

Those who really know the Shinto of light all know that the twelve swordsmen, the ten Dharma gods, and the bishops usually walk in churches and monasteries all over the world. It's easy to get together. It's a big deal to find three or four.

The last time I broke into Mingyue valley of Ling Feiyu, I took legendary props with me. I just went to two sword gods.

This time, such a powerful force has been gathered. Seeing the Holy See's determination to fight, we must hit the blood clan hard!

After learning the news, Elizabeth first looked at Ling Feiyu and asked him to make up her mind. Ling Feiyu was silent.

Elizabeth hesitated and said, "please keep a low profile and don't appear under the eyelids of the bright God. When this wave of all-round attack is over, we will give the rebels a head-on attack!"

"I see. I'll pass it on to the other elders." Heinrich is ordered to leave. Of course, he can see that Ling Feiyu is the one who really makes up his mind. If Elizabeth's decision is agreeable, Ling Feiyu will not speak as he does now.

If Elizabeth's decision is not agreeable, Ling Feiyu will definitely hint to veto it.

Elizabeth breathed a sigh of relief. "At last, I hope everything will go as well as my husband expected."

"I hope so." Ling Feiyu smiles contentedly.

The cold winter in the no man's land of sisuria has arrived. The winter here is very long. It starts early and ends late. Today, it is half a month earlier than usual, and the road is blocked by heavy snow.

Ling Feiyu's scheduled farm has been built and put into use. With the temperature control array arranged in advance, the temperature of land, soil and air in different areas of the farm are under strict control.

Here is a common fruit and vegetable, slightly add a little plant essence, do not change their original appearance, but only greatly accelerated growth, will be a few years of fruit trees into half a month can pick fruit.

The fruit picked is not better than that of the best food, but it is a little bigger than that of the original place. There is no difference in other things.

In Maoxiong, the competitiveness is low freight and freshness. Fruits that used to be transported by air from tropical areas can now be transported by rail or domestic air, saving a lot of freight and tariffs.

These two days coincided with the time of the first batch of fruit ripening. The orchard area of the farm received orders from green coconut, late mango and jackfruit.

Blood group Victoria is checking the order, estimate whether the production is enough to meet the demand of the order. Although count Keith, who turned her into a first-time supporter, joined the rebel camp, she was really a conservative, so Victoria didn't need to suck human blood to practice.

She was left on the farm to take care of the farm's daily routine, and dealer Andre is now her boyfriend and demon hunter.

The demon hunter and the vampire are together, and they will be chased by both sides at the same time.

"What's wrong with the order, Leah?" Andre, with a Chinese face, speaks fluent maozi language and carries an old-fashioned lever rifle on his shoulder, which was more than 100 years ago.

"It's OK. This time, the output is just this order. We have to report to Mr. Ling. The scale of orchard and vegetable garden need to be expanded. Now, part of the farm area is the planning of pasture, which is not enough." Said Victoria anxiously.

Andre said with a smile, "I have asked Ling Dong for instructions. He said that he would first occupy the land of the ranch and increase the scale development of the orchard and vegetable garden. He does not plan to raise livestock in the Maoxiong farm for the time being, so the ranch will not be used in the short term."

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