One of the white robed men removed the magic of the holy light chain and instructed others to bury the body on the spot. "Hurry up, everyone. Our action in Maoxiong Kingdom has been watched by the Eastern Church. It is said that the great shepherd has sent investigators there. If you encounter it, don't conflict with each other, and remember our mission."

Shylock said coldly, "my task has been completed. I'll help you to sweep from the west to the East. When you get to the hinterland of the no man's land in Western shulia, my quota is just completed. This is the 15th blood clan I killed. I'll go back to the white headed eagle Kingdom tomorrow."

"Shylock!" said the former speaker in a deep voice He slowly took off the hood of his white robe and showed his old face. He was the bishop of Gallic Chicken Heart Church, and one of the ten Dharma gods, bishop Maine.

The old man looks very holy, solemn and solemn, showing the style of a master. In the movie, he is a positive character, and a tragic character who can sacrifice himself for the sake of his descendants and win the final victory.

In fact, he is a homosexual old man with pedophilia and likes to play SM games.

Charlotten stopped. "Anything else? Bishop Maine. "

"You can't leave now. The task is far from complete. You can't leave because your personal task is over." Said bishop main gravely.

"No, I think I can go. I'm the swordsman of St. George's Cathedral in the country of White Eagles. I'm not from the Church of the heart of Gallic chicken. You don't have the right to rule me." Shylock's answer is neither humble nor overbearing.

Bishop Maine stepped forward and pressed his shoulder. "In extraordinary times and by extraordinary means, you must now listen to my instructions. This is the power given to me by the Holy See. Do you want to fight against the Holy See and his holiness?"

"I didn't do that. I accepted the Pope's mission and finished it. I'm free now. I can go!"

"But I won't!"

With a flash of holy light in Bishop main's hand, a chain of light jumped out and immediately tied Shylock's arms, preventing him from drawing a sword.

According to the truth, the mage was approached by the swordsman, and there was almost no chance of winning. But this time, mayn sneaked on Shylock and put his hand on Shylock in advance. No one thought that he would be in trouble suddenly.

Shylock was tightly bound by the chain of light, so it was difficult to move his wrist, let alone draw a sword. His forehead was blue, and his steel teeth were almost broken! You dare do it to me

"Well! Don't think your disobedience can escape the eyes of the Holy See, hillbilly of the white headed eagle kingdom. The separation between St. George's and St. Mary's churches, intentionally or unintentionally, has long been remembered by his holiness. Don't say it's you, even if Nadel is here, I'll take care of it! "

Bishop Maine sneered, "I, bishop Maine, with the authority of the Pope, pronounce that Shylock, the swordsman of St. George's Cathedral, has committed treason and is arrested! Take it back to the Holy See and wait for a just and merciful trial

"Don't you dare, Maine! I'm not a traitor. You have no right to arrest me! I will take revenge on you to his holiness! " Shylock roared a few words, followed by endless abuse, the words are very ugly.

May felt a headache after hearing two sentences, "silence!" Shylock shut up in a flash of white light.

"In front, there are strong traces of blood in front. It seems that the battle has just passed..." Victoria was stunned when she said something. She reached out and pointed to the woods outside the town. "There, there... Are the followers of the God of light! Ender, take me with you

This is an instinctive fear. The blood clan was beaten into a dog by the God of light thousands of years ago and twisted like a maggot. Now as long as it's a blood clan, it's said that there are God sticks of the God of light nearby. The first reaction is to run!

Andre agrees that although the demon hunter and the God of light don't cross the river, his woman is a blood race. If he is caught, his fate will be no better. Without hesitation, they jump to the front of the car and Andre turns the throttle to the end.

Snowmobiles emit a buzzing roar. They can run out of the snowmobiles!

The cross on Bishop Maine's chest suddenly brightened, "there's a vampire running away, in front, catch up and catch her! Meet to run of affirmation is not general vampire, she may have intelligence on the body

All of a sudden, the white robed man scattered, leaving two to control Shylock, and the rest to follow Maine.

The speed of these people in the snow is very fast, almost equal to that of snowmobiles. They will not be overtaken to maintain such a speed, and there is still a lot of oil left, which is enough to escape back to the farm for shelter. There are more than a dozen long guns there. Unexpectedly, they shoot together, and even the magic wand will fall into a blood hole!

"They're attacking, ender, be careful!" Victoria panics.

Andre reflexively controlled the motorcycle to get out of the way. A spear of holy light was inserted on their left side and was immediately thrown away.

Once there was a second time, Andre's sixth sense told him that just now it was just a trial, and then it was an endless attack!

The holy light spear came down from the sky in an arc like rain. This kind of low consumption and easy to control light magic can be rubbed out by any swordsman or mage. The difference is speed and power. With a wave of Mein's hand, shengguangliang shoots out more than ten light spears, which are as concise as substance!

Snow motorcycle moves left and right under Andre's control. It's very lucky to avoid all the attacks of holy light spear. However, snow motorcycle's flexibility is limited. Andre almost lost control of it after a round of dodge.

Andre gritted his teeth. "Honey, you have to try to fight back. We can't hide like this all the time. Some spear of light will fall on our head."

"I understand. I'll try..." Victoria has never attacked. She has never fought since she became a blood clan. She even didn't know how to control her blood gas when she rushed to fight this time.

"No, I can't. I'm sorry, Ender. I really can't fight." Victoria cried pitifully, and her tears froze into ice crystals on her face.

Ander sighed, "don't be afraid, don't want to fight, I will protect you, believe me..." he didn't believe what he said. When the next round of light spear came, he looked in the rear-view mirror of the motorcycle. The light spears in the flying snow looked denser than the snowflakes!

Don't allow him to think more, Andre crazy like turning to the motorcycle cross, turning to the right to speed up to escape, countless light spears fall, the rightmost light spear is still possible to hit them.

Andre gritted his teeth and looked in the rearview mirror, ignoring the ground obstacles ahead. According to experience, after the road was blocked by heavy snow, there was snow everywhere. Even the trees and stones blocking the road could not be seen much, and the roadblocks could hardly be seen.

But their luck was so bad. When he looked in the rear-view mirror, one side of the snowmobile passed over the pebble, and the snowmobile immediately rolled over. The two people on the car were thrown out, fell heavily in the snow, and stopped without rolling.

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