Renault's face was expressionless. "Priest Eve knows him. Oh, I forgot you worked in St. George's Cathedral, but I advise you not to have anything to do with him now. He's a big deal."

Eve doesn't ask much. She asks people to bring up the people she caught. Dior's shackles are younger brother level compared with Shylock's, but both of them are kneeling face to face, kneeling down on the bronze statue of the son. They have a feeling of sympathy.

Dior, who was not shut up, asked with a smile, "ho! The treatment is much higher than me. What have you done, brother? It's worth them treating you like this. "

"Suspected sentencing." Renault whispered, "so you're the arsonist of Notre Dame of Paris?"

Dior is very single smile, "tut tut! It's suspected that the sect was sentenced to such a severe punishment. The bright god sect is really not a thing. I feel sad for you. Don't do too much for our blood clan. At least we won't do anything to our comrades in our camp... "

Renault holds his right fist, and a dagger like light blade appears in his hand. He fiercely inserts the light blade into Dior's front shoulder and penetrates it from his back shoulder. The most poisonous thing is to leave the light blade in his wound, making Dior suffer from the torment of the holy light.

As a blood group, Dior felt several times more intense pain than ordinary people, "ah! Asshole! I'm not an arsonist! I've said a thousand times that I'm not! Since you want to catch a back pot, don't talk nonsense to me! Kill me

Renault folded his hands around his chest. "How did you catch him?"

"On the street behind Notre Dame, when we went there to investigate, we found that he and a group of beards celebrated the burning of Notre Dame together. In addition, he was a blood clan. We just took him away for questioning. He found that we approached and ran away alertly. Finally, he was caught." Eve replied honestly.

"Well, then, there's no doubt that he's an arsonist, isn't he?" Renault meaningfully walked around Eve, turned around and returned to the original place, "the priest Eve has made great contributions again, this time you can fill the seat of Maine."

Eve jerked up her head. "Bishop main? What happened to him Next to Mira, she secretly said that you are a woman who can act better than me. I almost got cheated by you.

Renault sneered, "he formed a clique, eliminated dissidents by all means, molested boys, damaged the reputation of the God of light, and attempted to murder me."

The most important one among these is the attempted murder of Renault. Few people know the real situation. The first three are insignificant weights on the scale. Now that Maine is dead, it's up to Shylock to prove his guilt.

Eve's eyes turn, her eyes wander on Renault and Shylock, and she instantly knows who the two new pieces in Ling Feiyu's mouth are!

"If so, bishop Renault is right, but I'm afraid I don't have the ability to be a bishop. I'm not strong enough." Eve said modestly.

"Ha ha, when a bishop is not strong, the main thing is his management ability. I think your ability is very strong. If you can catch arsonists so accurately without a principal, you are qualified to succeed him." Renault's words are like a needle in the back. Zaeve, who pokes in the back.

Dior hissed, "I'm not an arsonist... Ah!" Renault stabbed him again. Dior completely shut up this time, these people are a virtue, as long as they can meet their own interests, no matter whether he is a real arsonist or not, it looks like it's over!

It is enough to meet the interests of some people in the Holy See, the face project of the Holy See, the interests of some people in the police station, and the face project of the Gallic chicken authorities!

Dior is now begging to be handed over to the police, at least where he is a bear citizen and perhaps extradited.

"That's it. When I see his holiness, I'll tell him that you've caught the real arsonist and recommend you to be the new bishop of the heart of God church." Renault laughs.

Eve's face brightened. "Thank you for your promotion. Eve won't forget your help to me."

"Good, good, good." Renault's goal was achieved. He felt that he had controlled the Sacred Heart Church in his hands, which helped him to compete for the position of cardinal in the future.

Renault no longer stays, takes Shylock back to the Vatican, and asks Eve to hand over the arsonist to the local police station as soon as possible before leaving.

In the afternoon, Rand brought people to the heart of God church. His men brought the dying Dior into the police car. He left to have a private chat with priest Eve.

"Thanks to the help of Shenxin church this time, otherwise it would be very difficult for us to catch this cunning guy. I really don't know how to thank him." Rand said sincerely, he thought it was a coincidence until now.

Eve smiles, "thank Mr. Ling Feiyu. He specially asked me to give you the credit this time."

Rand was shocked, "Ling Dong?! His influence has been so powerful that... I'm sorry I said something wrong. If you have a chance, please help me to thank him. I know what to do next. "

The deputy director of the police station is very sensible. He is not incompetent, but he just has no time. Once someone creates an opportunity for him, he will firmly grasp it and try his best to climb it.

He did a good job, and now he clearly knows who he can rely on to have these opportunities!

Rand takes Dior back and goes through the normal process to make this guy plead guilty. Dior who fully admits his life doesn't argue any more. He knows that if he doesn't plead guilty, even if he leaves the police station alive, he can't leave Paris alive.

Notre Dame arson case soon ended, whether in the secular world or in the Vatican, Dior put the pot down, a person's suffering and sacrifice has made several people rise to the top!

The chief of police in Paris was pulled down because of his incompetence and being found out to have accepted bribes. Rand, who is younger, more promising and more charismatic, will replace the position of director.

The secret reshuffle has changed the official power of Paris city. The direct beneficiary is Yuquan hotel. Zhao Quan's industry here is protected by Rand, and it will be plain sailing in the future, unless Rand also collapses.

As Renault said, Eve was appointed by the Pope to become the new bishop of the Sacred Heart Church and the first female bishop in the history of the Holy See!

For Renault, the only drawback is that there is a guy in the way who has not been executed. After the Pope's personal verification, the power of Shylock is indeed the power of Archangel Michael!

He was also left in the Vatican of burning emperor Kang as the captain of the guard. His position was promoted instead of lowered!

"Sir, I've become a bishop, but I'm afraid I can't get a vacant position as cardinal. At present, the most likely candidate is Renault..." Eve said anxiously.

There was a moment of silence on the other end of the phone. "Then get rid of him."

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