At the same time, in Beiju Luzhou Beihai, Jiling and Ling Feiyu sank into the sea, fell into the trench, and fell into its original body.

"Ling'er, I feel a little strange this time. The creatures in the caves on both sides of the trench seem to be waking up." Ling Feiyu said anxiously.

Jiling is not surprised. "No, when people sleep and have night terrors, they often have this kind of half awake state. After staring for a while, they fall asleep again. I remember hundreds of times, and none of them is really awake."

Ling Feiyu couldn't say that he didn't know anything about the cave. He was sure that no one could tell what was in the cave. People were always afraid of the unknown, especially those who were stronger than themselves.

He shook his head, followed Ji Ling into the last cave, walked deep down the cave, and stopped in front of the water film.

Ji Ling felt the world behind the water film. "Master, ling'er still can't accompany you. You should be careful yourself."

"I understand that if I want to run, no one can stop me." Ling Feiyu can directly use the space to move in, but I don't know why, the last time the coordinates left in the realm of heaven were erased.

This means that there are big demons who know space magic in the realm of heaven. Otherwise, ordinary demons can't find the space coordinates.

Ling Feiyu has no bottom in his heart, so this time he is still an incarnation. He doesn't even bring any serious magic weapon from top to bottom. He gives the seven star sword and Linglong pagoda to him. Because he knows very well that if the big demon in heaven wants to make him, even if he takes a magic weapon, it won't work.

Even if he uses the immortal killing array to launch the immortal killing array, it is estimated that he is only surviving. His last stay has already made him realize the power of the monsters in heaven.

Ling Feiyu takes a deep breath. Even if Xianyu doesn't need to breathe, he habitually makes this move. He nods to ling'er, and the whole person doesn't get into the water film.

The realm of heaven is the same as last time, but the location of this time is different. This time, when we get to the top of the empty Island, we can see the high mountain in the center of the empty island.

As soon as Ling Feiyu's eyes were fixed, he seemed to see something flash by on the mountain. He didn't look very carefully. He scanned the empty island from above and estimated the area of the empty Island, which was two laps larger than the last estimate.

There are red and blue lights on the hillside of that mountain. Then I see two light spots growing rapidly in the field of vision. They are the two demon birds I saw last time!

Among them, the thunder attribute demon bird is a little faster than Firebird, and rushes to Ling Feiyu with the power of nine days thunder. Ling Feiyu is shocked by this powerful power. He said in his heart, "fitness cultivation, Pu Xian strength, physical strength level 7... No, not only can the physical body resist the pressure of high-speed flight, at least the strength level 8."

Lei attribute bird stops in front of Ling Feiyu, and the white light shows his body. At first glance, he looks a bit like Ling Feiyu, because he is shaped like Ling Feiyu. Later, he grows two beards, which looks more mature than Ling Feiyu.

Soon the Firebird arrived. He turned into a bald man with strange tattoos all over his head, which was far worse than Ling Feiyu's image.

Ling Feiyu swallowed his saliva. He hasn't felt the terrible pressure on others for a long time. The monster on the snack Tiancai Dibao is just abnormal! Compared with the so-called big demons in front of us, the so-called big demons in Xiuzhen world are the children of kindergarten. The bully meets the gangsters in high school and smashes the gap.

He stopped his neck and stepped forward with his foot in the void. He made a boxing ceremony which is commonly used in the world of cultivation. "I'm Feiyu. I'm going to visit the realm of heaven for the second time. If I offended you last time, please bear with me."

"Immortal Feiyu?" Thunderbird said a few words, learning Ling Feiyu's movements, he also clasped his fist, "I'm the real thunder demon, I'm the local demon in the realm of heaven."

"I'm a real fiery demon, and I'm also a local demon."

Ling Feiyu was stunned when he heard their self introduction. He realized at random that the monsters here had hardly been in touch with the civilized world of human beings, and everything they had learned now. They thought Ling Feiyu was a human being and they were demons, so they should call themselves demons when they introduced themselves.

This is very intriguing. If the big demons in the outside world are transformed into human beings, they will immediately call themselves by human names and treat themselves as part of the cultivation of human beings. Since the transformation of human beings, they are separated from the species of demons and beasts.

In fact, it is the strong culture of xiuzhenren that oppresses the demons and makes them feel inferior and despise their origin. Just like many Chinese in the main world, they are dissatisfied with their Chinese identity and advocate white skin, even black skin national culture.

Be oppressed too long, kneel too long, even if stand up, waist pole son is also curved.

The demon repair of heaven is not the same, they will not feel inferior to their own identity, so Da Fangfang calls himself the demon.

Thunder looked up and down at him, "you are lucky and brave. Basically, all the thieves who steal from us have been killed by us. They just run away. No one dares to come here for the second time. "

"Last time, I was reckless. I hope the cooked pills I left can make up for your loss." Ling Feiyu tactfully mentions the matter of Shudan. Since the two demons don't attack him when they meet, it shows that it's very useful to leave Shudan.

Thunder as if suddenly think of something like, "you say ripe Dan still have?"? You can make it, can't you? "


"Great, come with us and take you to see our ten demon king of holy mountain!" Huo Chi is an acute person. Seeing Ling Feiyu admit it, he turns back to his original body and takes Ling Feiyu to the holy mountain.

The speed of flying down is much faster than that of flying up. Ling Feiyu almost fell to the ground without any reaction. This speed is not much slower than Huahong. If the two demons exert all their strength, the speed may be equal to the speed of immortal Huahong.

After landing, Ling Feiyu asked in surprise, "are you two also members of the ten demon kings?"

Two birds cover Ling Feiyu's mouth in a hurry, "what nonsense! How can we be the ten demon kings? We are the messengers and heralds of the demon kings. "

"Hiss!" Ling Feiyu took an exaggerated breath. With the strength of the two big birds, Ling Feiyu barely had the strength of the first World War, but he had to go all out to beat them, and there was no 100% chance of winning.

So far, he is the messenger

Thunder saw his look of astonishment, said triumphantly, "we holy mountain ten demon king, all have a great future, you want to break the head all can't think of."

Ling Feiyu browed, "do you know what their original bodies are?"

"Of course, it's not worth concealing." Huo Chi takes over the conversation. They are different from the outside. The demon Xiu in Xiuzhen world usually doesn't tell others about his original body. It's too dangerous.

Ling Feiyu's eyes turned a few circles, "I'd like to hear it in detail."

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