Ling Feiyu rubbed his hands with a smile, "I'll be relieved if I have your words. Next, let's discuss how to handle the handover procedures?"

"You want to be beautiful, first bear the original mark of our ten demon king!" Poor strange suddenly change face, a whistling, the sound waves continue out, the whole holy mountain is shaking!

The faces of the two big birds waiting outside the demon king's Hall changed, which was the signal that the poor demon king summoned the demons, and also the signal that the sleeping demon king would wake up. They have been waiting here for three days. Ling Feiyu hasn't moved for three days. They thought Ling Feiyu had been eaten long ago.

Ling Feiyu can't help but back two steps, his cheeks red, support Dantian breath, if this breath, he will be thrown out. Poor strange this is weighing his weight, not to say that he is finished, if you can't carry the ten demon king's trial, Ling Feiyu will only be a spare tire.

The poor demon king accepted the magic, and the sound disappeared. Ling Feiyu easily breathed out a breath. His ears flowed white liquid, and it would shine in the dark. What flows out is the blood of the incarnation of Xianyu, that is, Xianyu pith!

In the corner of the main hall, there was a deep and heavy gasp, and a heavy step. Strangely, judging from the rhythm of the step, it seemed that the comer had only one foot and was hopping.

When it appears in the light, Ling Feiyu instinctively leans back, which is a subconscious avoidance action.

This guy is a black one legged cow. He was born with only one leg, right below the trunk. I didn't know that he thought it was a variation of the bullwhip. Its eyes are as big as lanterns, and it is not a good stubble when it looks red.

Get through!

It jumps to the stone seat with one leg and sits on the seat with one buttock. Its movement and posture are very strange.

"Kui cow demon king..." Ling Feiyu remembered what strange animal it was. Kui Niu may be a buffalo. As long as it is in the water, no matter in rivers or lakes, it can cause huge waves. It is said that when the Yellow Emperor fought against Chiyou, he cut off a Kui ox, peeled its skin to make a drum, and then used the bone of a thunder beast as a drumstick. The sound of beating the drum can spread to 500 miles away, which is very powerful!

It is said that there are three Kui cattle in the world. One was cut by the Yellow Emperor, the other by the first emperor, and the other is not recorded. Ling Feiyu didn't think that the first emperor could kill this kind of monster, and it couldn't appear in the main world.

"Hello, can you excuse me? You're in my way."

Ling Feiyu was startled. Another guy appeared behind him without any sound. He jumped aside suddenly. The demon king with human body also came here. He looked very young, much younger than the poor man. He was a young man.

The boy with red lips and white teeth didn't look like the fierce beast on the stone seat, and he didn't know what his original body was.

Poor strange introduction way, "this is horizontal male demon king, because it is night now, so he will show a person, to the day changed back."

Ling Feiyu suddenly realized that this guy is actually a big fish with red horns on his head. It's not harmful, but its meat can be used for alchemy and has the effect of exorcism.

Henggong demon king walks strangely. Ling Feiyu observes and finds that he only walks through the gap between the stone bricks. No wonder he just asked Ling Feiyu to get out of the way. Mingming hall is so spacious, because Ling Feiyu stepped on the line he wanted to walk.

"They're all weird guys. They're either grumpy, or they only speak five words, or they walk straight. I don't know what's strange below... If I inherit the origin of these guys, then I'm going to become a psychopath who only speaks five words and walks straight." Ling Feiyu secretly said to himself that he also knew that such a thing could not happen.

Next came the extremely ferocious strange fish, and the cute little bird... The eagle chasing the bird came in with long horns and no feathers on its wings. It was a disgusting looking membranous wing.

It's the same proportion as an elephant. It has a one horned buffalo. A monster with bird head and deer body, moving like the wind

Ten demon king this arrived together, anyway except poor strange and Heng Gong, have no decent. In addition to the two of them, Ling Feiyu only likes the lovely bird.

"You guys are so strange. I wonder who designed the stone pedestal for you? It's OK for a one legged cow to sit on it. Can the slimy strange fish sit on it? Don't stare at me. If you don't believe me, go out and ask anyone to see if you are a ferocious monster. If you don't cry, I'll believe you. This bird is very lovely. Is it the fat demon king

Feiyi yelled angrily, "don't say I'm cute. I'm a fierce beast!" A bird with a big slap has the same voice as a child. Even if the tone is too fierce, it just makes people feel lovely.

Gu Diao demon king folded up his wings like meat film, and stared at Ling Feiyu suspiciously, "poor strange, is this your chosen successor? He is brave enough, but he is an incarnation. Is he qualified to be our inheritor? "

It has good eyesight. It can see that Ling Feiyu is an incarnation at a glance.

"At the moment, he is the best choice. There is a God's will to push him here. Ling Feiyu, like me, knows space magic. " Poor strange said the point.

Later, the demon kings were in an uproar, "will space magic! No wonder you can enter and leave heaven freely

"If that's the case, he's really the most suitable person. I think so."

"I don't think so! What makes him say I'm a lovely bird

"It's not advisable to judge people by their appearance. Although I'm ugly, I'm kind." This is Ling Feiyu said that the face is ferocious strange fish, red demon king.

When Ling Feiyu heard this, he rolled his eyes. This is the first time he saw the living Chiyu. He didn't know much about it. However, the legendary Chiyu is also a cannibal, one by one.

Poor strange raised his hand and pressed down, "everyone be quiet. Ling Feiyu doesn't like to be our successor. It's said that he's willing to stay until he can get the natural resources and treasures in the realm of heaven."

"Ha! I know that human beings are like this. They agreed to treat the old mother and only cut one piece of your flesh. As a result, one piece on the left and one piece on the right. They want to cut you alive. You can't bear the pain and anger, and swallow him up. On the contrary, they are said to be cannibals. " Henggong demon king said.

It seems that he is still a young man with a story, and his words are full of distrust of human beings.

Poor strange brow frowned, "now is not the time to say these, I have tried him, any of you want to try his ability quickly, if you have no opinion, give him the original mark."

The nine demon kings are silent. They know that their comprehensive strength is not as good as poor Qi. If poor Qi decides Ling Feiyu can, they have nothing to say.

"Since there is no problem, the test will be saved. I'll mark him first."

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