I didn't expect that this could really be negotiated. Even if it was a night's play, Yi Mengqing would have a long face!

Zhong Chongfa glanced at her, smacked his head and said, "it's not good. Your outfit is not reliable. If you used to have a suit in the investment bank, it's just like an assistant."

Yi Mengqing nodded, "yes, yes! I'm going to change it. "

She used to leave that dress in the back of the closet, even if she knew she had no chance to wear it again. Because that dress was made from the tailor street of John Bull country. It cost less than 200000 yuan for two sets of suits, trousers, skirts, shirts and other odds and ends!

It's no exaggeration to say that as long as her figure is not deformed and her clothes are stored for a little refreshment, these two sets of clothes can be worn until she is laid off. According to her figure, senior tailors make the finishing touch on the classic style, which will not be out of date in 30 years.

Without a suit for more than a year, Yi Mengqing almost forgot that he once had a brilliant sense of career. Her clothes cover dust cover hanging in the corner of the wardrobe, take out bright and clean as new, there is a faint fragrance.

Put on the classic white shirt and black suit, Yi Mengqing tangled for a long time, whether to wear a skirt or trousers tonight. If she used to be in an investment bank, she would definitely wear a skirt. It's better to wear black silk with sling or long tube.

Today, this occasion and her identity are a little inappropriate to wear a black silk skirt. Yi Mengqing finally chose the black trousers with fine stripes, and the short silk stockings with skin color and medium heels.

As a result, when she appeared in front of Zhong Chongfa with a professional and capable image, the other side was very dissatisfied.

"You can't do it. People thought you were the vice president of Feiyu group. Zuo Zhenli didn't wear any formal clothes. It's a dinner party tonight. It's estimated that women come here in formal clothes. You don't have to wear formal clothes. Don't be so stiff. Change into a dress, shoes into stilettos, hair curled and don't tie a ponytail." Zhong Chongfa describes the image of her previous work.

Yi Meng Qing is a little puzzled, "but some people think that I have an improper relationship with Ling Dong."

"Grass! I just want them to think that, or how can you represent him? " Zhong Chongfa rolled his eyes, although it would give Ling Feiyu a sense of cynicism and a little contempt for the host. He didn't show up and let one of his women come out to support the show, which was not authentic.

But it's not a problem. Don't forget that Zhong Chongfa is here. He will certainly help to make it happen. The ultimate goal is to let Yi Mengqing appear, enough to make up for the embarrassment of Ling Feiyu not appearing!


Zhong Chongfa strolled leisurely at the door, thinking in his heart, "even if you wear trousers to tie a ponytail and draw light makeup, people can't treat you as an ordinary secretary just because you are foxy."

When Yi Mengqing changed his trousers into a skirt, put on smooth black pantyhose, and put on lacquered leather heels with red bottom and black surface, Zhong Chongfa nodded with satisfaction.

"What I want is this kind of effect. When I go back to the car to make up, I'll paint my lips a little more red. Your skin is white and your lips are red, which makes you look impressive." Zhong Chongfa nagged, "when you come back, you should remember that you are a senior personal assistant who can represent Ling Feiyu on important occasions, not a general staff member of the group. The identity is almost like this. Think about it yourself and get into the state as soon as possible. "

It's not easy. To put it bluntly, I think I'm ling Feiyu's woman, half a landlady!

Of course, Zhong Chongfa can't be so straightforward, but it doesn't hinder women's understanding in this respect.

The car sent by Yang Tian was in place at four o'clock in the afternoon on time, picked up people and set off. Zhong Chongfa, of course, took Shen Yiyu with him. Xiao Huadan had a good sleep last night, and now he is full of spirit.

The other two are in the car to make up for their sleep. When they get off the car, Yi Mengqing wakes up and mends her makeup in a hurry. According to Zhong Chongfa's instructions, she depicts a big red lip.

"My God! It's all over the mountain... "Shen Yiyu put down her window and looked out. It's quiet on the road around the mountain. As long as you can see other cars, they are all people who come to the dinner tonight. They belong to dignitaries.

Just drove past a boschel carling, silent over their car, from the window to see, vaguely can see is one of the big guys I met in the club last night.

Shen Yiyu was stunned. Anyway, she didn't expect that someone could carve down half of the mountain for development. As a result, only five houses were built, and there are still three vacant buildings. She can't imagine where the profit point is.

When asking Zhong Chongfa, the man said with a cold smile, "not every business has to make money. There are so many things to cry about. Your women's vision is short-sighted."

Yi Mengqing, who mends makeup beside him, is not happy. He gives him a white look from the mirror, but he doesn't say anything.

This is the third house from the bottom of the mountain to the top of the mountain. It is located on the hillside. The villa is European style and has three floors. There is a swimming pool on the first floor, around which you can have an open-air party. The balcony on the second floor is also a terrace, jumping from the edge and just falling into the pool. This design is very interesting

If you look at it from the mid air, you can get an architectural award for the building design of this house. On the side, it looks like a mechanical wind tiger sticking out its head. As expected, it invited Mr. Feng Shui.

Yi Mengqing and Shen Yiyu both have the same expression. They stare from the window and are surprised at the atmosphere and luxury of the house. Especially Yi Mengqing, she wanders on the edge of the upper class circle. After a long time, she will have the illusion that she belongs to this circle.

Today, when she saw the places where big guys hold parties, she realized that she had never entered this circle. No wonder Zhong Chongfa looked down on her.

"You two don't give me and big brother shame, a house what big deal, take heart." Zhong Chongfa also told them to come when he got out of the car. As a result, he went into the crowd, chatted with several familiar faces and disappeared.

Yi Mengqing stood at the edge of the swimming pool in a daze at a loss. From time to time, someone glanced at her. It was estimated that she was a secret brought by a big man.

"Miss, what company are you from?" A well-dressed young man came up to talk and pushed his glasses when he opened his mouth, showing his wisdom.

Yi Mengqing is very sensitive to the word "Miss" because of her previous professional relationship. Her first reaction to hearing others greet her is shivering, just like being scared.

She suddenly surprised, suddenly remembered that this party is all from Jiu'An city and the surrounding areas. There must be some people who have played in Huixian Yashu. Maybe there are her old benefactor in it!

If she is recognized, her identity will not be concealed. No matter how principled she is, she doesn't sleep with others because of money. In the eyes of big men, she is a lady.

"I..." Yi Mengqing spirit a little trance, "I am the assistant chairman of Feiyu group."

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