Ling Feiyu takes Zhang Mingyue's little hand and follows Zhang Jie into the wall from the small door not far away. Here is a community. Zhang Jie's family is close to the wall in this community.

Gao Yulian is a little stunned. She didn't follow in and had to watch the stall outside. I just didn't expect that Zhang Jie's family had any ancestral wood. Now for her.

See Zhang Jie with Ling Feiyu and Zhang Mingyue into the community. Gao Yulian thought of something. At the side of the small supermarket called a voice“ Sister in law, look at it for me. I'll be right back when I get back. "

Ling Feiyu followed Zhang Jie into a one story house. This is a house with two bedrooms and one living room. As soon as he came in, Gao Yulian came behind him“ Zhang Jie, what kind of wood do you have. If not, just keep it... "

"Hey, just a little big stuff. My grandfather gave it to me secretly. It's very precious. When I say my daughter-in-law's daughter-in-law takes it out for money. How can you sell it for three or two hundred thousand. It's probably in Mr. Ling's hands. It's not about money. " Zhang Jie said with a smile“ It's under the bed. "

Zhang Jie takes a piece of wood from his bedroom. It looks like the mouth of a teacup is thick and thin, but it's only fifty centimeters long. On the straight wood, there is a fist sized gall.

Of course, the wood was peeled off long ago. Now it still wants to have the luster of glass. The dark red wood looks very valuable.

"My grandfather said it was red sandalwood. I don't know if it's true or not. You should recognize Mr. Ling. " Zhang Jie handed the wood in his hand to Ling Feiyu.

"I'll take the wood. How much do you want? " Ling Feiyu took the wooden road.

"Well, just take it. Xiaolian likes your carving. Can you give her that bust... "Zhang Jie said.

"No, No. Just pay for it. " Gao Yulian is in a hurry.

"Xiaolian, you are stupid. Mr. Ling's sculpture is money. You can add value in your hand. We don't need to spend a lot of money now. We'll leave it to our children later. " Zhang Jie said with a smile.

Zhang Jie and Gao Yulian have ready-made houses. And I have some savings in my hand. There are many people who make money by doing small business every day.

"Forget the bust. I have a jade carving here for you. " Ling Feiyu said and touched it in his handbag. He took out an egg sized jade carving and handed it to Zhang Jie.

"Er, this..." Zhang Jie pondered for a while, and thought it was good. This jade carving has to rely on millions.

"Keep this well. When you need money, there are no three or five million people you can't sell. " Ling Feiyu warned“ This jade is hard to find. And the carving also takes a lot of energy. It's a masterpiece of my sculpture. "

Ling Feiyu said and left with Zhang Mingyue's little hand. As soon as they came out, they put the wood in the storage ring.

"Brother Yu, I feel this wood is very unusual." Zhang Mingyue said in a delicate voice.

"Well, it's very unusual, of course. Otherwise, how can I give them the pictures of immortals? " Ling Feiyu is right“ Let's go back and talk about it in detail! "

"How do I feel at a loss?" Gao Yulian told Zhang Jiedao.

"How can you suffer. I had the wood identified. If it wasn't for the gall, it would be worth more than 200000 yuan. You see, this jade carving is worth three or five million. Put it away for a while and it'll be more valuable. " Zhang Jie hands the jade carving to Gao Yulian.

"That's for me?" There is a strange smell in Gao Yulian's voice“ We haven't got the marriage certificate yet. It's your personal thing. "

"Xiaolian, you don't know how I treat you. Keep it well. Try not to use it as a family heirloom to pass on to our children. Let's make our kids look at this stuff from childhood. Maybe I can learn some more... "Zhang Jie said with a smile.

"Forget it. Look at the carving. I'm thinking about how one can carve something like this. " Gao Yulian said with a bitter smile.

Two people in the light of the jade carving. On the jade carving is the scene of the peach blossom party. That kind of fairy is full of, let a person have a kind of dare not look directly at the feeling.

The carved immortals are very small, of course. But each of them is vivid and clear. They stare at each other for a while, and then they have a feeling. It's like these immortals are all active. And these immortals became the same size as normal people. Make them look away in a hurry.

"No wonder Ling Feiyu said it could be worth three or five million." The way of Gao Yulian's murmuring.

"That's less to say. This jade carving is not ordinary. If you take it to auction, it will cost tens of millions. " Zhang Jie said excitedly“ Put it away. Don't bump or anything. "

"If he can pay such a large sum of money, that piece of wood will be far more valuable." Gao Yulian is still struggling with this matter.

"That's his business. Wood in our hands is more than 100000 things. Now we can have such a big harvest, that is we earn a lot. As for how much Ling Feiyu can earn, it's someone else's skill. If we don't have that ability, we should not envy others. " Zhang Jie said.

"Well, you came back so fast." Cloud spirit snow to come in of Zhang Mingyue way, "that just we play four row together."

"You know how to play. Yuge found something good. I got it from Gao Yulian. " Zhang Mingyue said.

"Gao Yulian, how did you meet her?" Cloud spirit snow small mouth a pie way. Of course, she also knows Gao Yulian.

"Look at this." Ling Feiyu's triumphant way“ This is a purple Hemerocallis tree, not a red sandalwood tree. "

"Can you refine an instrument?" Cloud spirit snow asks a way.

"No, Zixuan tree is also an ordinary tree. It's a variety of red sandalwood. Most people can't tell it from each other. It's the gall on Zixuan tree. That's different. " Ling Feiyu said, "such a big gall, the things inside can be used for alchemy."

"What is this?" Zhang Mingyue asked. At this time, Ling Feiyu had cut off the gall. After breaking, get some purple particles from inside. There was a teacup, which was put away in a bottle by Ling Feiyu.

"If it's refined. It can make our cultivation go one step further. After coming back from the cosmopolitan state, refining will be carried out. Now there are no conditions here. " Ling Feiyu said.

"What are you going to do with this wood? How about carving my whole body Cloud spirit snow Jiao voice way.

"It's just ordinary wood. I'll find something good to carve for you later. " Ling Feiyu quickly opened the topic. How can such a thing be promised. There are three women watching. Ling Qingxing and Ling Qingmei said nothing. But Zhang Mingyue is sure to speak.

"Yes, it's better to carve something and sell it at the club this time." Zhang Mingyue said.

"This is OK. Let me think about carving. How about I carve a monkey king? " Ling Feiyu said with a smile, "Monkey King with a stick!"

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