"Who are you? I know you are not ordinary. " Ling Feiyu sat down and said. Here, Zhang Mingyue brought some mineral water. I can't make tea or anything. Because there is no tea at all.

"We are in three innings." Jiang Zhufeng comes to the point“ We didn't come here together. Martial arts are two things. But you gave Shi Gan two spirit soldiers. And it's new. If you are not practitioners, there must be practitioners behind you. "

"What do you want to do?" Ling Feiyu asked warily. Zhang Mingyue has found the money. As long as Ling Feiyu hands, she will not hesitate to help kill the three people. Then follow brother Yu to travel all over the world.

The two of them hid the breath of cultivation. However, Zhang Mingyue's murder was released at this time. It enveloped the three.

"Don't get me wrong, don't get me wrong. We have no malice. " Cried Jiang Zhufeng. It's like the sky is falling. The two practitioners also changed their faces. They knew that the little girl in front of them could kill them in a second. Let alone Jiang Zhufeng!

"Xiaoyue, don't be nervous." Ling Feiyu took Zhang Mingyue's little hand. Zhang Mingyue relaxed.

"We just want to see if you are a practitioner or a warrior. I have something else to report to you. " Jiang Zhufeng is much more polite. He knew that they must be practitioners. It can hold down the two people he brought. Otherwise, the two will talk.

Ling Feiyu also gave up at this time“ We are practitioners. What do you say? "

"Those who practice truth should be filed in our two places." Jiang Zhufeng breathed a sigh of relief“ There are also some precautions. To put it simply, try not to use force beyond the normal for ordinary people. If there's something that can't be solved. As long as the law permits. We must do it for you. "

"Well, what else?" Ling Feiyu was surprised.

"Yes, yes." Jiang Zhufeng said hastily, "if you join our third Bureau..."

"Forget it." Ling Feiyu shook his head“ I have to practice. "

Jiang Zhufeng knew that he could not be too anxious now“ We'll talk about it later. That's all. We can sell you some cultivation resources you need. The price is not cheap. If you join the Third Bureau, resources will be rationed. "

"No, No." Ling Feiyu shook his head“ I can refine spirit soldiers. What resources can't be exchanged for

"Ah, did you refine the lingbing?" One of the practitioners couldn't help asking.

"Money Zhang Mingyue said triumphantly. Finger a flick that impermanent money, with the sound of whimpering. Dancing in the air, the sound, light and shadow have the same power of enchanting.

The two practitioners on the first level of refining Qi were surprised. But they looked at Jiang Zhufeng.

"Mr. Ling is a good soldier for Shi Gan. One hundred and one thousand pieces. Do we want the same price? " Asked Jiang Zhufeng.

"Here you are. I'm relieved to give it to you directly. " Ling Feiyu raised his eyebrows“ That's how much I can't guarantee. "

"It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter. Give us what you don't need. " Jiang Zhufeng was surprised“ It's OK to refine wood. "

"Brother Yu, give them the money." Zhang Mingyue said. Zhang Mingyue knows now, no matter what. We can't leave our self-defense weapons as before.

"Well, these two are a little small. You give me a million. " Ling Feiyu is very generous.

Jiang Zhufeng was overjoyed. It's not to get these two impermanent money, but to supply the spirit soldiers in the future. Money or something, that's nothing.

"Thank you, Mr. Ling. I'll call you now." Jiang Zhufeng stood up“ I'm going out to make a phone call

Of course, Ling Feiyu knows that this is a report. Nodding, he threw the two impermanent money to the two practitioners of the first level of refining Qi.

After a while, Ling Feiyu's mobile phone received a million big money messages. Zhang Mingyue smiles like a blooming rose.

Jiang Zhufeng didn't come back until more than ten minutes later. His face was full of excitement. Just now I called the leaders of the Third Bureau. There was a short meeting there. Finally let Jiang Zhufeng live in Mucheng. Listen to Ling Feiyu's call at any time. Handle the relationship with Ling Feiyu.

We can't make too many demands just now. All according to Ling Feiyu's meaning. After a good relationship, everything is easy to do.

Jiang Zhufeng made his own judgment. Ling Feiyu and Zhang Mingyue grew up in the secular world. Received a relatively complete education. Positive thinking is similar to that of ordinary young people. It's easier to do a lot of work.

To tell you the truth, find a practitioner who can practice utensils. It's really not easy.

"Mr. Ling, we'll leave. Remember, there's something you can't solve. Make sure you call me Finally, Jiang Zhufeng also gave an advice“ I'm in Mucheng, just a phone call. I'll show up soon to solve the problem for you

"What trouble can this man solve for us?" Zhang Mingyue shrugged her small nose“ How can you promise to sell the lingbing to him in the future? Brother Yu, you said that. We can't let one customer monopolize our products. "

"It's not like fruits and vegetables. There's going to be trouble selling these things. Now, if we throw three innings, it has nothing to do with us. And a lot of them take a cent. " Ling Feiyu's triumphant way.

Ling Feiyu is now relieved. There are other practitioners in this world. Don't worry about a moment when Zhang Mingyue and I are pulled to slice.

"Brother Yu, let's go to the town." Zhang Mingyue took a look at the mobile phone“ There is nothing to eat in the fridge. Go and buy some beef and mutton. We have money now. It doesn't matter if we spend some. "

Ling Feiyu shakes his head and drives a van out of the yard with Zhang Mingyue. Just saw Tang Laobian stagger over.

When Tang Laobian came home just now, he stuck his head on the bed and went to sleep. I didn't wake up until three in the afternoon. His father, Tang Laoer, doesn't care at all. This son has nothing to eat. Tang Laoer gets some cucumber dipping sauce and salted duck eggs at noon. He dried up a bottle of Erguotou and fell asleep under the Luffa shelf.

Tang Laobian found a dry steamed bread to deal with two. This is going to town, where he knows where there is that kind of place. I didn't expect to see Ling Feiyu's car going out.

"Wait, Feiyu, wait. Take me to town Tang Laobian came forward and cried.

"Don't you have a car in your own house?" Zhang Mingyue's unhappy way. She didn't want to carry the light bulb.

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