"Come forward and ask, madder." Ding Dahu stepped forward and lifted the lid of a plastic basket. I saw what was inside“ Wochao, such a big crab

This is the car of Tianhe hotel. Caimai is paying Ling Feiyu. The driver is tidying up. Did not expect to be lifted the basket.

"You want to die. This one is only two thousand yuan. Do you think it's too much money? " The driver roared. I came over to clean up and lock the back compartment.

"Look at it and you'll die. It's paper." After mumbling this sentence, Ding Dahu quickly retreated to one side. He looked at five big three rough, courage is also very small. These are obviously rich people that he can't afford to offend.

Watch the two cars go. Ding Dahu said to Ding erhu, "it must have been found in a small lake. Nima's, it's cheap for them. How much money will they earn? "

"It doesn't matter. It's easy to know. The valley is so big that they can't see it. There's nothing we can do during the day. We'll turn it in at night. Ha ha, I don't believe it Ding erhu's smirk.

Ling Feiyu gave the powder to Zhang Xueyi and told him how to use it.

"Is that reliable? There's a lot of money invested in those vegetable fields. A lot of money is lost. " Zhang Xueyi looks suspicious.

"Uncle Zhang, you should do as I said, one or two kinds of powder in a greenhouse. Spray into the water and spray on the ground with spray. Now some of the buds are just out of the ground. This is the right time. We must seize the opportunity. " Ling Feiyu warned.

"Where are you two going?" Zhang Xueyi saw them going out.

"Xiaoyue said she wanted to raise chickens and pigs." Ling Feiyu some helpless way, "today the town fair, I take Xiaoyue to have a look."

Ling Feiyu drives his van to town. When passing by the gate of lingminghao courtyard, I saw Tang Laoer talking with lingminghao by the side of the road.

Seeing Ling Minghao waving, Ling Feiyu stops the car“ What's the matter with second grandfather? "

"Well, Feiyu, are you going to the market?" Ling Minghao asked“ Take me to town. "

"Then I'll go. Uncle Ling, it's settled. I'll clean it up, and you'll see it when you come back. " Tang said and went back.

"The boy wants a wife. Let me build a house for him. I'm going to the town to find someone Ling Minghao said something to Ling Feiyu with a smile.

Ling Feiyu didn't go to heart about this. Zhang Mingyue began to gossip, "so he has an object?"

"No, it's not that Wutong tree can bring Golden Phoenix." Ling Minghao said, feeling funny“ That's what the boy said

Ling Feiyu and Zhang Mingyue walked around the town. I bought five or six pigs and a dozen lambs. Have a pickup truck follow them to the village. By the way, I also bought more than 100 chickens, chirping in the cage.

Ling Feiyu doesn't care when he gets home. On the hillside, there are pig pens and sheep pens. Zhang Xueyi with people into the line, after Wenyang also want Zhang Xueyi upset. Fortunately, there are many workers here.

Ling Feiyu looked at the time is more than ten o'clock, with Zhang Mingyue want to go to the village in the river to cast a net. This spinning net is just bought back. Just out of the electric door, I saw Tang Laobian come in a hurry.

Ling Feiyu is carrying a fishing net in his hand, and Zhang Mingyue is carrying a plastic bucket in her hand. Let a person see to have the taste of husband sing woman follow.

"Feiyu, Feiyu, what do you think of this stone?" Tang Laobian walks a little askew. In his hand was a yellow canvas bag, which had already been washed. However, the lid is embroidered with a few big words of serving the people, and the red handwriting is blurred.

Looking at the stone inside, Ling Feiyu was speechless. Tang Laobian is really lucky. He can find something like this.

"Where did you find it?" Ling Feiyu asked faintly. Zhang Mingyue on the side also saw clearly. This thing is the same as the stone that Ling Feiyu said. It's about the size of a grapefruit, with lots of silver particles on it.

"I went to the river to look for eels. I found such a strange stone. I don't know if you're useful? " Tang Laobian was very uneasy.

He is to catch eel, who knows to meet such a stone. It's strange to think about it in your mind. Ling Feiyu didn't know if he needed it.

"I want it. It's rare that you have a heart. The price... "Ling Feiyu pondered.

"Feiyu, you can't let me suffer any loss, can you?" Tang Laobian was very happy in his heart, and he deliberately said his words beautifully. To be honest, he wants one million, but he is afraid of being beaten in the face by Ling Feiyu.

It's strange to be rich. Before, Tang Laobian never knew what a face was. As long as you can get the money. Now that I have money, I can't learn the virtue of that scoundrel.

"This ah..." Ling Feiyu thought for a while, this boy is also lucky. Don't overdo it“ Here's three million! "

"Brother Yu, we don't have much money!" Zhang Mingyue's heart aches to drop blood“ No, I can't leave the money with you in the future! "

"Xiaoyue, don't worry. Have you ever seen a loss making business?" Ling Feiyu's indifferent way.

"This one is really not." Zhang Mingyue remembers.

"That's it." Ling Feiyu said, "take his bag. I'll pay him now."

Tang Laobian was dizzy and didn't know how to get home with his mobile phone. Looking at him is like being drunk. In the yard of the Tang old two surprised way, "what's the matter with you boy, and drunk the same?"

"I make money, I make money. I don't know how to spend it! " Tang Laobian said excitedly, "by the way, I'm going to buy a car tomorrow, a better car. There is also the need to change mobile phones. "

"Are you rich?" Tom rose from the couch. In the early morning, Mr. Tang is lying here. I want to get some food and wine at noon. I don't have much money on me. Why don't I grab some crabs to taste? I'd better catch some frogs and burn them. It's bad luck to catch frogs when people see them. But it's really delicious!

"Why should I tell you. I said, old man, you've been lying here since early in the morning. You want a drink at noon, don't you? Why didn't you think about getting some food and wine? " Tang Laobian doesn't like Tang Laoer.

"I'll go now. You have money. Not to mention buying a refrigerator to keep at home. I'm buying more stewed vegetables. I'll eat it whenever I want to. " Tang Laoer said angrily.

"What else do you want. I want to be an old man Tang Laobian said with disdain“ Forget it. I'll buy some vacuum packed pickles at noon today. "

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