After Tang Laobian arrived at the hospital, he showed his teeth in pain after removing the suture. Doctor Wang cleaned it, "OK, the effect of the operation is very good. Don't use it for three or two days. "

"How can I use it? I'm still a Huang Hua Lang, and I don't have a girlfriend!" Tang Laobian was so brazen that he forgot about going to the shampoo room.

Tang said while looking at nurse Hua. Now he comes out from behind the screen with his pants.

"It's no use talking to nurse Hua. It's really hard for you to tell the nurse how much money you have. If you have two million. The nurse will be able to follow you. " Wang said. He is joking, just want to let nurse Hua understand that this boy can't have two million.

"Really. Nurse Hua, seriously. I really want to be with you. " Tang Laobian looked at nurse Hua“ As for the two million you said, there is no problem at all. Look at the three million I just made in this morning. Hey, hey, I just got a million in the last few days. If you want to see the information, I can also call it out for you. "

Looking at Tang Laobian's broken cell phone in front of him. Nurse Hua couldn't believe it. "What's the matter with you? Why is there such a big one... "

"You can't say that to you. Unless you're my man. " Tang Laobian was elated, "anyway, I have money. If you follow me, I will treat you sincerely. I can't say anything else. "

Nurse Hua stopped talking. She was really thinking about it. My brother really needs money. I'm going to be twenty-seven or seventy-eight. I'm going to get married with my girlfriend, because money is procrastinating.

"That's fine. You let me do it with you. But I want 200000 betrothal gifts. And there is no dowry yet Flower nurse a clench teeth way.

"Hey, I know about your family. It's all from the same town. Who doesn't know who. " Tang Laobian said with a smile“ Two hundred thousand I can give it to me. But only this time. You can't post my money to my mother's house later. Do we have to live our own life then. Of course, there should be new year's holidays. I have a lot of them, too! "

"That's settled." Flower nurse a clench teeth way.

"Of course, when will the bride price be. Just say it. I'm building a new house at home now. Hey, hey, I could get married years ago! " Tang Laobian was really overjoyed. I didn't expect things to go so smoothly.

Dr. Wang was stunned. He was still thinking of a nurse. I think nurse Hua is from the countryside, and she has the same elder brother and parents as a drag. Why should I pay 200000 yuan. I wish I could marry her. I don't know if my eyes are beautiful, but the nurse is someone else's.

"Then you should hurry to find someone to celebrate." Flower nurse said. His big brother's girlfriend really can't wait.

"There's no problem with that. By the way, don't be a nurse. I don't get much money for serving people. I want to buy a cell phone now. Let's change your cell phone as well. " Tang Laobian's heroic way.

Nurse Hua didn't want to do this job for a long time. Now when Tang Laobian says this, he thinks that this guy has four million in his hands. I don't know how much I'll make in the future. He immediately took off the nurse's clothes and threw them on the table“ Well, I'll never be angry again. "

"Well, you have to talk to the dean." Dr. Wang called. Now Dr. Wang has the impulse to slap Tang Laobian to death.

"What am I talking about. I'm still a temporary worker. That's not to say I'll leave. I don't want this half month's salary. " Flower nurse is a complete explosion. That old goat, if he wants to become a regular. We're going to let him play by the rules. I haven't promised that I'm still a temporary worker.

Tang Laobian followed nurse Hua out of the hospital hall and came to the yard with a smile. Before Tang Laobian came forward and took nurse Hua's little hand. There is a man rushed out, stopped the flower nurse. This man is Tu Dagang!

Tu Dagang still holds a large handful of roses in his hand. Now a face affectionate appearance to spend nurse way, "Qian Qian, you are off work.". It happened that we went to the cinema. Flowers for you

"Wait, Tu Dagang. What are you doing? Want to seduce my wife? " Tang Laobian jumped out. But a pain in his crotch made him frown. I just removed the suture. It still hurts.

"What, when did Qianqian become your wife?" To spit out blood when you are angry.

Tu Dagang has long taken a fancy to Hua Qianqian. I feel like I'm going to be a civil servant. It's still the kind with broad prospects. It seems that it's not suitable to marry a nurse who serves others. And there's a drag on their family. This has not been explained clearly, but he had this intention at that time. Hua Qianqian still knows.

Now all the hopes of Tu Dagang are gone. In the afternoon, I came to settle my salary. I bought a large handful of roses in a hurry and came to find Hua Qianqian to express her love. I didn't expect Tang Laobian to jump out.

"I need to tell you when I will be my wife." Tang Laobian said with disdain, "you don't take care of yourself even if you don't pee. It's nothing. Even Dad has been fired. What qualifications do you have to pursue Qianqian? "

"NIMA's, what I say is big..." Tu Dagang was furious.

"It's all college graduates, isn't it? Nima's, now throw out a brick. It can kill three college students and two undergraduates. You think college students are as rare as before. What the hell Tang Laobian said with disdain.

"You..." Tu Dagang was angry and wanted to vomit blood.

"I don't know what I am. You're a scum. Your Lao Tzu embezzles those two dollars, and he doesn't use them safely. Nima's. maybe the police will come one day. Get out of here. Otherwise, I will expose the irrigation canal in the village. " Tang Laobian pointed to Tu Dagang's nose.

Tu Da didn't dare to make a sound when he first stopped. The irrigation canal in the village is full of holes. Fortunately, the village didn't point at it, otherwise it would have been noisy for a long time. It was Tu Dagang's uncle who built the irrigation canal. Tu Yong made it for his brother-in-law. It is estimated that a sum of money has been lost.

"You have seed!" Tu Dagang said angrily.

Hua Qianqian now understands. This son of a bitch didn't come to confess before, but now everything is gone. I'm so worthless. Fortunately, this son of a bitch didn't say it before. Or you'll fall into the pit now.

"Tu Dagang, you bastard, that's what you look like. And the situation at home, it's not easy for you to find a disabled wife. I can't believe you're still coming to me. Are you home beyond your ability? " Hua Qianqian's eyes are round.

What else can Tu Dagang say? He just got on the battery car and walked away.

"You bastard, if you're not honest. He must look good in the future! " Tang Laobian murmured.

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