"It's you! I'm just like you guys. Don't think I don't know! " Jin Yingjun came forward and said, "you pushed me!"

Jin Yingjun was thrown at that time. Later I remembered that I was pushed. He could feel the force touching his body. But the camera didn't shoot because of the angle.

Ling Feiyu looked up and down at Jin Yingjun for a moment, "nonsense, if you are entangled, you will be impolite."

"If it's a man, we'll go out and have a competition. I'm a master of taekwondo Jin Yingjun arrogant way, "the edge is our family's Taekwondo Hall, in the past contest!"

"Brother Yu, teach him a lesson." Zhang Mingyue said to Ling Feiyu. She felt that this stick should be severely smoked, so that he could know how high and thick the sky was!

"OK, let's go." Ling Feiyu didn't care.

Following Jin Yingjun, the three of them walked for less than five minutes and came to a talk boxing hall. This is a big yard. It must have belonged to that unit before. It's rented out now. In the urban area of Shicheng, there is such a courtyard, which is really rare. The houses inside are all old-fashioned tile houses.

The yard is about an acre in size. The ground is paved with green bricks. There are a lot of cushions on it. There are more than twenty people humming and practicing boxing.

Ling Feiyu and Zhang Mingyue are attracted by a stone. This stone is on the side of the door, very casual. It is one meter long, sixty or seventy centimeters high and one meter wide. It's so smooth that it seems to have been used as a stool.

Ling Feiyu and Zhang Mingyue are attracted by some light silver silk on the stone. This is the enlarged version of the stone they found in the lake.

Zhang Mingyue is still thinking about how to get the stone. It's time to spend money on it. Ling Feiyu has looked around. There are no cameras around. The stone was hidden in the storage ring.

"Come on, let's have a competition!" Jin Yingjun is jumping in the field. I can't help putting on all kinds of postures. Ling Feiyu and Zhang Mingyue, who are standing at the door, wave and squint at each other.

He let the people in the yard look this way. No one thought there was something missing by the door.

Ling Feiyu shakes his head and comes near. He stops three or four meters away from Jin Yingjun“ How are you? Are you ready to start? Remember, my name is Ling Feiyu

"I'm ready!" Jin Yingjun's words in China are a little strange.

As soon as Jin Yingjun finished his sentence, he knew that the situation was not good. Before making a response, Ling Feiyu's fist exploded in his face and chest. In a short time, thirty or forty fists were smashed.

Of course, Ling Feiyu only uses a little physical strength. If you use real yuan. One blow on Kim's head!

Lin Xinghe worked in a second or two and stepped back. Holding Zhang Mingyue's little hand, he said, "let's go, this guy will fight by himself!"

Ling Feiyu and Zhang Mingyue went out of the yard and Yang Chang left. People in the hospital wake up. They were stunned by the quick attack just now.

"This is Wing Chun!" The gold handsome face that is lifted up is already the same as the pig's head.

"Do you want to go to the police?" Holding one of Kim's handsome sticks, he asked“ You've been beaten like this

"Asshole, this is a fair competition. How can I call the police? " Jin Yingjun said angrily.

There is no way for Jin Yingjun to be so beautiful. There are many students around watching. It's humiliating enough to be knocked down by others. What will these students think about going to the police now? Can we recruit students in the future?

But this hatred in Jin Yingjun's heart. How come this happened when my father just went back to China. When Dad comes back, we must find Ling Feiyu to settle the accounts!

Ling Feiyu and Zhang Mingyue return to the hotel to check out. I got into the car with two small suitcases to hide people's eyes. Jiang Zhufeng is already waiting here. He invited Ling Feiyu and Zhang Mingyue to lunch. We're going back to Mucheng together.

"Brother Yu, is there any soul in this stone?" Zhang Mingyue asks Ling Feiyu. By this time, the car was on the way to Mucheng.

"I think so." Ling Feiyu is not sure“ Go back and open it, if you have one. Then let's come back to Shicheng to find out where we got the stone! "

All the way back to Mucheng. In Mucheng, Jiang Zhufeng also wanted to invite Ling Feiyu to dinner. But Ling Feiyu, who had something in his heart, declined and went to lingjiazhuang with Zhang Mingyue in a hurry.

"Come on, open it up and have a look. If there's a soul here, it's very lucky. This trip to Shicheng is not in vain! " Zhang Mingyue said anxiously“ I just can't feel the aura coming out. "

"So I'm worried." Ling Feiyu was worried“ If there is no soul, it will be very disappointing! "

Ling Feiyu said and took out his dagger, which was sharp and hard. Ling Feiyu doesn't need to inject Zhenyuan at all. You can cut stones like tofu.

Ling Feiyu carefully cut the stone shell. It's like peeling an apple. Ling Feiyu and Zhang Mingyue feel wrong when they cut off the outer layer for three centimeters.

At this time, the stone turned white. It's the same color as white marble. And the stone becomes very soft, very soft, and then remove this layer, there is a centimeter thick white thing, inside is the soul. Like jelly. A strong aura came out.

"Quick, quick, put it away!" Zhang Mingyue brings the glass jar in a hurry. It's a pickle jar with brain. Ling Feiyu and Zhang Mingyue have studied that the glassware should be sealed. Aura doesn't come out. There are more than ten jars. It's estimated to be 100 Jin.

These jars are sealed so that there is no air leakage. This is a piece of cake for Ling Feiyu. A small earth spell can't be any smaller. The mouth of the jar and the lid form a whole.

"Brother Yu has so many spirit pith, which is enough for us to use for a long time." Zhang Mingyue holds a small stall and looks at the transparent and jelly like pith inside. Zhang Mingyue's big eyes turned into a curved moon.

"Yes, yes." Ling Feiyu is a little embarrassed. Fortunately, Zhang Mingyue didn't pay attention to it.

Ling Feiyu thought that these things were saved by himself. Otherwise want to in Zhang Mingyue don't know of the case, squeeze out a little to cloud spirit snow use. That's a thousand difficulties!

Ling Feiyu refined six or seven storage rings after dinner. This makes Zhang Mingyue have the impulse to wear all her fingers. But Ling Feiyu's words let her give up this idea“ With so many words, it only gives people a feeling of upstart. There's no sense of beauty at all! It's just showing off wealth! "

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