"Mr. Ling, I went back to look for it. There is really nothing new in the warehouse. It's all ruined by people who don't know what to say. The cure is to be boiled down. " Jiang Zhufeng shook his head.

"Well, it's so fierce!" Ling Feiyu was a little surprised“ It's understandable that you've drunk the elixir. That's how to refine wood... "

"There are a lot of people doing experiments. I want to find a way to refine the spirit soldiers. As a result, those talents have turned into rubbish. " Jiang Zhufeng laughed bitterly“ Now the death order has been given. I can't spoil things. I'll send them to you when I find something good. "

"What a waste." Ling Feiyu's face was full of regret“ No more. No more. I'll make some spirit soldiers for you. You send me a better one. And copper bars and a little gold and silver. "

Ling Feiyu doesn't need any refining materials to refine lingbing. Just find better steel. As for copper bars and gold and silver, they are used for decoration. Ling Feiyu thought, also want to make the lingbing more flashy. Only in this way can people feel tall.

Without saying anything, Jiang Zhufeng took out his mobile phone. After a phone call, he said, "Mr. Ling, what you want will be delivered in the afternoon."

"I'm just curious. How many of them can make a real fire? " Ling Feiyu asked“ Wasting so many good things? "

"Really hot? This is not really there. " Jiang Zhufeng shook his head.

"And how did they melt the wood?" Ling Feiyu was stunned“ Is it a ground fire? It's not right. They can't even get angry. How can you refine a Dharma array to control earth fire. I haven't heard that there is a ground fire well here! "

"It's easy. They use crucibles. A special electric crucible. A small crucible specially made for them. " Jiang Zhufeng said.

"Well, look at my head. How to do things only according to the ideas of the practitioners. This is technology. There are many things that can be solved with technology. Can I have a small electric crucible. In this way, when I refine the spirit soldiers, the consumption will be much smaller. " Ling Feiyu said.

Ling Feiyu now secretly regretted that he was too stupid. It's OK to use smelting furnace to melt raw materials all the time. How many yuan will be saved in this way!

"There's no problem with that. I'll call you right now. It's not expected to arrive until tomorrow afternoon. And the transmission line you have here needs to be changed. " Jiang Zhufeng said to Ling Feiyu, "but you don't need to worry about all this. I'll have it arranged for you. "

Ling Feiyu nodded and didn't care. He took Jiang Zhufeng around the lake. It's back to the place where there were lotus roots just now. Zhong Chongfa is carefully rowing the boat to the shore.

"Mr. Ling, look how much we've got." Jiang Zhufeng's triumphant way. And Xiaoxian take the spoils. Dozens of lotus seeds, and a small pile of water chestnut.

"Well, are you finished?" Ling Feiyu shook his head“ Water chestnut is OK. I'll have a taste of this refining. "

But this can not let Zhong Chongfa down. Follow Ling Feiyu to the yard with the booty. While walking, he said, "when my father is well, I will come to play for a few days."

"Hey, hey, you think this is a resort?" Jiang Zhufeng said faintly.

"Well, Mr. Ling and I are already friends, aren't we?" Zhong Chongfa's smile is flattering. To Jiang Zhufeng's surprise, Zhong Chongfa could make such an expression.

Ling Feiyu ignored this guy. With them into a small yard, in the yard under the grape trellis table, has been placed on the food and wine. Zhang Xueyi is waiting here with some formality.

Seeing Ling Feiyu coming with the guests, he said hello“ Feiyu, please accompany the guests. Aunt Wu and I are not involved. Let's eat in the front yard. "

Ling Feiyu still wants to keep him, but Zhang Mingyue gives him a wink. Ling Feiyu was puzzled. But we can only let Zhang Xueyi and his wife go.

There is a big pot of braised beef with tomato on the table and a pot of braised chicken on this side. Hi yo, with a pot of mutton and a pot of ribs. A large plate of braised fish section, and a basin of fish head tofu soup.

The fragrance of these dishes has aroused Zhong Chong's interest“ I still have good wine in my car. Quickly let Xiao Chen send it to me. Three cases of wine, please

Bodyguard Xiao Chen sent me three cases of Maotai liquor. He was about to leave. Zhong Chong gave an urgent order“ You two are going to eat in town. Come back and pick me up later. "

Bodyguard Chen agreed. He turned around and was about to leave, but he was still not satisfied. If you were more careful, you would not be thrown out.

Zhong Chongfa certainly saw that Xiao Chen was not satisfied“ Xiao Chen, you don't agree with Mr. Ling. In fact, your martial brothers are tied together, and they are not Mr. Ling's rivals. Mr. Ling is an inborn warrior! You are like a mole ant in front of people. "

"Congenital master, how can it be. How old is he Xiao Chen said in surprise.

Xiao Chen, 28, entered the postnatal realm a year ago. It can be regarded as a gifted warrior. It's hard to imagine that Ling Feiyu, who seems to be only 21-2, can be a natural warrior.

I don't believe it when I look at this guy. Zhang Mingyue can't help but raise her hand and sniff two strong winds. Two deep holes were left on the wooden pillars of the grape trellis.

"Innate combat skills!" Xiao Chen's eyes stare, and he's going to stare them out. What else to say next? Respectfully bow to Ling Feiyu and Zhang Mingyue 90 degrees, then go out.

"Beauty, are you a natural expert?" Zhong Chongfa's eyes widened in surprise.

"Drinking. Don't be a stranger. " Jiang Zhufeng frowned.

Xiaoxian was surprised just now, but she knew what she was going to do. I opened a bottle of wine and poured it out.

"Director Jiang, how about trying this fish. This is my own fish. " Ling Feiyu raised his chopsticks.

The fish is really good. It's delicious, needless to say. The meat is very tender, just like water tofu, it melts in the mouth. But there's also a sense of tightness. These two contradictory feelings together form a wonderful taste.

"Delicious. The fish is really delicious." Zhong Chongfa's eyes widened“ It's impossible for a big head fish

Ling Feiyu ignored him. Also tasted a tofu soup, the soup is thick like milk. That kind of delicious can make people swallow their tongue.

"Is this fish from a small lake?" Zhong Chongfa continued.

"It should be possible to say so." Ling Feiyu did not answer the question. He and Zhang Mingyue looked at each other and knew what to do next.

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