Extreme Yama System

Chapter 1050: Mad Cow

This Saturday, Xue Wusuan was led out of the county by Zhou Huiru. Said it was an outing, and also said that Xue Wusuan had never accompanied her on an outing, and looked pitiful.

Xue Wusuan couldn't see this woman's little trick, but he didn't want to break it. It doesn't matter to him, anyway, when he comes back, he rests, and he rests with his wife. And even if he went out of the city, in his spiritual sense, he found that the suburbs were very different from before.

In the past, because it was a small county town, there was arable land soon after leaving the city, and some rural houses were scattered. This season is when the rapeseed flowers are blooming. Every farm family in the suburbs grows rapeseed. They like the oil produced by themselves the most. Usually, many people will play and watch the rapeseed flowers all over the mountains and plains.

But in Xue Wusuan's spiritual thoughts, there are still rapeseed flowers, but the appearance of this suburb has changed drastically.

The scattered two-story buildings are also gone, replaced by a concentrated residential community. The peasants are no longer engaged in farming, and are instead engaged in other labor in the nearby factories. Of course, these diversions actually don't last long. Mechanized production will eventually replace most of the repetitive and low-difficulty work. Domestic institutions did not blindly promote comprehensive mechanization, but also considered that there would be problems.

And now the farmland has been fully mechanized, and the rapeseed fields are also shuttled by strange-shaped machines, which look like thick pillars when they are not moving.

"Wusuan, let's take a few pictures?" Zhou Huiru was very happy to pull Xue Wusuan. With a wave of her hand, a smile the size of a pea was thrown out of her pocket, actually suspended in mid-air.

Seeing that Xue Wusuan was curious, Zhou Huiru explained: "This is the latest selfie artifact, the technology of suspended maglev, which was developed by a domestic institution. It is not popular yet, and I got a trial product through the relationship. Come, come, Let's take two pictures, and there are more rapeseed flowers this year than last year."

Xue Wu didn't know how many photos she took, but it wasn't until noon that the woman was considered calm.

"Let's find a place to eat. I remember that there is a good restaurant in the community in front of me. I went to eat with a few colleagues before. It doesn't count, why don't we go there today?"

"Okay, let's go."

After a while, I arrived at the community, which is the place where the surrounding farmers now live together. At this time, most of the young people are busy in the factory, and there are very few left, most of them are elderly people.

The restaurant Zhou Huiru mentioned was not difficult to find. After walking into the community, she saw the sign, what is it called Fan Laixiang. The entrance is Fang Pingba, and there are seven or eight tables in the open air, and they are all full of people. The waiter trotted in and out in response to the shouts of the guests. There are not many real waiters in restaurants anymore. In addition to very high-end places, there are such small family-run restaurants.

"Oh, I forgot the time. When looking at the **** blossoms, there are so many people who come to eat here. It doesn't matter, why don't we change places? Or go back to the city to eat?" Zhou Huiru knew that her man didn't want to wait, so she Ready to give up on eating here.

"Just eat here."

After Xue Wusuan said this, he entered the store, looked around, and went out with a single thought. The whole restaurant was inexplicably nervous for a while, and then they paid the bills and left. In a short while, apart from the boss and the waiter who were standing in a daze, there were only Xue Wushen and his wife in the entire restaurant.

"Let's order."

Zhou Huiru stuck out her tongue, knowing that it was her man's fault. She can't say anything about delaying other people's business, she can only pay more money to compensate later.

The store owner didn't know that the man in front of him had done all of his customers' disappearance, so he just came over to help order food.

"Sir, we have here..."


Before the shopkeeper could finish speaking, he was interrupted by a high-pitched cow cry, which made him a little embarrassed.

Zhou Huiru asked curiously, "Boss, is this a cow barking? My dear, this is the first time I've heard a cow bark so loudly!"

The cow's cry is usually low, but the cow's cry just now was very high-pitched, and it was surprising that the sound was surprisingly loud.

The shop owner smiled and said: "Yes, this lady, the backyard is preparing to kill the cow. This cow is very strong, and it took a lot of energy to kidnap the child. It is estimated that the knife will be used at this moment, so it screams loudly. If you don't like me, then let them gamble on the bull's mouth and never disturb your meal."

The store owner said that he was going to the backyard to say hello, but was stopped by Xue Wusuan.

"I'll take a look with you, I haven't seen a cow kill yet." As he said, he got up and followed the queen. Xue Wusuan's spiritual sense knew everything, and he suddenly discovered something interesting.

In the backyard, a strong man was covering his chest with an angry face, and there were three men standing beside him, each with an angry face. In the middle of the source stands a large wooden shelf, trapezoidal, hollow, and fixed by thick logs. A steer was tied to the wooden shelf, its four horns were too strong to lift off the ground, waiting for the blood-red bull's eyes and nostrils to widen. And this cow is really big, I'm afraid it weighs seven or eight hundred pounds.

This cow, these people, all seem to be furious. But if there is no accident for a while, it will only be a cow.

"Ouch! Old Zhang, what's the matter with you?" The shopkeeper immediately ran over to ask when he saw the strong man with the knife clutching his chest.

Lao Zhang shook his head and said viciously: "It's alright, I was accidentally kicked by this stubborn bull just now. You go and do your job, and it will be cleaned up here in a while." With this kick in the chest, he will definitely get rid of Half-Life~www.readwn.com~ So, how can he not be angry?

"Oh, it's fine. I brought guests to see you kill the cows."

"Looking at killing a cow?" Lao Zhang glanced at Xue Wusuan who was standing next to the store, and thought that this was not a strange thing. People in the city had never seen this scene, so they were not surprised. But this guy looks scary! I'm afraid it's not easy to mess with, it's better to talk less.

Nodding, the old man tightened the knife in his hand, and was about to walk towards the cow on the shelf, but found that the man who came to see and kill the cow had already walked to the cow's side before him, and even stretched out his hand. Touch the cow's head.

"Be careful! That thing is crazy!" Lao Zhang hurriedly opened his mouth to stop it, he didn't want a city person to be injured by a foolish mess. But the next moment, Lao Zhang opened his mouth wide in amazement, just like the others around him.

I saw that the strong cow, who was so crazy that his eyes were red, suddenly became quiet under this man's hands, his feet were no longer pedaled, his eyes were no longer red, and he became extremely docile.

What's going on here? ! Can a mad cow become like this with just two touches? If it's so simple, can a butcher like Lao Zhang know?

I'm afraid this person is not an ordinary person!

When Lao Zhang was wondering, Xue Wusuan leaned into the strong cow's ear and said, "Would you like to change the way of living?"

(End of this chapter)

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