Extreme Yama System

Chapter 1052: hot and ripped

Can't enter the Dragon Tiger Academy, but can still practice? !

The news of nuclear explosions generally exploded in the country. If only one or two people stepped into the path of cultivation through that post, it would be fine, but the huge population base in China, the majority of adults in a few years, and the vast majority of people who have access to the Internet. Regardless of whether they were curious or hopeful, almost everyone looked at the content of the post and tried to compare the translation and annotation.

The result was that most people didn't respond, but quite a few experienced what the paralyzed woman called a "burning" sensation.

In the next few days, the fermentation continued. The first paralyzed woman who ate crabs went to the hospital for an examination accompanied by her husband. She actually came to the conclusion that her paralysis was recovering very quickly. regain consciousness!

This kind of thing happened to meet the explosive growth of science and technology, and most of the people were shocked and began to feel a little dazed, and it aroused the enthusiasm of ordinary people for practice.

Because the post once said such a sentence: the potential and power that mortals have is bestowed by heaven and earth, but robots do not. It's just that these potentials and powers are buried deep, making mortals belittle themselves. Although Longhu Academy is committed to cultivating talented monks, it has the absolute responsibility of sheltering mortals in the world, so it is here to guide.

Did you see it! Everyone in the Dragon Tiger Academy has put forward their views on the world that is becoming more and more outrageous. It is not hope that human beings will become insect repellents on robots! We are looking for a way out for the common people!

Well said, do robots have potential? The upgrading of technology may make robots more and more powerful, but human beings also have potential! And more magical and far-reaching than the potential of robots!

After a month, this post was basically memorized by everyone, and some people who didn't have the talent for cultivation who couldn't feel the "scorching heat" at first posted it, as long as you keep following the exercises on this post. Doing, although you can't step into the practice, but you can strengthen your body, and you will become more abundant than before.

So the national upsurge was overturned to its peak. Domestic governing bodies can no longer sit still. They dare not and will not go against the will of the people. What they have to do is to guide and avoid accidents for those who are too excited. At the same time, it is also necessary to explore with the Dragon Tiger Academy.

In fact, domestic institutions are not vegetarians. As early as when the post just aroused heated discussion, the intelligent network terminal discovered and screened it out for the first time. Then I analyzed the post ID and the location where it was used, and I was surprised to find that it was really a message from the Dragon Tiger Academy, so I didn't interfere, but immediately analyzed and tried.

The reason why it took more than a month is also because of various tests. Now that this post has spread, and the effect has been clearly studied, these institutions have the confidence to come forward.

The strength of Dragon Tiger Academy is not only about the powerful monks. It is said that the dean is a Yuanying cultivator who has surpassed the boundary of life and death, and there is a chief visiting professor Haotian above the dean. The destructive power of these people is also stored in the files of these special domestic institutions: the destructive power of one person can be super-high-yield nuclear weapons.

I don't want to provoke and I don't want to provoke it. Therefore, the status of Dragon Tiger Academy in China has always been detached, respected and deliberately kept at a distance. The person who was sent to contact Longhu Academy this time was an old acquaintance of Jian Chen and an official whom Jian Chen had seen the most. At the same time, this person was barely a cultivator.

"Want a higher-level practice method? It's also the kind of practice that can ignore age and aptitude? I said Laobai, your requirements are a bit too much." Jian Chen was playing Tai Chi, but he was laughing in his heart. , the people of these institutions are indeed hooked. Are you taking the opportunity to get some benefits for the academy?

Jian Chen's attitude is flawless, because in a general sense, the less demanding things are, the more technical content is needed, thinking that there will be many uncertain factors, and they must be resolved one by one before they can be popularized. Of course, this kind of thinking is correct, but it does not apply to practice methods.

In the practice method, the more advanced the method, the harsher the conditions. Things like Jianchen spread out, although they are not considered unpopular things, they are not good things. Even if the threshold of aptitude and age is solved, the upper limit of achievement is locked at the same time, and ordinary monks do not look down on these methods. of.

The agency's liaison, Lao Bai, also felt that his request was a bit too much, but that's what his job was like, and he had no choice but to bite the bullet.

"President Jianchen, we are already in an old relationship, so don't be too **** yourself. I know it's not easy to handle, so you can just ask for it directly, as long as you don't go too far."

Jian Chen smiled and said, "Old Bai, you are a real person. Have you ever thought of coming to my academy to be a foreign affairs supervisor?" Jian Chen smiled. Somewhat joking, but also some serious. Now, although he has stepped into the Nascent Soul realm, he still needs to concentrate on his cultivation. However, the chores in the academy always feel that the clone is not enough, and he really needs a foreign affairs supervisor who can link to the outside world.

Lao Bai shook his head and said, "Dean Jian Chen, don't make fun of me. Let's get down to business. You don't know that I didn't dare answer the phone during this time. If I can't stand it anymore, Dean Jian Chen still considers our friendship to be accommodating, don't make me too embarrassed."

After so many calls, it is not that the chief officer of this agency does not know Jian Chen's temperament. It is good to ask him to do things~www.readwn.com~ Jian Chen: "Well, I don't force it. But if one day, Lao Bai, you are not doing well in your current position, you can come over. The door of my Dragon Tiger Academy is always open for you.

Well, as for what you asked for, the Academy has it, but it won't come out easily. The things that have been passed out before are to give ordinary people some confidence, so as not to be hit too hard by the changes in this world. Now that domestic institutions need better ones, they have to exchange things for them. I think it would be better to designate the construction area of ​​the academy within 100 kilometers around the Dragon Tiger Academy? Count some supplies on this list. "

After taking the list handed over by Jian Chen, Lao Bai always had the feeling that he would come to the door and be slaughtered. Obviously, Jian Chen had already prepared the bamboo pole and now he was going to knock it hard.

There is no problem with demarcating the land. It is true that the land is always owned by the state, and the Dragon Tiger Academy does not want to acquire the land for private use. The radius of 100 kilometers seems to be large, but the Dragon Tiger Academy is located in a remote mountain, and there is no difference between approval and non-approval. Anyway, there are no towns around here, and there are not many residents.

But things on this list are a little trickier. All kinds of original ecological precious medicinal materials, as well as precious metals. There are still a lot of these things, and even asking a country to collect them is not a simple matter. The cost and money are estimated to be calculated in billions of dollars.

(End of this chapter)

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