Extreme Yama System

Chapter 966: this luck

Xue Wusuan was lying on the lawn, his hands resting on his head, his eyes looked at the somewhat gloomy sky without focus, as if he was in a daze.

"In this way, the highest level of cultivation in this plane is actually only a powerful person, and there is no cultivation level in line with the Tao?"

"That's true of the creatures in the plane. But there are monks who come in and out of the plane, and there are even monks who go beyond the plane."

This conversation was carried out in Xue Wusuan's mind. In addition to his own speech, the owner of another voice was Tiandao in this aspect. Heavenly Dao was Xue Wusuan's most favorable source of information before he officially started the plane attack. It gathers all the bits and pieces of this plane from birth to the present. With enough patience, even an ant can clearly find out what it has done in its short life.

"There are no monks above the Dao level?! How is this possible?" Xue Wusuan was very surprised. He wasn't dumbfounded and didn't know anything. When he entered this plane for the first time, it was clear at a glance that he was swept away by the surging heaven and earth vitality in the plane and the signs of being forcibly pulled away. Being forcibly removed from the heaven and earth, the vitality can still be so surging, the level of this plane must be above the plane of the Westward Journey to subdue demons and subdue demons.

But now Tiandao says that there is no one who is in the realm of Dao in this direction. This is simply a fantasy that Xue Wusuan cannot accept. In such a high-level plane, in countless years, there has not been even a cultivator of the Dao Realm. How can this be done? Could it be that the way of heaven in this plane is more powerful than the way of heaven in the Westward Journey plane? Bullshit!

Not to mention the Nuwa that has appeared from various sources of information, and those big men who are cultivating sects in the sky, I will say that the three major sects in this world are "Intercepting Teaching", "Explaining Teaching" and "People's Teaching". These three sects The sect leader-level figure is not actually a powerful person in the realm of the Dao?

Accident! What a surprise!

"I didn't lie to you. These are all facts. If you don't believe it, you can check the numerology I have concluded by yourself. Don't worry, they are all in the same way, so you don't know that I will open up the numerology thread for you alone." The way of heaven on the azimuth plane continued.

Having said that, Xue Wusuan was naturally impolite, and quickly followed the active guidance of Tiandao, and carefully checked the life of the leader of the Jiaojiao "Tongtian", the leader of the Chanjiao "primitive Tianzun", and the leader of the Renjiao "Taishang". Numerology. While checking, he sighed inwardly: It's really pitiful that it doesn't fit the Tao, the numerology of heaven and numerology is what others want to see, tsk tsk, what can you hide?

After some research, the matter is indeed the same as what Tiandao said. None of the three sect masters have entered the realm of joint Taoism. It's just that the total amount of mana power has not undergone a qualitative change like the realm of Dao.

If he really had this amount of strength, Xue Wusuan felt that he didn't even need to do it himself, and he could easily solve all the top combat powers in this area by mobilizing those powerful people in the Wudao Underworld.

The "Blood", "Jade Emperor", "Amitabha" from the plane of the White Snake, and the twelve Nether tribesmen who successfully entered the realm of powerful beings after resigning to the Wudao Underworld and possessed the means of integration due to their special race. This power is really not something that the "Fengshen" plane can bear.

But not waiting for Xue Wusuan's optimistic attitude to last long, he soon discovered a somewhat frightening message: the three sect leaders are actually brothers from the same sect! Taishang is the big brother, Tongtian Xing Er, the primitive youngest. And their master is said to live in a peerless powerhouse called Thirty-Three Days, whose name is: Hongjun!

Who is Hongjun? It can be said that this is a name that makes Xue Wusuan the most fearful. In his current understanding of the history of the Wudao Underworld, he can't get around this name, and it is the owner of this name who has crushed the Wudao Underworld's offensive to dominate the world again and again.

After going around, he actually let Lao Tzu bump into him on his own initiative?

It's not right! Heavenly Dao means that there is not a strong person in the Dao Realm in this direction, but Hongjun's cultivation is definitely above the Dao Realm! What's going on here?

This time, Xue Wusuan didn't ask about the Dao of Heaven, and just looked for it in the numerology of the Dao of Heaven, but he couldn't find any numerology information about the teacher of the three sects. As a result, Xue Wusuan suddenly realized something.

"Tian Dao, is this Hongjun a monk from another plane?"


"Then how did he become the teacher of the Tongtian Sect Master?" Xue Wusuan asked, which was also the most central question in his mind. You must know that it is impossible for the teacher to throw some Dharma and other things and let the apprentice learn it by himself, but it needs to be guided from time to time. In this way, didn't Na Hongjun have mastered the means to travel to and from different planes at will and with no limit on the number of times? Could it be that Hongjun's cultivation is so high that he can ignore the terrifying mana consumption of traveling through the plane?

The mana required to travel through the plane is extremely terrifying. Even a cultivator like Xue Wusuan who drains all the mana from his body cannot do it. It is conceivable that if Na Hongjun had the ability to travel freely between planes, how terrifying his cultivation would be.

"He doesn't need to take this place for a long time to be a teacher, because he has established a permanent channel in the open plane, and the entrance of the channel is the so-called "Thirty-Three" you just saw in numerology. sky"."


Xue Wusuan admitted that he was really taken aback when he heard Tiandao's reply~www.readwn.com~ Before, he didn't think that Na Hongjun could already ignore the huge mana consumption of plane shuttle. Yet? But now the fact is that the other party can directly establish a plane channel that can be permanent! It seems that there is no need to reiterate between the two.

Could it be that luck has run out? Or is this the battle of luck lost to the other side? Otherwise, how could it be so coincidental to choose this plane of gods?

The first thought in my heart was, "Does the attack in this direction need to be abandoned in advance?".

Xue Wusuan's worries are not without a purpose. Think about it, a monk who can be so arrogant that he can build a permanent channel between the plane and the plane by himself, how terrifying the power will be? I'm afraid that a single sneeze can kill Xue Wusuan's two million stand-in, right? If it is not easy for the opponent to perceive the clues in the plane, then the loss is not simply some strength, but the devastating blow that may be faced.

But I thought so in my heart, but deep down there was another lingering and growing thought: Lao Tzu is here, since we are destined to fight, why not take a closer look?

The dangerous gangster mentality made Xue Wusuan make a decision that went against normal logic: don't rush to run.

"Tian Dao, since we've talked about Na Hongjun, I think you should not have any reservations. Come on, you don't want your status to be threatened all the time, right?"


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