Extremely hot apocalypse: I evacuated the polar icebergs

Chapter 277 Breaking through from the inside

Zhao Guofu looked at Wei Ming, but Wei Ming just dug his ears and he understood.

——Wei Ming didn't want to talk at all!

What are you doing here today?

Destroy the Dragon King Palace!

But you found that you couldn't defeat it, so you wanted to negotiate?

What a joke.

If Lu Liang and his team had the upper hand, would Wei Ming agree to talk?

Definitely not. If we don't take advantage of the victory at this time, will we really give the opponent a chance to turn the tables?

Who would be so stupid?

Zhao Guofu said nothing and led a group of his men to kill Lu Liang and his team.


Lu Liang and others were furious.

We have all expressed our sincerity to talk, why are you still attacking?

That's too much.

"We are all powerful evolvers. If you force us to fight, even if you can kill us, you will have to pay a huge price!" Lu Liang and others roared.

Why bother?

If they both lose, wouldn't it be a bargain for the third party?

Maybe Haidu really has no powerful evolvers, but China has more than one Haidu. Let's talk about the surrounding areas. There are Tongzhou, Sucheng, etc., especially Sucheng, which is also a big city with a population of about half of Haidu. It can definitely produce many powerful evolvers.

You have spent all your family resources now. If the evolvers from Sucheng attack you, will you use your life to stop them?

Wei Ming naturally ignored him.

Talk to him about the war damage?

Haha, isn't that a joke?

As long as he doesn't die, he can continuously create powerful evolvers-no matter how powerful the evolvers are, he can create the same powerful evolvers, and guarantee that there is no difference.

The evolvers here?

All of them were created by him, and they are just ordinary people.

No matter how much the war damage of ordinary people is, will he care?

Under the leadership of Zhao Guofu, the offensive of the Dragon King Hall was more and more fierce, and Lu Liang and his men had no fighting spirit, so they naturally became weaker and weaker, but the instinct for survival made them choose to break through.

Escape! Escape! Escape!

I will never hang out in Haidu again.

Wei Ming was not idle. Since the level 2 evolvers had the ability to predict danger and could not use the space gate to take them away directly, could he open the space gate inside the other party's body?

Can this still provide early warning?

It was just a thought for me to open the space gate. Could your early warning ability be faster than my thought?

Wei Ming thought he could give it a try.

Except for the physical and speed types, other evolvers would not be much faster even if they reached level 2. Of course, the physical type was the most evolved. Lu Liang's group had a total of 10 level 2 evolvers, of which 9 were physical types. Their strengths were uneven. The strongest was Lu Liang, who reached level 2.4, and the weakest just stepped over the level 2 threshold.

Wei Ming locked on the only non-physical level 2 evolver. This person's ability was to control metal, which also made Wei Ming's eyes light up. His control metal template could finally be upgraded.

Well, you can go peacefully.

He had already locked onto the target, and with a thought, he opened the space door in the opponent's stomach.

——Wouldn't it be better to open it in the brain?

Wei Ming also thought about it, but the space door has a disadvantage, that is, it will stop expanding immediately when encountering an obstacle, so it is impossible to open it in the brain. On the contrary, people nowadays generally don't have enough to eat, even the evolvers are the same, so the stomach will naturally have a lot of space.

Besides, these people have been starving for a day, and their stomachs must be empty.

Swish, swish, swish, dozens of bullets were fired.

If it is attacked from the front, even if it is not a physical type, the bullet will have little effect on the evolver, especially at level 2, basically no one will be afraid of bullets, and this person can control metal, and can stop the bullet with a thought.

But the problem now is... the bullet is shot from the inside.

The evolver couldn't think of it at all, so he didn't have time to activate his supernatural power to control it. Suddenly, dozens of bullets were all shot at the stomach.

His skin, bones and even muscles are very tough, the question is, can the internal organs do it?

Of course he couldn't do it.

The internal organs of an evolver are indeed stronger than those of an ordinary person, but they are limited, at least not strong enough to withstand bullets. Therefore, this man's stomach was immediately shot into a hornet's nest, and the kinetic energy of the bullets had not yet disappeared, and continued to shoot randomly in his stomach.

Moreover, Wei Ming did not just release one wave of bullets, but waves after waves!

If the size of the space gate was not limited, he really wanted to release a piece of iron to burst this man's stomach directly.

Even so, under the random shooting of hundreds of bullets, this man's internal organs were still completely smashed.

He was still controlling axes and kitchen knives to chop at the people in the Dragon King Hall, but he stopped moving after chopping.

"Boss Li, what's wrong with you?"

"Yes, don't be lazy at this time, someone will die!"

"Boss Li, Li--Fuck!"

Everyone turned their heads and saw that the evolver's mouth and nose were constantly gushing blood, his eyeballs were red, and he couldn't speak at all. He looked up and fell down.


He fell heavily to the ground and died after struggling for a few times.

Such a powerful evolver died so strangely?

This scared Lu Liang and the others.

Boss Li's strength can definitely be ranked in the top three among them, but such a powerful existence was easily killed. Hiss, the person who shot was too terrifying.

For no reason, everyone's eyes turned to Wei Ming.

Because everyone else had shot, and everyone knew how powerful they were, only Wei Ming had been standing there without moving.

However, as the real master and boss of the Dragon King Palace, could he be mediocre?

Therefore, Boss Li died so strangely, and everyone immediately suspected Wei Ming.

It must be him!

Hiss, what exactly is this person's ability, it's too strange and powerful.

Not to mention Lu Liang and others, even Zhao Guofu and others were shocked.

This method of killing, tut, tut, is there any other word to describe it except the word terrifying?

Lu Liang and others were of course scared, and started the second wave of begging for mercy.

However, they didn't know that they were all physical types. As long as they moved, it would be difficult for Wei Ming to lock them and open the space door accurately in their stomachs. If they couldn't locate it accurately, the space door couldn't be opened. After all, this door would stop when it encountered an obstacle and couldn't be opened in the entity.

But when they stopped and begged for mercy, it gave Wei Ming the opportunity to lock them.

"Ah!" "Ah!" "Ah!"

Four more people fell to the ground with screams.

Now there are only 5 level 2 evolvers left.

Wei Ming didn't make another move, but handed it over to Zhao Guofu.

—— 21 people against 5 people, if this is not a complete victory, hehe, Wei Ming thinks they should all commit suicide.

Wei Ming was not disappointed. Half an hour later, Lu Liang and others were all killed.

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