Wei Ming led an army of thousands into Rejing.

From the perspective of modern warfare, a thousand-man team is really... unremarkable.

But this army is composed entirely of Level 2 Evolutionaries, which is quite impressive. It is more than 10 times more powerful than the King of Special Forces, enough to easily destroy a modern army of 100,000 people.

The lineup on the island country is also quite strong.

They gathered almost all the evolvers, and the number was as high as 5,000, but their strength was uneven. A large number of people were level 1, accounting for more than half of the people. There were also 1,000 level 2 evolvers, and then there were There are even fewer level 3 and level 4 evolvers, and as for level 5... none.

Level 5 evolvers should be the current ceiling, and to reach level 5 at this time, it actually requires a lot of luck.

——Either get a lot of evolution stones, have an evolution tree, or eat other evolvers, and not just one or two, but absorb them as evolution stones.

Such efficiency cannot be achieved by simply absorbing sunlight.

The main thing is that neither the kid nor the bad guy thinks that Wei Ming is a level 5 evolver, but a level 4.8 or even 4.9 evolver. Only then can he win over Kars and Sanbon Shiwa.

If they knew it was Wei Ming's level 5 evolver, they would definitely adjust their strategy.

Either dispatch the level 5 evolvers as well, or simply surrender.

Wei Ming and his party entered Rejing.

Everyone is very excited. They go to Beijing to enjoy the cherry blossoms. Is this the dream of many men?

I thought that the international situation was generally stable and a world war was unlikely to break out, so this dream could only appear in dreams. Unexpectedly, a natural disaster brought about global drastic changes, and it actually came true in the hands of their generation. Got it!

A hundred years from now, when future generations pay homage to their ancestors, they will definitely enjoy the first incense, and the genealogy can be opened on a single page.

From ancient times to the present, little devils have brought us too much disgust and suffering.

Especially in modern times, the massacres, unscrupulous robberies, and rapes are hard to believe were committed by humans themselves.

You little devil... you don't deserve to be a human being!

Wei Ming's eyes were cold. After today, he would completely wipe the Xiaohe nation from the face of the earth.

Even if there are a few left alive, they must be searched over and over again and killed quickly.

So what if I become a butcher?

Let me bear this eternal infamy, but also to avenge my ancestors and create an ideal living environment for future generations.

Wei Ming never thought that he was ambitious or a person with lofty ideals, but when it came to the little devil, he was surprisingly angry.

——These beasts have committed most crimes in the motherland.

Too many to write!

Damn it, all of them die!

They were walking on this dilapidated street. Because the sun was fierce and they were here to fight again this time, Wei Ming chose to rest during the day and move at night. At this time, the bright moon hung high, shining with pure white brilliance. I don’t know if it was an illusion. There was a vague feeling that there was a hint of scarlet in the moonlight.

Wei Ming seemed very casual, but the space radar would scan every few seconds.

Therefore, he clearly knew where the people from the island country were and what they were planning to do.

Haha, now the space radar is dynamic and even has sound and picture, what else do you want to do to ambush?

Wei Ming knew that the Japs were ambushing them 2 kilometers ahead, and a large amount of explosives were planted on the road ahead, which would detonate as soon as they all walked up.

There was an evolver with the gift of eagle eyes observing them from a high place, but this person never dreamed that his every move was actually under the control of Wei Ming, and he could see it more clearly.

Moreover, the eagle-eyed evolver can only see where they are and how many there are, but it is impossible to know their strength!

Where is Wei Ming?

The information he scanned with the space radar was too detailed. It was clear what each person's strength was. Even the body measurements and the size of the little brother could be reported, ensuring that the error would not exceed 0.1 mm.

Wei Ming suddenly stopped.

"Master Wei, have you found the enemy?" Someone asked immediately.

Wei Ming smiled: "The enemy is 2 kilometers away, in buildings on both sides. They are just waiting for us to enter the encirclement. In addition, explosives are also buried on the road ahead. They are just waiting for us to pass by before detonating them, forcing us to Keep moving forward, and keep detonating, until we enter the encirclement, the little devil will jump out, take advantage of our panic to launch an attack, and harvest us as quickly as possible. "

After everyone heard this, everyone looked strange.

You have arranged an undercover agent inside the island country, right?

Otherwise, how could you know so clearly?

"Then let's go around?" someone suggested.

Wei Ming smiled: "Others have prepared such a luxurious welcome ceremony for us, how disrespectful are we to go around it?"


You know there is a trap ahead, but you still want to jump into it?

Everyone was dumbfounded.

Wei Ming said calmly: "Don't worry, I guarantee that the explosives won't blow up."

All right.

Everyone already has blind trust in Wei Ming. This man can take them from China to the island country in an instant, and not just one or two people, but a thousand people.

What is this if not God?

Now God says, it’s okay, just walk over and the explosives won’t explode. So what are they afraid of?

In the distance, the little devils were very nervous.

"What happened? Why did the Chinese stop?" Abehai asked through the walkie-talkie.

He is currently the strongest evolver in the island country, but he is only at level 4, only close to level 5.

He was asking about the kid who acted as a humanoid radar on the roof of the building, that is, the hawk-eyed evolver named Nohara Hideo. This person quickly said: "Reporting to Mr. Abe, these Chinese people stopped in front of where we buried the explosives." Come down, as if you know there is danger ahead."

"Nani!" Abehai couldn't help but frowned, "Did we find a traitor?"

If there were Chinese people here, they would definitely be making fun of them, but the island people have a very strict concept of superiority and inferiority. Everyone stood obediently and no one spoke.

There were only three old level 4 evolvers with their arms folded and looking lazy, not paying attention to Abe Hai.

"Hey, they started moving forward again." Nohara Hideo suddenly exclaimed.

What the hell?

Abehai felt very confused. He originally thought that there was a traitor among his people and quietly reported it. Only then did Wei Ming and others realize that something was wrong and stopped outside the trap. But now they started to move forward again. Why is it so eccentric?

Fortunately, he did not immediately start to eliminate the "traitors", otherwise, wouldn't he accidentally kill good people?

"All ready to fight," he ordered over the intercom.

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