Wei Jing has always been extremely curious about her father's strength.

Now she finally saw the tip of Wei Ming's iceberg.

"A level 4 evolver doesn't even have the qualifications to let my father take action directly?"

"Hiss, my father is too powerful, no wonder those guys are so scared of my father."

"It's a pity that there are only a few young people, and the strong ones are not so simple-minded, and they can't be instigated at all."

"Next time, next time I must find some powerful people to test my father."

Wei Ming would never have thought that his little daughter would actually participate in this incident, but she was not interested in power at all, but wanted to test her true strength.

If he knew, he would definitely be speechless.

- If you want to know my strength, can't you just ask me directly?

I'm your father, would I hide it from you?

But Wei Jing had to go around in such a big circle, so she had to continue to guess in the fog and remain curious.

This incident that swept the world killed many people and aroused a lot of public outcry. At this time, Wei Ming stood up and expressed his opinion on the live TV broadcast - of course, he supported the current official.

How powerful is Wei Ming?

As soon as he opened his mouth, the whole incident was defined.


Therefore, public opinion cooled down quickly and soon returned to the original state.

At this time, the official also took the opportunity to announce a big news.

——They have mastered cutting-edge technology and can build cities on the surface!

As soon as this news came out, those who were born before the end of the world were all excited.

Who would want to hide in the dark after experiencing the light?

Although the underground city now has a complete lighting system, how can artificial light compare with natural light?

And the new humans who have lived in the underground city since childhood are also very curious. People used to live on the surface? What kind of experience is that?

Under the impact of this big news, the previous negative discussions of official dictatorship and massacre were immediately suppressed and lost their heat. Everyone was looking forward to the day when they returned to the surface.

Just three days later, the first ground city-Xinhaidu began to be built.

The engineering team appeared on the ground and began to rebuild the city in the ruins.

What is the most troublesome thing about living on the surface?

High temperature.

As for sunlight, as more and more evolvers are formed, it is not the most fatal.

But the high temperature of up to 70 degrees during the day is really life-threatening. Even if the evolvers can bear it, it is not pleasant. After a long time, the internal organs will be burned, leaving incurable sequelae.

Therefore, if you want to rebuild a city on the surface, the first step is not to build a base for the city, but to build a protective shield first.

This protective shield can block part of the sunlight and have a cooling effect. At the same time, it can also remove most of the harmful rays, allowing plants to grow normally and ordinary people to bathe in the sun.

Therefore, early planning is very important.

The size of the protective shield must be the same as the size of the city. It must be done at one time. Otherwise, if you decide to expand the city during construction, it will be very troublesome to build a protective shield again.

Therefore, once the planning is done, the size of the city will not change for at least 50 years.

50 years later?

With the rapid development of human technology, it may only take a few days to build a new protective shield in 50 years.

After Fuxing City, other cities also began to plan the construction of surface cities one after another.

In just five years, one surface city after another has taken shape.

With this great contribution, Guang Haoping was successfully re-elected.

Wei Tang still received the second most votes, but this time he lost well.

The ground city plan is what people want and the general trend, which adds too many points to Guang Haoping, and Wei Ming did not support his son, so it is not surprising that Wei Tang lost again.

However, Guang Haoping also introduced and passed a new law during his term.

——The commander-in-chief shall not be re-elected for more than two terms, and the cumulative term shall not exceed four terms.

In this way, Guang Haoping can retire gracefully after the end of this term.

Look, this is stipulated by the law, not that I dare not compete with you.


I have defeated you twice.

Therefore, people with discerning eyes can see clearly that the next commander-in-chief must be Wei Tang.

Another five years have passed, and several ground cities have been built. The first batch of residents have moved in and experienced life before the end of the world.

There are so many benefits to building a city on the ground.

For example, the height of the building, how high can you build underground?

For your one building, you have to expand the entire underground space to a depth of 100 meters, 300 meters or even 500 meters?

What a waste!

The surface is different. Just build upwards. The only limitation is the protective shield, but this can also be solved. Just make a hole in the protective shield here, build the building up, and then add the protective shield according to the height of the building. The difficulty of building underground is incomparable.

Although the sunlight is still scorching, with the further development of technology, humans can no longer fear such natural disasters.

Guang Haoping retired from politics very decently and left a valuable political legacy.

As long as future generations discuss the greatest generals of all ages, he will definitely be one of the candidates.

Liu Song laid the foundation for human stability. Without Liu Song's series of decisive and even cruel policies, human beings would not be so united now. Multiple countries and multiple ethnic groups would only increase internal friction.

And what about him?

Bringing humanity back to the surface is a feat that future generations of commanders cannot replicate.


After he retires, he will only have less power, but will the treatment of someone who was once a commander-in-chief be worse?

In another general election, Wei Tang was elected without any suspense.

He aggressively began pursuing his ambition to streamline officialdom.

In the early days, there was a lot of waste waiting to be done, so more civil servants were needed to handle things. But now that the society is stable, supporting so many people is simply a waste of people's money!

This is certainly a good policy for ordinary people, but it is bad news for civil servants.

It was promised at the beginning that it would be a guaranteed job, but now he is in danger of being laid off?

Is it worthy of my working so hard at that time?

Although it is not necessary to lay off everyone, the downsizing this time is very serious, and a full 30% of the staff will be laid off. This naturally makes everyone feel insecure. Before they have decided who will be laid off, these civil servants are going on strike. protest.

Wei Tang was very tough and said yes directly. I just didn’t know which people to lay off. Since I don’t want to work because of the strike, that’s great. It’s just you. Let’s fire them all.

He really had to fire all these people and frighten those who had not yet had time to start the strike. How could they dare to join the strike team?

——If you don’t participate in the strike, you only have a 30% chance of being laid off, but if you participate, you will have a 100% chance of being laid off. Such a simple arithmetic, can these smart people who have passed five tests and cut off six generals to become civil servants understand such a simple arithmetic?

Therefore, the storm was resolved immediately.

Wei Tang continued to implement his policies one by one, and the earth also ushered in explosive development and began to march into space.

And Wei Ming also made a breakthrough!

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