F1: The Car Feels Absolutely Great At The Start, I Am The Car God!

028: Why Are Everyone Looking For Chen Jingshu? (Please Give Me Flowers, Please Collect It, Please G

The inside of the hood was scorched black, and some places even experienced high-temperature deformation. The engine in the center was emitting thick hot smoke.

It was obviously a bomb.

"How could this happen? The young man was driving fine just now!"

Liu Jie was puzzled and lamented in his heart. Looking at the situation, this S65 was probably going to be scrapped.

Shao Mingyuan is the head of the Automobile Federation and has a good understanding of the principles of vehicle structure. He can tell what is going on at a glance.

"The engine load is too great. It has been running under extreme load. The temperature is too high. This S65 usually doesn't drive very fast, so it can't bear it."

Shao Mingyuan looked at everything in front of him and analyzed it calmly, as if he didn't care at all about the S65's engine being scrapped.

"You mean?! Did Chen Jingshu drive this car like this?"


Hearing what Shao Mingyuan said, Liu Jie leaned back and took a breath of cold air.

"Oh my god?! How can anyone drive a car like this?!"

Shao Mingyuan also couldn't believe it, but he still explained:

"The most terrifying thing is that it can be run to the limit without blowing up the cylinder, or even using up the last bit of power!"

"That's why the engine blows up when you just start it."

"I have never seen someone drive a car to such a ferocious level. In other words, he is not driving the car, but enslaving it!"

Shao Mingyuan's eyes were blazing with fire at this moment, and he was squeezing words out of his mouth one by one.

"No matter who is driving for you! You must find this young man named Chen Jingshu!"

"Yeah! I will definitely find him!"

Seeing how serious Shao Mingyuan was, Liu Jie also knew the importance of this matter.

The two of them stared at the blackened engine in silence for a moment. Shao Mingyuan suddenly thought of something, took out his mobile phone from his pocket, and called a number.

"Hello? Uncle Shao, what do you want from me?"

The voice that came from the other end of the phone was Li Bin's.

"Abin! Don't you work at the police station? Help me find a young man named Chen Jingshu."

"Chen Jingshu?!" Li Bin exclaimed.

"What? Do you know him?"

Shao Ming asked after seeing Li Bin react so strongly.

"No, I don't know him, but what a coincidence, my girlfriend and my cousin are looking for him."

"Oh oh oh, he's about 1.85 meters tall. Contact me as soon as you find him!"

Shao Mingyuan said solemnly that he didn't know why Li Bin's girlfriend and cousin were looking for Chen Jingshu, but he must find him as soon as possible.

"Mmm Good!"

After hanging up the phone, Li Bin complained: "Why the hell are you looking for Chen Jingshu all night?!"

Li Bin was puzzled...

When Chen Jingshu returned home, it was already three o'clock in the morning.

He washed his face, then canceled the driving account on his mobile phone and registered a new one.

So much so that when Shao Mingyuan thought about it afterwards, he couldn't find his account.

Chen Jingshu was afraid that the speeding incident would cause him to get angry. He was not worried about punishment, but worried that his racing license would be revoked, which would ruin all his hard work.

After all, it is not in line with the standards of racing athletes for professional drivers to race like this.

Chen Jing took the time to sleep for three or four hours. When it got bright again, he had to get up and rush to work.

It’s so hard!

Chen Jingshu dragged his tired body busy, and lack of sleep made him drowsy at work.

"No! I can't fall! The revolution has not yet succeeded, and we still need to work hard! Come on, Ollie!"

Chen Jingshu cheered himself up while trying to stay awake.

Finally, after a day's work, Chen Jingshu returned to the hotel. He didn't even have time to cook, and fell asleep without taking a shower.

Chen Jingshu was extremely tired, and in the next few days, because he took several driving orders at night, he often only got four or five hours of sleep.

Although these bosses were not as generous as the previous bosses and only paid two to three hundred yuan for driving, Chen Jingshu was not discouraged at all.

After all, not everyone can drive a Ferrari or a Mercedes-Benz S-Class. After all, there are only a few rich bosses, and they only get lucky once or twice.

His pocket is visibly bulging, which is Chen Jingshu's biggest motivation.

Chen Jingshu basically has nothing to worry about now, and his assets are as much as eighteen thousand.

This makes Chen Jingshu very happy.

Zhao Jingjing was not in a hurry to ask for money from herself. Chen Jingshu thought that he would need money later, so he had no choice but to not mention the matter and pay it back with interest later when he made money.

In his spare time, Chen Jingshu searched for information about racing clubs on the Internet and looked up where officially authorized competitions would be held.

Only officially authorized events can better promote your racing license!

Finally, I learned that there will be a "Holy Grail of Cars" track competition in half a month, and the winner will receive a bonus of 200,000 yuan.

This makes Chen Jingshu excited!

Winning the championship should be enough to apply for a promotion license, and there will also be a bonus of 200,000!

Chen Jingshu decided to participate in this "Holy Grail of Cars" competition.

After browsing the information of each participating team club, Chen Jingshu made a phone call to each team leader.

In the end, it was discovered that no team was willing to take him!

They either have their own driver, or they dislike Chen Jingshu’s short driving experience.

Good guy, the head of the National Automobile Federation, Shao Mingyuan, is looking for him all over the world, but a small 18th-rate team dislikes him.

Everything in this world is really impermanent.

Buddha is sincere and I am not deceived!

In the past few days, Li Bin was urged by Shao Mingyuan countless times, which confused him.

"Who is this Chen Jingshu? Is it worthy for Uncle Shao to be so anxious?"

He had no choice but to issue a missing person notice and spent 300,000 yuan to search for Chen Jingshu. Of course, the money was borne by Shao Mingyuan.

In addition, Li Tian offered a reward of 300,000 yuan for his arrest. Chen Jingshu did not know that his reward had reached 600,000 beli at this time. If he knew this, I wonder what he would think.

Su Qian, Li Tian, ​​and Shao Mingyuan are also looking for Chen Jingshu.

But in a city as big as Shanghai, finding someone whose name you only know is like looking for a needle in a haystack, without any news.


One evening, on a bus.

"Where will you appear? Where will we meet?"

Jiang Leng looked out the car window with joy and said to himself.

Some young people on the bus saw that Jiang Leng Xinyue was so beautiful and she was wearing all famous brands, and they recognized her as a rich girl at a glance.

These days, do the second generation of rich people like to squeeze into buses?

It's really confusing.

Ever since Su Qian and Jiang Leng Xinyue said that Chen Jingshu was very poor, he must not have a car, and he must take the bus when going out.

During the past half month, Jiang Leng Xinyue was like a man possessed and would take the bus whenever he had time.

She was aimless, taking whichever car was more comfortable, no matter where her destination was or where she was passing.

Just like this without any purpose, one stop after another, traveling to and from every corner of this city...

Jiang Leng Xinyue stared blankly out of the car window, with headphones hanging on her ears, listening to music.

Occasionally, some passengers would arrive at the station, and Jiang Leng Xinyue would look over to see if it was that person.

What's wrong with you? Is it true that she is possessed by an evil spirit like Qianqian said?

Jiang Leng Xinyue didn't know the answer, she just watched the passengers going up and down over and over again, tirelessly...

"It hurts to love, it hurts to cry, it makes me tired to cry, and in my contradictory heart I always force myself to persuade myself to let go..."

In the headphones, Chen Huilin's "Notepad" was played over and over again.

The emotion in the song filled the air, and the heartbreaking melody shattered to the ground like fallen leaves...

(Please give me flowers, please collect it, please give me feedback!)

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