F1: The Car Feels Absolutely Great At The Start, I Am The Car God!

312: Go Straight To Yenching University! Ke Qi, The School Boss? !

This house is the house of Jiang Leng Xinyue, Chen Jingshu is equivalent to Ru Bao.

At this moment, the chains have been changed, which means that Jiang Leng Xinyue has betrayed Chen Jingshu. At least there is some dirty secret in the house!

Time passed bit by bit, and now more than thirty minutes have passed.

"He, why hasn't he come yet?!"

Chen Jingshu kept walking in the corridor repeatedly. At this moment, he felt uneasy and anxious!

"Fuck! No more waiting!"

Cursing angrily, Chen Jingshu couldn't bear it anymore!

Chen Jingshu walked directly to the fire cabinet, took out a sledgehammer, and walked to the door aggressively!

"Come on!"

Chen Jingshu picked up the big hammer and rushed towards the door handle!


With a violent impact, the large hammer hit the door handle. The huge force caused the hammer to rebound directly and hit Chen Jingshu's facade!

Chen Jingshu fell to the ground on the spot, unconscious……

"Ah! Chen Jingshu, wake up quickly!"

Zhang Damiao kept slapping Chen Jingshu's face with his cat paw.

However, no matter how hard it exerted force, Chen Jingshu was still in a coma...

"Good guy!"

"If you line up with the doorknob, you can still be counter-killed 420!"

"My wife cheated on me and couldn't return home. Now she's in a coma. I really want to carve a tragic word on your thigh..."

Zhang Damiao looked at Chen Jingshu and sighed.

Forty minutes later.

The people from the locksmith company finally arrived, and Chen Jingshu woke up in a daze.

But my head still feels dizzy.

"Pick the damn lock for me!"

Chen Jingshu was furious and ordered the locksmith.

When the locksmith heard this, he started working directly!

Three times five divided by two!

The door was opened, and Chen Jingshu rushed in regardless of it!

"Jiangfufu! Get out of here!"

Chen Jingshu shouted inside, but there was no one in the house.

It's just that the living room was extremely messy. After seeing these scenes, Chen Jingshu's expression changed suddenly and he was completely shocked!

I saw clothes, underwear, panties, and even bras scattered everywhere on the floor!

Moreover, there are even men’s clothes!

"What the hell, are you having so much fun?! You're even better at playing than I am!"

At this moment, Chen Jingshu's face was extremely gloomy!

In this scene, even Jiang Leng and Xinyue took that bitch home!

"This is too much!"

"How could sister Xinyue be like this! It's so inappropriate! She's just a bastard!"

Zhang Damiao was also shocked when he saw the scene in the living room, and felt extremely sympathetic to Chen Jingshu.

"I'm going to find her! Ask her in person!"

"By the way, let's see who that dog man is. Mom sells batches. If I catch him, I will crush him to death!"

Chen Jingshu's eyes burned with blazing fire, and he rushed out the door...

Before the Abu Dhabi Grand Prix.

Jiang Leng Xinyue informed Chen Jingshu that she was going to Yenching University to continue her studies.

Chen Jingshu agreed without even thinking at the time!

But she never expected that it was a lie that she went to Yenching University to take the Ph.D. examination, but that she was looking for a concubine!

For fear of alerting the enemy, Chen Jingshu did not call Jiang Leng Xinyue or ask Jiang Lengcheng.

Chen Jingshu got on the plane to the imperial capital. At this moment, his heart was as sharp as a knife, and he felt very uncomfortable!

Two hours later.

As soon as Chen Jingshu got off the plane, he went straight to Yenching University!

After arriving at the gate of the Yenching University campus, it was already 6:10 in the afternoon, and the school was full of students rushing to the cafeteria.

Chen Jingshu sneaked into the school pretending to be a student, and then asked the passing students about Jiang Leng Xinyue's class!

For a beauty like Jiang Leng Xinyue, who is also a super rich second generation, it sounds easy to find someone.

Chen Jingshu only asked two students and found out about Jiang Leng Xinyue's class!

(bgdd) "Hmph! You're going to deal with you now!"

With that said, Chen Jingshu ran straight towards Classroom 2203 of the Physics Department...

at the same time.

Jiang Leng Xinyue was eating in the cafeteria with her head down, and there was a very handsome boy sitting next to her.

This boy is none other than Jiang Leng Xinyue’s rumored boyfriend Ke Qi!

One of the school grass of Yanjing University!

He is 1.86 meters tall, president of the Yenching University Go club, core member of the basketball club, and main player of the school team!

At this moment, Jiang Leng Xinyue and Ke Qi were sitting and eating together. Ke Qi kept bringing food to Jiang Leng Xinyue, and they were like lovers.

Students kept passing by the two of them, and they all looked sideways.

Without exception, all the students in the cafeteria focused their attention on these two people and started talking about them.

"The two of them are really talented and beautiful, a match made in heaven! I am so envious of this kind of love!"

"I envy your size. That woman's name is Jiang Leng Xinyue, and she is the fiancée of F1 world champion Chen Jingshu! Let me see, this Ke Qi simply doesn't know how to live or die!"

"Poaching other people's corners, this Ke Qi is really cheap!"

"Hmph! I'm a handsome man, a talented woman, and it's your turn to be opposed by monsters like you?!"

"Shut up, you're right about the beauty, you're a talented man?! Just like him? Just save it! Compared with Chen Jingshu, he's not on the same level at all!"

"What are you talking about! Ke Qi is my male idol. If you do this again, I won't be polite!"

"?!? You're welcome? Come on! Who's afraid of whom? If you can, let's take off our pants and have a real sword fight! If you don't dare, just shut your mouth!"

These students are basically divided into two groups. One group is mainly male and supports Chen Jingshu!

The other faction is the group of girls who support the school's idol Ke Ji!

At this moment, the two factions are facing each other tit for tat and are in a stalemate...

"Come on! Eat more vegetables! It's good for your skin!"

Saying that, Ke Qi smiled faintly and put some vegetables into Jiang Leng Xinyue's bowl.

"Didn't I tell you to stop clamping? I'm not a disabled person. I'm straight.

"Also, do you think my skin is bad?

Jiang Leng was happy to see him always putting vegetables in his bowl, and felt very unhappy!


"No, I mean there is no best, only better! Who would mind if their skin becomes smoother?"

Ke Qi was a little depressed. Seeing that Jiang Leng Xinyue still had a cold attitude, he couldn't help but feel disappointed on his face.

But the more Jiang Leng Xinyue behaves like this, the more interested he becomes in this woman!

"I mind!"

"Also, it's just a joke between you and me. Don't take it seriously!"

After saying that, Jiang Leng Xinyue rolled her eyes at him and continued to eat...

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