F1: The Car Feels Absolutely Great At The Start, I Am The Car God!

031: Sponsored By Jiang Leng Xinyue (Please Give Me Flowers, Please Collect, And Please Give Me Eval

Racing is a game for the brave.

At this time, it was certainly difficult for Chen Jingshu to understand the true meaning of this sentence.

However, on the surface, F1 does appear to be one of the most dangerous sports in the world.

"Game of the Brave..."

Chen Jingshu murmured to himself, thoughtfully.


Shao Mingyuan originally wanted to directly sponsor Chen Jingshu and establish a racing team himself, but he was blocked by Jiang Leng Xinyue.

She expressed that she wanted to use the sponsorship fee to help Chen Jingshu and did not want Shao Mingyuan to interfere.

Shao Mingyuan couldn't resist her, so he had to agree.

Jiang Leng Xinyue also had a phone call with Su Qian early the next morning.

"Hey, hey, did you take down Chen Jingshu on the spot yesterday?" Su Qian asked maliciously on the other end of the phone.

"Took it!"

"Uh... Bah, don't talk nonsense, I've been led astray by you." Jiang Leng Xinyue said angrily.

"Hehehe, you're still embarrassed."

"Don't talk nonsense, Qianqian, let me discuss something with you."

Seeing that Jiang Leng Xinyue was so serious and wanted to discuss it with her, Su Qian couldn't help but ask, "What's the matter?"

Jiang Leng Xinyue told Su Qian about his idea of ​​forming a team for Chen Jingshu.

Su Qian was greatly surprised when she heard this.

"What?! Are you crazy?"

"I thought you were just playing with him, why are you getting serious?" Su Qian said with a bit of displeasure in her tone.

"Is your little head overheated? Didn't you ask him to help you with your physiological needs? Why are you still planning to support him?"

"What are you talking about?! I want to help him." Jiang Leng Xinyue said seriously.

"Oh my god, what's so good about that Chen Jingshu that he deserves this from you?" Su Qian was speechless.

"If you have any objections, I won't listen. Just tell me whether you want to help me or not."

"Hey, you are my sister Xinyue, I will definitely help you." Su Qian was a little helpless.

Hearing what Su Qian said, Jiang Leng was filled with joy and communicated with her about specific matters.

Jiang Leng Xinyue is actually no stranger to racing teams. Jiang Lengcheng is the chairman of Shanghai Automotive Group. When she was very young, Jiang Lengcheng formed a racing team.

She often followed Jiang Lengcheng to the motorcade and had some understanding of some things.

But later Jiang Lengcheng was busy with his career and disbanded the team.

After Jiang Leng Xinyue finished talking to Su Qian, she called Jiang Lengcheng again.

The father was shocked when he saw that his daughter actually wanted to form a professional racing team.

In his impression, Jiang Leng Xinyue had never been exposed to the sport of racing since he was in school, so how could he suddenly have the idea of ​​forming a team?

Of course, he himself loves the sport of racing very much, and he also fully supports his daughter’s idea.

Jiang Leng Xinyue's idea was supported by her father, and she was very happy.

As long as his father is willing to help him, setting up a team could not be easier.

After just five days, Jiang Leng Xinyue formed a professional racing team with the help of his father.

Including the three racing cars, the workstation headquarters, and the transport vehicle have all been completed, and the recruitment of personnel has also been carried out with the help of Su Qian.

Now everything is ready, all that is left is the driver.

And this team was named by Jiang Leng Xinyue: "Shuyue Team."

Later, Su Qian ruthlessly complained about this name for a whole week, but Jiang Leng Xinyue was unwilling to change it.

Jiang Leng Xinyue wants to use this team to get closer to Chen Jingshu...


Three days after the team was established, Jiang Leng Xinyue called Chen Jingshu and invited him out for dinner. Chen Jingshu readily agreed.

On the Bund of Shanghai, in a towering building, at the Italian restaurant of the Bulgari Hotel, Chen Jingshu arrived for his appointment on time.


Jiang Leng Xinyue had been waiting here for a long time, and at a glance she saw Chen Jingshu looking around in the restaurant.

Today's Jiang Leng Xinyue has obviously been carefully dressed up. The European and American style luxury fashion is slightly sexy, the exquisite jewelry shows the atmosphere of an authentic socialite, and the light makeup makes people look pleasing to the eye.

Jiang Leng's happy temperament also attracted the attention of most people present.


Chen Jingshu also saw Jiang Leng Xinyue. When he saw that she was dressed so beautifully today, Chen Jingshu couldn't help feeling embarrassed.

He thought Jiang Leng Xinyue was just talking to him about the team, so he didn't wear formal clothes.

The clothes have all been changed and washed, and I happened to have nothing to wear today. I only wore a black vest, a pair of large pants, and even just a pair of flip-flops on my feet.

Chen Jingshu had no choice but to face the strange looks from everyone and walked over.

"Haha, you can enter such a high-end restaurant even if you are wearing a tank top and big pants. I think the restaurant should give free orders to other guests!"

At this time, a female anchor sitting next to her complained to the audience on the mobile phone live broadcast. She was wearing a lace halter top and looked very sexy.

The female anchor looked at Chen Jingshu with extreme disgust on her face.

"You are checking in at a high-end restaurant, and they are just going downstairs to have a casual meal."

"I was wondering, aren't you also wearing a lace vest? What? A lace vest still has privileges? A Celestial Dragon?!"

Seeing the female anchor’s complaints, everyone on the barrage cooperated very well.

"Aren't you my fans? Why are you still speaking for outsiders? It really pisses me off!" the female anchor complained angrily.

"Hahaha! I'm so anxious."

"The voice of the anchor...I'm going to show my respect first."

"Go, go, go! I'm going."

"No more rushing, no more rushing. If you continue to rush, you will collapse..."


Not noticing the sarcasm from the female anchor on the side, Chen Jingshu walked straight to the opposite side of Jiang Leng Xinyue.

This was the second time the two met, so they no longer seemed awkward and had a pleasant conversation.

Jiang Leng Xinyue talked about Shuyue Racing Team, including the team’s personnel and structural issues.

Chen Jingshu is of course very happy. After all, if he wants to continue on the road of racing, he will definitely not be able to do it without sponsorship.

It's just that he is a little concerned about the name of the team, and it always feels a bit awkward.

"Um...could this team name be misleading?"

No matter how retarded Chen Jingshu is, he can still tell that the name of the team is a combination of Jiang Leng Xinyue and Chen Jingshu's names.

Uninformed people will definitely misunderstand this team name when they see it.

"Well, I don't mind, I just want to name it this way..."

Jiang Leng Xinyue was a little shy, her face turned red, and her voice became smaller and smaller.

Chen Jingshu saw the strange look on Jiang Leng Xinyue's face and was shocked.

Could it be that she likes herself?

But this thought only stayed for a moment before Chen Jingshu completely erased it.

A woman like Jiang Leng Xinyue is the ceiling of the upper class society at first glance, and she is bound to be pursued by men.

There are countless men who are better than me, and it is impossible for them to fall in love with a poor guy like me.

Let her do whatever she wants. She is a sponsor. The name she chooses depends on her preferences. Girls don't mind. What do I, a grown man, have to be afraid of?

Thinking like this, Chen Jingshu immediately felt relieved.

"In three days, you will be invited to attend the ribbon-cutting ceremony of the Shuyue Racing Team. Remember to wear formal attire!"

These were the last words Jiang Leng Xinyue said to Chen Jingshu before leaving.

Chen Jingshu was stunned when he heard this.

Formal wear?

I don't have any formal clothes.

I dress everything in formal attire, okay?

Oops, it doesn’t matter if you are dressed up or not, as long as you are handsome.

Just follow the five senses when it comes to your three views.

Chen Jingshu didn't care at all about her words...

(Please give me flowers, please collect it, please give me feedback!)

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