F1: The Car Feels Absolutely Great At The Start, I Am The Car God!

038: People Are Afraid Of Being Famous, And Pigs Are Afraid Of Being Strong (Please Give Me Flowers,

Does Hamilton want to continue this unfinished showdown with himself in the F1 arena?

as you wish!

Sooner or later, I will wash away this shame!

Chen Jingshu's eyes were filled with blazing fire! Full of fighting spirit!

Previously, Hamilton could only be seen on the network broadcast.

He was very cold and arrogant in the broadcast, which made Chen Jingshu think that he was an extremely rational and cold-blooded driver.

Therefore, Chen Jingshu has never liked Hamilton, even though he is really fast.

It’s almost as if Ferrari won’t win a championship for ten years!

But precisely because he is fast!

So Chen Jingshu wants to defeat him!

Damn it, I am a fan of Ferrari at such a young age, and I have to prepare quick-acting heart-saving pills for almost every game.

It's better to forget about the pink Mercedes. Wouldn't it be nice to see Hamilton win championships every day? !

Chen Jingshu thought of the unsatisfactory Ferrari, and felt the throbbing in his heart just now, and decided to become a fan of Mercedes in the future.

Then I thought about it for a while.

Forget it, let’s just be a fan of Ferrari. I’m sorry, I don’t have many fans anymore.


In the end, neither side of the five-lap race crossed the finish line, and the organizer announced a draw as the post-race result.

This time, it instantly detonated all major media.

The media always likes to exaggerate and hype. Within half a day, Chen Jingshu's news was published on the front pages of major news media and self-media.

"Shocking the country! The 19-year-old genius driver is on par with the seven-time F1 world champion Hamilton!"

"The 19-year-old talented driver Chen Jingshu is hailed as the new generation leader of country z racing!"

"Chen Jingshu is only 19 years old! The most talented driver in country Z who has the greatest hope of entering F1!"

There were so many headlines, and it became a hot search topic in just two days!

Of course Chen Jingshu knows that he is far behind Hamilton now, but the media likes to be deviant and will come up with whatever is outrageous.

"Huh? This young man's name is Chen Jingshu? Is he the young man who drives the high-speed rail?"

The webmaster of Hongqiao Station browsed the relevant information on the computer screen, and then called the station staff to inquire.

After confirming that the young man driving the high-speed rail was named Chen Jingshu, the webmaster excitedly typed on the keyboard and edited the article...

"It is now confirmed! Chen Jingshu is the lone hero who saved more than 2,000 lives!"

This information once again pushed Chen Jingshu to the forefront!

It has been trending on Weibo for dozens of days, and I can’t even think about it!

"Holy crap, it turns out he is the brave train man?! No wonder he dares to challenge Hamilton."

"Nice, the racing world in country Z is really about to usher in spring."

"As expected of a man who dares to challenge the high-speed rail!"

"I watched that game. Chen Jingshu did lose, but it was really an honor to lose!"

The Internet has been detonated again, and it is not even limited to Weibo headlines, until it has spread to various media carriers such as short videos and novel websites.

This made Chen Jingshu's name resound throughout the entire Magic City!

Of course, this is inseparable from the pursuit of many netizens and the navy behind it.

For example, Su Ming is one of them!

He was already at the team's workstation, lying in front of the computer for a whole day.

"Chen Jingshu! He is from Hubei. His father is a top coach driver. He has been instilled in him the idea of ​​becoming a professional Formula 1 driver since he was a child. He has experienced unimaginable harsh training since he was a child!"

"When I was a child, I wore diapers and rode a rocking car through the city. I have been domineering since I was a child!"

"When I was in junior high school, I stood up to the traffic police and was chased for more than 400 kilometers!"

"In high school, Chen Jingshu couldn't stand it because he disliked his uncle for driving too slowly and beat him up!"

"Adhering to the concept that a driver does not need a woman, he only needs a car and hands. Any girl who comes close to him will be punched and kicked by him! He is known as the female insulator! He has never been in love so far!"


Su Ming is like a ruthless coding machine at the moment, publishing article after article on the Internet...

The next day, the meeting within the team was summarized.

"Good guy! Who wrote the title of this article? It's so outrageous!"

"Isn't this smearing my image? Who dares to get close to me from now on!"

"Why was my sister's contact information even found out? Oh my god."

"Let me catch who wrote it! I'll put his head in the toilet!"

Chen Jingshu kept browsing Weibo and looking at the titles of media articles online. He felt extremely depressed and had a wry smile on his face.

"Um...well...I seem to be feeling a little uncomfortable. I'm going to go first..."

When Su Ming heard this, he shrugged his shoulders and then quietly slipped away...

"Isn't it great? This fits your image so well!"

"Beat uncle! Female insulator! I feel this article is very well written!"

Su Qian laughed from ear to ear and echoed.

"Don't smile so exaggeratedly, or you may not be able to close your mouth for a while." Chen Jingshu responded viciously.

"It's okay, this is just nonsense written by the media to increase publicity."

Jiang Leng Xinyue comforted Chen Jingshu. In fact, she had already guessed who was behind these articles, but she couldn't tell.

"Sigh... people are really afraid of being famous and pigs are afraid of being strong!"

Chen Jingshu sighed, not realizing there was anything wrong with this sentence.

"Yes, yes! You are a pig, and a perverted pig! Hahahaha!"

Su Qian laughed heartily, without caring about Chen Jingshu's feelings, and fanned the flames crazily.

"Hmph! I don't care about women like you, so just laugh slowly. Once the two big buns on your chest are split with laughter, it will be fun."

Seeing Su Qian laughing so hard that her stomach ached and her face twitched, Chen Jingshu was really worried about her.

"Hahahaha!" Hearing this, Su Qian laughed harder and her movements became more exaggerated.

"Ouch...haha...my stomach...hurts so much!...I'm going to...can't survive!..."

Jiang Leng Xinyue: "..."

Chen Jingshu: "..."

After leaving the team workstation, Chen Jingshu completely deleted the Weibo app and decided not to read these messy messages again.

What bad luck!

Chen Jingshu cursed secretly.

At this moment, the phone suddenly rang.

Chen Jingshu took out his cell phone and saw that it was a call from Shao Mingyuan. He must have returned from a business trip in Europe.

Chen Jingshu: "Hello? Brother Yuan."

Shao Mingyuan: "Ashu, are you free at seven o'clock in the evening?"

Chen Jingshu: "Yes."

Shao Mingyuan: "Then you come to my house. I want to talk to you about something important."

Chen Jingshu: "Okay! I will be there on time!"

Shao Mingyuan: "Yeah! Remember to bring Jiang Leng Xinyue here too."

Chen Jingshu: "Yeah!"

After hanging up the phone, Chen Jingshu dialed Jiang Leng Xinyue's number again.

Jiang Leng Xinyue seemed extremely happy about Chen Jingshu's invitation, and even turned down the evening date with Su Qian.

More interested in sex than friends?

When you have a man, do you forget your bestie?

Su Qian felt extremely depressed...

At six o'clock in the afternoon, Chen Jingshu got into Jiang Leng Xinyue's Lamborghini.

Sure enough, a rich man drives a car that only the nouveau riche would buy.

"What do you think of this car?" Jiang Leng Xinyue asked while driving.

"Not very good." Chen Jingshu didn't hide his thoughts at all.

"Oh alright."

Jiang Leng Xinyue originally liked the appearance of this car, but was a little disappointed when she heard that Chen Jingshu had a low opinion of this Lamborghini.

(Please give me flowers, please collect it, please give me feedback!)

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