F1: The Car Feels Absolutely Great At The Start, I Am The Car God!

045: I’M Here To Trick You For The Second Time! (Please Give Me Flowers, Please Collect, And Please

Lin Zhi was a little giving up on himself at this time, had lost his fighting spirit, and even had problems with his thinking.

"Don't be discouraged! You can do it!"

Upon seeing this, the team leader hurriedly encouraged him! After all, the driver’s fighting spirit is very important!


"Of course...you are our most trusted person!..."

In the next few laps, Lin Zhi drove the car on the track in a daze.

And the leader's voice kept coming over his radio.

"Do not be discouraged!..."

"The sun will rise tomorrow as usual!..."

"Failure makes success more meaningful!..."


After Chen Jingshu surpassed Lin Zhi with his superb cornering skills, no driver could stop him.

These riders were given a radio warning by the team leader! Give way one after another!

Even if you ignore the blue flag warning, there is no point in continuing to block, and you will be arbitrated by the competition committee.

Even if they feel extremely unhappy, these riders can only endure the indignity of being lapped!

During this period, several riders who thought they had good skills tried to stop Chen Jingshu, but all ended in disastrous results.

Hitting the wall, hitting the wall, spinning...

Not a good ending!

Lap 14!

Except for Noda Tachibana, Chen Jingshu has already ensnared everyone!

"You little sister, you really follow your brother so closely!"

Chen Jingshu looked at the No. 12 car driven by Noda Tachibana in the rearview mirror and couldn't help but said.

I have to say that Chen Jingshu still admires this girl.

At just 16 years old, he is already so fast. He has a promising future!

In the cockpit of the No. 12 car.

Noda Tachibana was sweating profusely now, his face was haggard, and it seemed extremely difficult to control the car.

She could hardly keep up with Chen Jingshu's rhythm.

Followed for a full 14 laps! These 14 laps are her fastest so far!

But even so, she still didn't have any chance to overtake.

"He... is so fast... I can't keep up..."

The girl seemed to be about to lose consciousness, her voice was extremely weak.

"Don't fall into his rhythm, give up being first, and just run out of your own rhythm!"

The leader of the Night King's motorcade, who was also her father, comforted her.

"But...I still want to...win the championship!"

The girl's voice was extremely firm and heart-wrenching.

The radio communication message was transmitted to the studio, and Zou Haoran read it out, which aroused pity from the audience.

"Chen Jingshu is really too much, he doesn't know how to show mercy at all!"

"Holy crap! Haven't you heard of it? Chen Jingshu! Female insulator! Any girl who comes close to him will be beaten up by him!"

"Straight men with terminal cancer, Chen Jingshu!"

"One day my physics teacher told me that there is no straightest object in the world. I laughed on the spot and immediately slapped him! Isn't the straightest object Chen Jingshu?!"

"Chen Jingshu! I order you now! Make way for her!"


Noda Tachibana's stubbornness and dedication to the championship made countless spectators present feel extremely distressed.

Chen Jingshu learned about this through Jiang Leng Xinyue's mouth, and he couldn't bear it, so he decided not to tease her anymore.

Level 3 absolute car feel! Full power on!

In an instant, Chen Jingshu's eyes became extremely cold and his face became ferocious.

Full throttle sprint!

146km/h! 178km/h! 236km/h! 284km/h! ...

As the speedometer increases crazily, the engine roars! It exploded like a volcano...

14,000 rpm!

Cut inside!

Fourth gear! Speed ​​147km/h! Entering corners at high speed!

Slide out of the corner, full throttle!

Chen Jingshu once again cut out of the corner with a weird arc and went straight to the straight!

In an instant, the distance between him and Noda Tachibana widened!

U-shaped bend! Slide sideways and cut the apex!

L-shaped bend! Take the big line to spell out the timing of the bend!


After a few corners, Chen Jingshu lost sight of Noda Tachibana Racing in his rearview mirror.

Such speed! Breathtaking!

"is that a lie!"

Seeing that Chen Jingshu still had some energy left in front of her, she couldn't help but feel horrified.

"Who is this brother? Why doesn't he go to F1 so fast?!"

Noda Tachibana was desperate at this moment. She knew that she would never catch up with Chen Jingshu, so she gave up the pursuit.

What puzzled her was:

Chen Jingshu can run so fast, why didn't he use his full strength from the beginning?

Are you trying to tease yourself? !

Noda Tachibana is unknown.


In fact, this is also one of Chen Jingshu’s strategies.

Chen Jingshu has already killed the competitive Song Rui, and he wants to see where Noda Tachibana's limit is!

The final conclusion is that Noda Tachibana is still a threat!

According to Shao Mingyuan, he only has four chances to compete!

Now it is impossible for Song Rui to compete with him for the championship, but Noda Tachibana has the fastest speed besides himself!

If Chen Jingshu is allowed to finish second in these four events, when she cannot participate in the last two events, she will definitely be able to win the two events with her strength!

In this way, the total points will exceed the points of his four championships!

This is unacceptable to Chen Jingshu!

Chen Jingshu wanted to give her a little hope of competing for the championship and force her to run at her own pace.

If she keeps running at her own pace, within five laps, she won't be able to hold on anymore and her operation will inevitably be deformed!

At that time, I will learn another trick of Hamilton's "Shameless Squeezing of the Outside".

Hey hey hey.

When the time comes, if this woman doesn't hit the guardrail, Chen Jingshu's name is willing to be written upside down!

However, Chen Jingshu couldn't bear the current situation, so he no longer gave her any hope of winning the championship, and just speeded around the track at full power.

Otherwise, she will definitely fight with him to the end!

If you have hope, you will work hard...

"Chen Jingshu, he must be the devil!"

In the P room of Shuyue Racing Team.

Shao Mingyuan looked at the broadcast on TV in horror, a shudder rising in his heart.

He has been a team leader for more than 20 years, so of course he understands the little things Chen Jingshu has in mind!

Wear down your opponent's will and tires, causing them to have a car accident, and prevent points from being exceeded...

This kind of dirty method is not uncommon in the F1 arena.

"Quick...Su Ming."

"Huh? What's wrong?" Su Ming took off his headphones and looked at Shao Mingyuan with a puzzled look on his face.

"Go buy a book and come back and let Chen Jingshu finish reading it!"

"Buy a book? What book?!"

"Buy a copy of Confucian classics! This guy's morals are corrupt! His mentality is too dark. Let him accept the moral baptism of Saint Confucius!"

Shao Mingyuan said tremblingly...


On the 17th lap of the race, Chen Jingshu was the best, setting the fastest lap time ever!






There are only 4 laps left before the end of the race!

"Well! You can definitely do it! We all trust you!"

"Yeah! I can definitely do it!"

After eight rounds of ideological education and encouragement from the team members, Lin Zhi’s fighting spirit was rekindled in his heart!

"I will definitely finish the whole race! The end point for a driver is not the track, but the black and white checkered flag at the end!"

"Come on! Rush the duck!"

Lin Zhi regained his confidence and sprinted at full throttle!

"Huh? Aren't I the last one? Why are there people behind me?"

Lin Zhi looked at the rearview mirror with confusion. After seeing the oncoming car clearly, the confidence he had just regained collapsed instantly.

"No...I really...still can't..."

"I'm really... not suitable for racing..."

In Lin Zhi's rearview mirror, Chen Jingshu's No. 6 car was rushing towards him...

"I'm going to trap you for the second time. Are you ready?..."


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